Monday,Im home for a quick minute!!!!!
Good Evening Carla and Family,
I am finally able to get on here, and post. Busy day for sure.
Carla, I'm so sorry your tire was ruined. That happened to me a few weeks ago, and it cost me two tires. Ouch!
Eileen, I suggest you tell your busy body coworker that your hours are none of his damn business. It's between you and your bosses. PERIOD. Some people don't respect boundaries, and they need to be told exactly what our boundaries are. I have had to do that with my Mom, repeatedly. I probably wouldn't have to repeatedly do it if she weren't so mentally ill. Her big problem is she thinks she's entitled to be bossy, and *****y toward me.
I have been on the go all day. I was at the zoo this morning, and afternoon. Then, I had some errands to run, including groceries. I have to pack some lunches for tomorrow. I'm taking all three Munchkins to the zoo tomorrow. There will be docents doing Reading with the Animals. They'll read a book to the kids, have an animal, or two, to see up close, and a craft for them. There is a playground right outside the zoo. So, we'll go play after seeing the animals. It's in a very shady part of the park.
I better scoot. I'm exhausted, and must get my kitchen cleaned.
Albert Schweitzer