Happy Saturday to my sistas!

on 6/28/14 12:49 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

Another busy Saturday around the Poe house.  Especially since we are babysitting the boys most of the day.  Picking them up at 12:30 from Chris at Hobby Lobby and then we'll have them the rest of the day.  She and Mike get off at 8 p.m. tonight, so I'll be cooking supper for everyone, too.  Busy!

This morning, on our way into town, we're stopping off at a lady's house to see a sewing machine cabinet that she put up for sale on Craig's List for $50.  I can't quite tell if my machine will fit in it or not, so I'm taking my machine with me.  Butch is going to try and come with me, too, which is good since I need his opinion on whether or not we can make my machine fit.  I'm sure he'll have to redrill some of the holes, and maybe notch out a section for the cord.  I just need him to look at it with me.

Then we're going to JCPenney so that I can pick up a mattress pad cover for the "new" bed in our 5th guest room.  This is actually Mike's old queen sized bed, but from what I can tell, it seems to be a pretty nice bed, but the mattress is stained and I just like to use mattress pads anyway.  After that, we'll swing by Hobby Lobby and pick up the boys.

THEN, if the boys are cooperating, I need to make a quick stop at the store on the way home.  I'm sure Butch will be hurting pretty badly at that point and he'll need to stay in the car.  Hopefully Budder will fall asleep in the car and Butch can sit with him while Benny and I go in the store.

I wish y'all could see how pretty my front deck is starting to look!  I got really lucky with the weather so far this summer.  Y'all remember how skeptical I was about starting my little flowers so late into the hot summer weather?  But we've still not reached highs above 94 or 95 F, and we've had an unusual amount of cloudy/semi-rainy weather, so I think everything I planted has had a chance to "take holt" and is growing!  Hooray!

Yesterday I got out in the backyard and got all the plastic pulled down from the temporary green house Butch built last fall to winter over our plants.  I can't do much about taking down the frame, at least not yet, but it looks a lot better with the plastic gone.  I won't get to work on the back porch today with the boys here, but tomorrow, I'm tackling it!  (I swear, Butch just keeps everything in such a mess!)

Last night I was finally able to start cross stitching for my Outlander party.  I'm making the little acrylic coasters first.  My pattern I designed is working out just right.  BUT, and really, this is so annoying, the little round cardboard discs for the acrylic coaster are TOO BIG.  Really?  I buy a kit and the damn thing isn't sized right?  Sigh.  I'll have to trim them down about an 1/8th inch all the way around before they will fit.  

On Monday the bookmark kits are supposed to arrive.  I have lots of fun stitching to do in July!

Well, I need to grab a shower and then I have to get the trailer hitched up to the back of the car.  If we DO buy this sewing machine cabinet, we'll have to load it onto the trailer to bring it home.  I wish Butch was in better shape, but I'm hoping that with the dolly, I'll be able to load and unload it by myself.  My sewing room is all ready to go, except I still need to damp mop the floor in there.  But I got my cutting table set up, my sewing supplies all organized, a new ironing board in place and all I need now is the time to make my new curtains.  I'm excited!

Love you all!


Patricia R.
on 6/28/14 1:21 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Vickie and OFF Family,

Vickie, I hope the sewing cabinet/table works out for you.  I have to get started on some sewing.  But, first, I have to finish this pink baby blanket for Colleen's friend.  She asked me for it at the beginning of May.  It's almost done.  

I need to cut the grass out front.  It's warm and humid out, so I'll probably not try the backyard.  Depends on how I feel.  I also have a ton of tidying to do in this disaster of a house.

This afternoon, the Phillies have a double header today, to make up for a rain out game earlier this season.  

Colleen and all her in-laws are camping this weekend.  She borrowed my airbed to take with her.  She had to get all the food for the trip, and plan all the meals.  They rotate that job.  Looks like they have decent weather.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 6/28/14 3:52 am

Good Afternoon Vickie, Trish and everyone....

Vickie....I hope the machine fits in the cabinet!! That would be so great! You should post a pick of your beautiful flowers again when you can. I sure enjoyed them last year! 

I am still praying Butch's appointment goes well and he can get some relief for his back. 

