Monday,Im home for a quick minute!!!!!

on 6/29/14 2:02 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hi there,

Carl and I gotbhime about two hours ago! It was a very long drive today! 14 hours and some!

Yesterday I had a little misshap with road debree on the Chicago Skyway!!!! Me vs road turd metal! I ended up buying a new tire!!!!! A scrap of flying meyal from a stupid truck sliced my tire! 130.00 later! My poor Little Red Honda Fit had been thru the wringet!!!!!!

We r ok!!!!!!

I am leaving again Thursday again for Chicago! My girlfriend and her ywo kids are going too. 

Vinnie needs her Grammy!!!!!

Connie im thinking of coming

to mn still!!!!! 

image hosting site

on 6/30/14 3:05 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi Carla and all my OFF sistas!

Carla, sorry about the tire mishap.  Glad it didn't cause y'all to have a wreck!  You do SO much driving--I don't know how you do it.  I can't stand to be in the car more than 5 or 6 hours at a time.  The pics of Vinnie were just adorable.  Such a happy little grin she has!  Darling baby.

I am working hard today, trying to do something with the back yard and back porch.  But the heat is getting pretty intense now.  Not sure how much more I'll be able to do right now.  I'll stick it out a while longer, but then I'll have to quit until this evening.

Butch is still laid up in bed.  But we both have appointment with a new chiro tomorrow morning.  My poor stubborn husband just refuses to go to the ER.  So we will go to the chiro tomorrow and then on Weds., he's scheduled for a full physical workup with the new doctor.  I sure hope we get some answers soon and that he gets some relief right away.  We are supposed to take Chris and the boys camping this weekend, but it's looking doubtful at this point.  (Don't know what will happen if we can't go camping this weekend.  Carrie and company are supposed to descend upon us on Friday and we're supposed to be GONE!  Oy vey!)

I also really hope the chiro can help my shoulder!  I read all about the chiro and bursitis on her website and it sounds like she can help.  IF I really have bursitis.  I still don't know how the doctor knows that's what I have when he's never done any tests for it.  Anyway, I'm getting a little desperate.  Yesterday I was taking 3 Tylenol at a time every 4 hours.  The constant ache actually makes me feel a little bit nauseous, you know?  I know what I have is nothing compared to what some of you go through with your fibro.  Don't mean to whine, I just want some answers and a treatment that works!  Tall order, huh?

I got to do some of my cross-stitching yesterday.  I got the insets for the coasters all stitched yesterday.  Not much to do with those.  Just the initials JAMMF inside each one.  I blended two colors of thread, a green and a brown, and they look all woodsy and masculine, just like Jamie, i.e., James Alexander Malcolm McKensie Fraser.  But today my bookmarks for the party are supposed to arrive.  Those will require quite a bit more stitching, and I have to design the pattern first too.  I downloaded a new free software for designing your own cross stitch patterns and it works great!  I'm itching to get started on them.  I want to do a Celtic design with the Fraser clan motto: Je suis prest.  (That means "I am ready".)  

Oh, and I splurged and ordered a new tee to wear for the Outlander premiere.  It's a navy v-neck and has JAMMF stamped across the front.  I know, I know, y'all must think I am a bit obsessed with this Outlander thing.  But I've been reading these books for 20 years now.  I am SO excited to see the characters come to life on this new Starz series.  (Besides, Jamie is my book boyfriend!  Tee hee!  Kinda like Judy and Maryann and Connie with their cowboys.  A girl's gotta have a fantasy life, doesn't she?)

Well, my break's over.  Time to get back to work.  Then I'll come in a rest until it cools off enough to work outside again this evening.  Love you all!






Eileen Briesch
on 6/30/14 4:05 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Boy, Carla, as often as you are in Chicago, maybe you should move back there (I know you won't ... I wouldn't, can't stand the traffic or the sprawl ... definitely not a big-city girl anymore).

I haven't been online much lately ... well, been online and reading, but just not posting. Been a little depressed. My surgiversary was yesterday and I should be celebrating, but I have regained so much, I'm disgusted with myself. I feel miserable. My body hurts so much I don't feel like doing anything. I'm unhappy at work. I don't have a lot of friends here. I know, I'm having a bit of a pity party here. I thought this place would be good for me, and for a while it was. But since the cutbacks, it's been worse. And with the one asshole coworker, it has been holy hell. Last night he was bearable to the very end, when he brought up the subject of my hours again, with a little laugh. I'm getting sick of his harassment. I am not up to getting a new job and moving again. There are days I don't want to get out of the house at all. If I didn't have Juliette, I wouldn't want to get out of bed. I put on a brave face, but I am not happy. 

So I have to do something or it's going to get worse. And I don't want that. 

Thanks for listening. I don't really have anyone to vent to ... lately the one person who used to listen to me hasn't been available for me, so I just sit here alone. 

