Thursday Morning
Good Morning OFF,
I've been waking up around 8:00 every morning. Naturally. I need to do that tomorrow morning. I have a zoo lesson, at the zoo this time. It's about endangered species and what progress we are making in saving them. The bald eagle is an example. It is no longer endangered, because we stopped using DDT to get rid of mosquitoes. The DDT was passing through the food chain and making the eagle eggs too fragile to be viable. No more DDT, the bald eagle population is growing. The zoo is a resource, because we have animals that are being sustained, and reproduced in captivity.
Today is more chores, and crocheting.
Hugs and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone.....
I have a busy day today with my grandchildren. My list of dinner guests keeps growing. We will be crowded but HAPPY!!!
Just wanted to pop in quickly and say HI!!
I will try to check in later if I can.
Have a wonderful day!!!
Prayers for our special OFF family.
Much love and many hugs to all....connie d
Good morning Trish and Connie and all my OFF sistas to come!
I was up with the chickens this morning at 5:30 a.m., but at least I slept most of the night. So I'm feeling pretty peppy today.
Butch and I finally got my cutting table re-assembled! Hooray! A few years ago, my darling husband made me a custom cutting table (y'all remember I am tall, so the table is sized HIGH for me) with storage underneath. He also built me a wonder custom sewing machine cabinet. Well, the last time we were in Nacogdoches, we found the cutting table and brought it back with us. We could not, for the life of us, find the sewing table in either storage building! Grrrr! Sure wish I had it now.
Anyway, with my big cutting table I can finally start to work on my curtains for the kitchen and dining room. And while I can sew on the kitchen table, I really prefer to have a sewing machine cabinet, so I've been looking for an inexpensive one on-line. I found one on Craig's List that's in New Braunfels for $50, but I'm not sure it will work with my machine. I'm going to check it out on Saturday. I'll just have to take my machine with me and see if it will possibly fit.
Anyway, I almost have the sewing room put together now! And I've got my furniture arranged in the living room. None of it matches since it's all cast-offs, but that's okay. It's a lakehouse, not Better Homes and Gardens, right?
This afternoon I am meeting Christie at Hobby Lobby around 2 p.m. I have some big frames that I want to buy new posters/prints for, and Chris is in framing today. All those beautiful prints and paintings that I had at my big house in Nacogdoches are in storage, and they're staying there. Too much work and trouble to unearth them at this point. But I do need a few things up on the walls around here. At this point, I'm not picky. And I'm not into expensive either! I just want something besides blank walls in the living room and sewing room.
So my mission to "prettify" the house continues. LOL! That's a tall order around this place.
Picking up the boys from Prodigy this afternoon and bringing them home for supper with us tonight. Did I tell y'all that Chris has injured her shoulder? Doctor is not sure if it's a pinched nerve or a torn rotator cuff. Anyway, she's going to physical therapy this evening at 5 p.m. and Mike's working tonight, so we've got the boys this evening. I think we also have them tomorrow night and Saturday, too. Don't know how I'm going to handle both of them and Butch, who is still aching and hurting and down in his back. Oy vey! Anyone want to come and help me??? LOL!
I'm making meatballs for supper and I bought hoagie rolls and we're going to have meatball subs for our supper tonight. Super easy for Mimi.
I'd better get back to my business. Got to make a dent in this mess before I get all tied up with BOYS this afternoon. Love you all!
Well, a bit of a change in plans this afternoon. I got an email from the zoo, looking for docents to help with a special event. So, I'm leaving in less than an hour to help out there. First, I have to swing by Colleen's, to drop off my small grill, and air bed. I also need to swing by the bank as well. I don't have to teach about animals at this. The zoo holds special events for fundraising, especially in the evenings.
I also watched the USA play Germany in the World Cup. Even though USA lost, they're still advancing to the next round. It's still more fun watching my grandson, or my nephew in Special Olympics, play soccer.
Well, I better get ready to go.
Albert Schweitzer

Good afternoon OFF sisters,
I am home from rehab and doing pretty good. Still on pain meds every 6~8 hours but that will let up soon.
I hope you are all well and enjoying for me, pain pill has kicked in so time for a nap before i start writing something silly as though i were drunk.
Blessings to all