Benny and Budder must just love having you back home again. I am sure they really missed you. They have such a sweet grandma!

I always thought Butch would be very neat and tidy. Guess I pictured that wrong (LOL). 

Your sewing room sounds so nice. I know how much you have wanted a room like that again. You will really enjoy it!! I am so happy for you!

Tri**** sounds like you will have the weekend to yourself. That is nice. We always like some time to do the odds and ends that need to be caught up. 

I am really tired out today. My grandchildren have all left now. I am missing them already. It was wild and crazy here for a few days!! I wouldn't change a thing!!!! My heart just melts when I think of them!

I am washing all the extra bedding and towels now. I have a bunch!!! I like to keep those things caught up.

Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Prayers for our wonderful OFF family.

Love and many hugs to you all....connie d



Judy G.
on 6/28/14 5:24 am - Galion, OH

Hello...guess  better start posting huh? Sighs.....vacation was the vacation from hell!!!!!! Yes it was!!!! I know I posted some of it on FB I believe...got to Mackinaw and the IDIOT manager told me after he swiped my credit card that I could NOT leave my dog in the room. HUH?????? I told him he NEVER told me this on the phone when I made the RSVP!!! He said well you will NOT leave that dog alone in the room! I said where do I leave him when we go out to eat or the pool? He said PUT HIM IN THE CAR!!!!!!!! I said HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then the room...OMG!!!! Found that full of dead knats ...cobwebs...those were full of dead bugs...no ho****er...the list goes on and on...wrote a 4 page letter to AAA and also sent pictures to them. I hope they go undercover to investigate this place!!!!!! NIGHTMARE!!! Then while we were up there my son calls and tells me his daughters classmate was killed in a horrible accident. OMG!!!! The weather was hot and cold...the midgets were thick and irritating!!!!!! Nothing seemed to go right on this trip at all!!! Got back to Saginaw and then it seemed like we were doing ok...went for a ride on my sons motorcycle...that was a blast!!! Went to the graduation Party for my granddaughter...now this was a goodie!!! I held the door open for this guy...didn't know it was my EX!!!! LMAO He said thankyou to me...I thought that voice sounded familiar...kept looking at him...said OMG that was Don!!!!!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! I never let on I didn't know it was him or not....LOL HE finally asked if that was my mom and sister and David said and that's mom with them right there...Don said WOW!!!!!!!!!!! He hasn't seen me since I lost all my weight!!! Last time I was 334 pounds!!!! He never said one word to me nor me to him...keep it that way!!!! JERK!!!! LOL Was good seeing family again and no fight with my son's ex either...really hate that woman!!! She is a ***** from hell!!!!!

Anyhow got home and all is ok just depressed and trying to get back in the swing of things again...lots to get caught up on. Mary my sweet tenant was taken to ER yesterday and put in ICU...please keep her in your prayers. Thankyou!!! My other tenant that had her leg cut off her daughters were here this morning and stopped to let me know she is NOT doing well at all...said she has had a couple good days so far this month and its not looking good at all for her. They thanked me and all of you for all the prayers and asked us to keep them coming if you would! I told them we sure would!! So sad! Sandi is a nice woman also. Just hooked up with a POS guy that has taken her for everything she has and is still doing it yet...only I will not let him in her apartment!!! He has his own here!!!!

The weather here has been ****ty and looks like it will be yet again this weekend. Mother Nature best get it out of her system by the 7th because that is my BBQ for the tenants here!!!

So that's about all I have to say for now...I do have a new tenant that moved in and working on another one for next week. Maybe one more also! Things are looking up I guess for rentals!! Yippee!!!!

Sorry I haven't been myself...been reading posts...need to go back and see what I missed while gone though...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Cindy P.
on 6/28/14 6:44 am

Judy:  I'm so sorry that your vacation wasn't what you had hoped it would be.  That has happened to us more than a few times over the years.  I can feel your disappointment in your post.  Sometimes spur of the moment activities work out better than ones you plan and hope for.  Really, I am sorry. 

I'm sending up good thoughts and prayers for your tenant -- and some for you, too. 


Cindy P.

on 6/28/14 6:19 am - Cibolo, TX

Just a quick note: the sewing machine cabinet did not work.  Darn.


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