Anyway, got to get in the shower, have lunch and get ready for work. It's my Friday at least.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Cindy P.
on 6/30/14 4:46 am

Eileen:  I can relate to what you've posted.  I am so sorry that you are feeling depressed but I think it's normal to feel that way given the cir****tances.  If I had the money, I would support you so you could file for disability. 

I'm glad today is your Friday.  You need a break to decompress.


Cindy P.

on 6/30/14 7:26 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi Eileen,

I'm sorry the dreaded blue funk has you in its grasp right now.  It's a damn hard bugger to beat back, sometimes.  BUT--and I say this from experience--the best antidote I know for depression is to LEARN something.  Engage your mind in a new topic, a new interest, a new hobby--whatever.  But do it!  It will help to pull you out of your funk.  

As for the a-hole at work--IGNORE THE IDIOT!  He can only get under your skin if you let him.  As long as you do your job (and we all know you do your job and then some), and as long as your boss is pleased with your performance, who gives a flying FIG what anyone else there thinks.  IGNORE HIM!

I think you need to get out of the house more.  You love to read.  Can you join a book club?  That would give you both a social outing and stimulate your mind at the same time.  Or surely there is a cat lover's group there?  You spend too much time alone, hon.  You have much to offer others, but you have to make an effort to connect with them.  

Now don't be reluctant to post here, either.  We all love you.  We care.  Vent and post as you need to here.  



Connie D.
on 6/30/14 5:50 am, edited 6/30/14 5:51 am

Good afternoon Carla and everyone..... sorry about your never fails...when you least expect it something happens!! That will be nice that your girlfriend and kids will be going with to Chicago. YES...Vinnie does need you!!! Carla are so sweet but I would rather not get together this summer. Not that I don't want to see you. I am in so much pain you have no idea!! It is hard to have anyone around. I went with my friend, Pam to the grocery store yesterday evening. I used an electric cart. We were only there about 15 minutes. I could hardly walk to the car. I am very odd when it comes to pain and illness. I like to be totally alone. When I am in the hospital no one is allowed there. Hopefully by next summer I will be doing better. Please don't take offense to this. I am just that miserable. Even when the grands were here I was laying on the couch with ice, TENS Unit, I even had to take some naps. Please don't be upset with me. You know I love you to pieces!!!   

Vickie....I am glad you got yourself a t-shirt!! I am sure it is very cute!! When you finish everything will you take a pic and post it. I too am looking so forward to the shows. I know exactly what you mean about JAMIE!!!!! I will be watching it and smiling the whole time!!!  I am super happy that Butch sees his doctor this wee****ep saying prayers. I hope you can camp with Chris and the boys this weekend. With Carrie and her guests coming I am sure you don't want to be there. 

Eileen....I always have you in my prayers. I am so sorry your depression is so bad right now. I swear that job is going to kill you! I a glad you have Juliette for company. I wish there was something I could do to brighten your day! Keep hanging in there sweetie!! You can text or call me anytime!! 

Cindy....hope all is well with you. I know you have had some hard times too dealing with all involved with your MIL's passing. We are always here for you!

As for me...more resting and reading. I went out for a little while and worked on the puzzle. It is getting harder to sit there. I just come and go as I can. I love the ladies here...they are just so nice. I am going to nap now as I just took something for my pain. I will check back in later.   

Wishing you all a beautiful day!! 

Prayers for our amazing OFF family. 

Love and lots of hugs to all....connie d 


on 6/30/14 7:29 am - Cibolo, TX

Oh, Connie!  Now I feel silly for complaining about my shoulder.  You (and others here) all face your pains and/or illnesses with such bravery.  You are an inspiration to me.  When I have pain, I turn into a crabby biatch!  You just seem to get sweeter.  I will try harder to be nice to my family when my shoulder hurts by remembering your example.  "What would Connie do?"  LOL!  


Connie D.
on 6/30/14 7:51 am

Vickie....I am sure your pain is horrible too. I had surgery on one shoulder and I keep putting off getting the other one done. I keep getting shots but it doesn't last all that long. I am just so not ready for another surgery!! Mine were both torn rotator cuffs.

Go get yours checked out.... it only gets worse!

Thank you for all the kind words. You are such an amazing friend!! 

Love you.....HUGS....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 6/30/14 8:17 am - Evansville, IN

Torn rotator cuffs are supposed to be the worst. I complain about my back and knees but the shoulders are supposed to be even worse. I can't imagine anything worse. I got some new liquid rub on from the rheumatologist I saw ... tried it on my knees last night. Seemed to help a bit. I will try again. It's called Pennsaid. It is an NSAID but a rubon so I hope it won't affect the pouch. He seemed to think I didn't have to worry about it much at this point because of time and the fact I'm taking two Prilosecs a day. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 6/30/14 11:30 am

Eileen....yes that shoulder is painful...very! However, I think the pain I am having in my ribs is worst. The ribs pinching those nerves is unbelievable....I feel like crying most of the time!!

Love you.....HUGS....connie d

I hope the new med works well for need a break from the pain too!!

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