Hello OFF family,
Guess i get to start todays conversation. I hope you are all well and enjoying this day.
I am spending the day relaxing as i have no physical therapy today. I am using the CPM (continuous passive motion ) machine three times today. It is a contraption tha allows mevto rest my leg in a sling and then extends your knee outflat then bends it as far as it can (for those of you who haven't seen or experienced it ). I spend two hours three times as day.... like doing six hours of isometrics. I most be getting use to it because i am not nearly as sore. I got the 24 staples out of my incision today (Yeah ). The incision lookscgood and is healing well. I am glad because now i can take a shower with out taping plastic over my knee.
I did take a short walk on my own and plan to do another one later.
I go to the surgeon for follow up Tuesday. I am excited to hear what he has to say. I am going to pay for Claires lunch since i missed spending time with her on her birthday. This is the forth year. She was so bummed out (and i was a bit pissed off ) because my sisters (Claire might as well beca sister to them ) nor her son called her. It wouldn't be so bad, but year after year, she has gone out oh her way to find and send a BD card specifically for them. She is hurt that not one of them sent a card or remembered to call. I hope it helps for me to do a little something for her Tuesday.
Well, I' m going to get going. Dinner will be here soon. The food leaves a lot to. Be desired. It is pretty taste less and has very little protein and tons of carbs. I have manaved so far. Brought a lot of my own low fat foods to enhance or substitute. Tonight is barbeque chicken. My stomach is still turning flip flops on occasion so i hav yogurt as a safe bet backup.
Blessings to all of you. I do so hope things are going well for you.
Good afternoon Francine and everyone....
Fran....good to know you have your staples out. That always feels so good!! I am sure you enjoyed that shower!! It sounds like you are doing all that is asked and that you are coming along really well.
I will try to post again....lost 3 other ones. I can't wait to get something I can use that won't keep locking me up all the time.
I haven't been doing much today. The humidity is so high I had to put the air on. I struggle so with trying to breathe some days.
I have just been putzing around. I read the paper, cut out some coupons, started a grocery list and this and that. Mostly icing my ribs and watching Hallmark movies. I always love the movies on this channel.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!! Everyone must have plenty to do as most haven't posted yet.
Prayers for our sweet OFF family.
Love and bunches of hugs to all.....connie d
Good Evening OFF Family,
I spent this morning at church, and actually got to sit in the service. It was a good sermon.
When I got home, I cut the grass out front, and on the side of my house. I'll go out back with the mower tomorrow morning.
I watched the Phillies again, and they lost, again.
Now, I'm just chillaxing. I'll be doing some crocheting this evening. I've got five baby blankets to make by the end of this year. I am halfway done two of them. I really have to focus my attention to the yarn.
So, I'm gonna scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello sweet sistas!
Another busy day around here. Today was Benny's birthday party at Christie's house. She opted for us just to do a family party. I totally understand. Working mommies are so worn out all the time. It was a big deal for her just to do a family party, but Benny didn't know the difference. He had a great time and loved all his presents, especially his red giraffe! He kept going back to it time and time again. I just hope it holds up to all that little boy affection!
Chris made a good dinner. We had hamburgers and fries and she made an ice cream cake. It was all very good. I'm in the process of posting pics and videos on FB right now.
We enjoyed seeing Carrie, but she is already gone again. One of her friends is defending his dissertation tomorrow and she wanted to be there to lend moral support. Gosh, I miss her so much. She and I are really more like friends now, rather than mother/daughter.
Butch is in terrible pain today, poor darling. I'll be so glad for us to go to the doctor tomorrow and see what is wrong. He's been taking some of my leftover pain pills (Tylenol 3) and they do help him a bit, but he's still hurting. Please say a prayer for him. I am praying that it is something the doctor can identify and fix easily, but I am afraid it will turn out to be something pretty serious. He's already had 2 kinds of cancer (bladder and prostate), and this just sort of feels like another one to me. But maybe I am just borrowing trouble. Anyway, prayers will be greatly appreciated.
I am doing okay, but I'm awfully sore around my shoulders from my fall into the rock flower bed the other night. Nothing I can't handle, but it just sort of nags at me when I move wrong.
Well, it's 8 o'clock and that means it's bedtime around here. LOL! When did I turn into this little old lady??? I go to bed with the chickens, as my Mammaw used to say. I just wish I could sleep all night. I may take a Tylenol PM tonight. I really need a full night's rest.
Love you all!