Good Friday afternoon sistas!
Hello sweet sistas!
Where is everyone today? Must be busy.
I am certainly busy today. Still trying to make order out of chaos around here. How two rooms can generate so much STUFF and MESS and WORK is beyond me! LOL! But I'm a persistent little devil. I now have my sewing room/office/emergency spare bedroom just about whipped into shape! Whew! And the living room is getting better. Not quite there yet, but better.
So, it's onto the back yard and the back porch--Butch's area and both BIG MESSES--but guess who is going to have to clean it all up? Ha! Poor Butch is still lying around in the recliner with the heat and vibration going and he's still no better. I have all the sympathy in the world for the fact that he is in pain and not feeling well. What I DON'T have any sympathy for is the whining and "oh poor me, I'm so helpless" attitude he's got going right now. It's really getting on my last nerve. Every single time I get going on something, he calls me in SUCH a pitiful voice, needing this or that. Errrggghh! I'm venting a bit here, but he's driving me bats.
I've got to go get the boys again this afternoon, but I hopefully still have a couple of hours to get some stuff done before I have to leave. And I've got them again tomorrow afternoon from noon til closing. Tomorrow's going to be a very long day.
I would love to be working on my Outlander party favors, but so far, no luck in finding the time to relax and do any crafting. Maybe on Sunday.
Hope everyone is doing well. Will check back later. Love you all!
Greetings Vickie, and OFF,
I was out the door first thing this morning. Taught a lesson at the zoo, then ran some errands. Stopped at a yard sale, and found two items, both Gymboree, in Izzy's size, and dropped them off at Colleen's. That girl is just growing like a weed. She's going to be tall, like the rest of the family. Her Dad is the tallest in his family, both my boys are over six foot. Colleen and I are both tall, though I have shrunk.
I just took a break, and now have chores to do.
Albert Schweitzer

Worked all week, but reduced hours. Nevertheless, pooped. Did a big grocery shop this afternoon as out of almost everything perishable, now enjoying glass of wine after winefree week...boy I deserve this reward.
It is superhot out, going to get hotter and more humid over the following week, am enjoying my AC but hope in evenings will be able to enjoy balcony life ( book and cool drink, wine or iced tea! Watching sunsets!) Have a few more days work in July and am done for the summer, all but various doctors' and oncologist apts. in July and August. Love the very part-time work as feel useful instead of sorry for myself and gloomy at home.
Miss having to give the houseguest cat back to its owner, hear cat just sleeps day and night, doesn't play with the toys I sent home with her, and doesn't get the daytime stimulus she got here with me. She used to drop like a stone in bed at night as awake all day with me, doing interesting things. Friends want me to go to Humane Society and get an older cat, but I want my little houseguest back.
Today is Friday, hope all of you have a better day tomorrow, first day of the weekend!
Good evening Vickie and everyone.....
Vickie....why are you having the boys so much? They had daycare for them when you were in Belize. What is different now?? Once in awhile is good but you haven't had a break since you came back from your trip. You do have your own things to do. Now with Butch being no help, your time is valuable. I hope they get back to their routine soon. You have so much planning and organizing to do. I don't want you sick and rundown again. As for Butch....pack him a little cooler and set it next to him. He can eat snacks and have cold drinks as often as he wants. Sorry if I am too harsh. I just worry about you and all you do!!! You need your time to relax and do things you enjoy too!!!
As for me...I had a great time with four of my grandchildren!! They arrived on Wednesday. Of course their significant others were here too. I ended up with 10 for dinner last night. Tony stopped by and they had him stay for dinner as well!! They all love Tony!! The kids wouldn't let me do anything. They did all the cooking and clean up. They made up the beds and put everything back in order. They left here about an hour ago. We had a wonderful time!!! Amanda and Nic have always been close to each other. They just give each other stuff....all the time!!! They had us all laughing so hard!! It was so great to see all the kids interacting and helping to do things, hugging each other and having so much fun together! It did my heart good!!
We just had a storm go through....lots of thunder, lightning, gusty winds and sheets of rain....WOW!!! It still looks like we may get more rain.
I am going to lay down and watch a movie. I need to unwind!!! So much excitement and now it is so quiet here!! I am missing them already!!!
Wishing you a beautiful day!!!
Prayers for our special OFF family!
Love and bunches of hugs.....connie d
Well, Connie, it's like this: yes, the kids used a babysitter (from a service, a very very nice lady) while we were gone, but she makes $15/hour and that's actually MORE than Chris makes. So they used up all their savings while we were gone to Belize paying the babysitter. Then when we came home, they didn't even have enough money to pay the boys' tuition for June at the day care! So we had to pay that for them.
All in all, it's just cheaper and simpler if we do the babysitting (when we can).
I keep telling Christie that she needs to find a different job with regular office hours, not retail hours. But she just won't listen to me! (Big surprise, huh?)
I do love you for trying to watch out for me. Lord knows, I need it! LOL!
So glad you had your kiddos and y'all had such a good time together. That's wonderful for you. BTW, you never did answer my question about the dress code at your apartments. WTH is that all about? No slippers outside? Why would anyone care and how can they impose such a "rule" on their residents???
I'm headed for my chair in the living room and I'm going to do some cross stitching. I made up a pattern for my JAMMF coasters! Should take long at all to do each one. I'm eager to see how they turn out.
Love you!
Hello I understand the babysitting. If Christie won't find a job with better hours maybe Michael will. At least they can try. It is hard to say no to our grandchildren....that I do understand!! I will keep praying for them.
Yes...we have a so called dress code. It makes me so mad!! I really think we should be able to wear slippers to the laundry or to get our mail or work on puzzles. They want everyone to look presentable at all times. Good grief!! It is a very nice building and the decor is pretty. Still it is our home. This was right in the policy book we had to sign on.
Love you too.....connie d