Here's to having a GOOD Friday!

on 6/20/14 12:34 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

I hope everyone is having a good Friday today!  

We finally got home last night after a series of unfortunate mishaps!  I swear, every vacation we take we have some sort of misfortune befall us!  So yesterday, we were all ready to leave the RV park.  We had the baby and the dog loaded up in the truck, Benny's movie was on, and we put 'er in drive.  Big mistake!  Butch didn't have the 5th wheel hitch properly locked in place!!!  Drove about 5 yards and the entire damn RV dropped off the hitch and down into the bed of the pickup, crushing the tailgate and doing all sorts of damage!  Dang.

Long story short, it took an hour and the help of several helpful RV'ers before we were able to jack the RV up and get it re-hitched and get the tailgate secured (with ropes and bungee cords) and finally leave for home.

Now, I've mentioned a few times that Butch's back has been bothering him, but what I haven't given voice to is how worried I've been about him for the past few weeks.  I'm worried that this is something more than just a backache.  Not only is he in pain, but it's like he's walking around in a mental fog these days.  I know he's getting older, but he is not acting like my smart, savvy husband.  He's forgetful and just unable to think clearly.  I'm scared to death that the "backache" is something way more serious, like cancer.  I haven't said that aloud until now, but after yesterday's debacle, I KNOW there is something wrong.  There is no way the old Butch would have ever forgotten to secure the trailer hitch.  I never even dreamed I needed to come along behind him and check it, you know?  He's always been so smart and so mechanical and so safety conscious.  I am truly worried.  

I have told the girls and we are all agreed to gang up on him this weekend and insist that he go to the doctor next week!  I don't give a damn about the medicare or the insurance or what it costs.  He keeps talking about waiting until after July 1st to go see the doctor because he thinks his medicare coverage will be in effect then.  I don't think we can afford to wait two more weeks.  I can be just as insistent and stubborn as he can!  I usually give in for the sake of peace and harmony, but not this time.

Well, anyway, we finally made it home (it was a very long drive) and we were too tired to take the RV to the storage place, so we just parked it on the road in front of our house for the night.  I've told y'all before that we named this place Hilltop because we are perched on the top of a big ol' hill.  I started up the hill to go 'round back to the driveway and open up the house, etc., when I FELL and rolled backwards into the big rock and cactus flower bed!  Oy vey!  Really?  I skinned up my legs and elbows and shoulders and tore my new Belize tee shirt.  Sometimes I wonder what is happening to ME, too!  

So that was our trip home.  Some fun, huh?  LOL!

Today we are getting a slow start, but have lots to accomplish this afternoon.  We are meeting Carrie in Austin this afternoon and getting her dogs from her to bring back to our house for the weekend.  She is spending the night in Austin tonight, but coming here for the rest of the weekend (it's Benny's birthday party on Sunday).  It's too hard to find a hotel that will take both the dogs and she's going out with friends tonight, so we said we would meet her there and get the dogs from her today.

I also want to stop at the Outlet Mall in San Marcos and shop for my annual Vera Bradley bag.  Every year, on your birthday, they send a 40% off coupon.  Since the prices at the Outlet Mall are already 40-60% off regular prices, and then the coupon on top of that, sometimes I can get a new Vera Bradley bag for less than $10!  

Also, The Children's Place is having their summer sandal sale, and I want to shop and get Benny and Budder each a pair of sandals.  Kid's flip flops are just $.99 today!  

Also need to stop at the Y and get Benny signed up for swimming lessons starting next week.  That's what we are giving him for his big birthday gift this year.  Swimming lessons start on Monday.  I hope the class isn't filled yet.

Well, lots to do, including LOADS of laundry (which I already have going), so I'd better get off the computer and get my tail in gear.  Love you all!


Cindy P.
on 6/20/14 3:36 am

Oh, gosh, Vickie.  You know my mom had a real bad kidney infection and her back hurt a lot and it affected her cognitive abilities.  Perhaps that could be what's happening with Butch.  I hope it's something as simple as that.

As for your fall, I'm glad you didn't injure your tailbone further.  I guess there's a bit of a silver lining there.

We are getting ready to get the mail, etc.  Neither hubby or I slept very well last night.  I hate tossing and turning.  I got up around 1 a.m. and sat up and watched DVR recordings.  Finally, at 7 a.m., I crawled back in bed and managed to fall asleep.

It's a beautiful 59 degrees out there -- just a slight breeze.  Very, very nice. 

Hope everyone has a good day today.


Cindy P.

Patricia R.
on 6/20/14 5:00 am - Perry, MI

Hello Vickie and Family,

I have accomplished nothing.  Well, except for filling the dishwasher.  I will be going into Okemos, to register Izzy and Lincoln for the zoo's Wild One Mile race for kids.  Colleen meant to preregister them, but had a miscommunication with a friend, so I'm going to register them.  She didn't believe that I knew their birth dates.  She made me prove it to her, which I did.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 6/20/14 9:40 am

Good evening Vickie and everyone.......

Vickie....I hope the three of you can get Butch into the doctor sooner rather then later. He needs that checked out!!! I am praying for him and all of you. So sorry about the accident with the RV and the pickup. I am sure glad others were there to help you get it put back in place. Sorry for your fall...I swear I am going to wrap you in bubble wrap!!!  That cactus flower bed and rock wasn't much of a soft place to land. I am so relieved you weren't hurt anymore then you were. Hope you found some good deals at the outlet mall!! Benny will love his swimming lessons!! How fun for him. 

Cindy P.....I am sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well. At least you caught up on DVR recordings. I pray tonight is a better night for you!!

Trish....I bet Izzy and Lincoln will love the zoo's Wild One Mile. They will have so much fun!! 

As for me....I got a surprise this morning. Amanda and Tyler showed up here about 11:00. I was so happy!! We made a nice lunch. They stayed until about 2:00. Then they had to head to the Twin Cities to meet with Amanda's dad, her brother Lucas and other cousins and such. They will be seeing other friends as well and of course Carrie too!  They will be coming back here on Wednesday to stay at least one night before heading back to Oregon. They sure made my day!!! 

I was tired out and took a hour long nap. I feel better now. That is about it for me.

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the day!!

Prayers for our special OFF family. I love you all!!

More love and plenty of hugs to all....connie d


on 6/20/14 11:20 am - Cibolo, TX

Good evening sistas!

Just a quick pop-in before I hit the hay.  We had a Very Long Day!  We were supposed to meet Carrie in Austin at the hotel around 3 o'clock.  Instead she didn't get there until after 4 o'clock and that threw everything off.  Traffic in Austin on a Friday afternoon is always bad, but at 5 o'clock it is downright hellacious!  Butch wanted us to try an alternate route home instead of going back down the interstate, but it made no difference at all.  We didn't get home until 7 p.m.!!!  We are exhausted.

But, I did get to go to Vera Bradley outlet and I got my new purse, in PURPLE PRINT, and a wristlet, which holds my phone, credit cards and driver's license.  Love them both!!!  Also got Benny a couple of pairs of flip flops, but they didn't have anything left at all in Budder's size.  And I scored them each a new beach towel.  They were 60% off!  (Christie has been using some of my beach towels and I want them back!)

Oh, and I made Butch a doctor's appointment for Monday afternoon.  I just made it and then I told him when it was and that he was going.  End of story.  (I can get my way when I want to; I just usually let him have his way.)

Cindy, I have been thinking along the same lines as you: I'm afraid Butch's back pain might have something to do with his kidneys.  Whatever it is, traditional treatments for back pain (heat, massage, heat, massage) are not helping.  I'm afraid it is something internal.  We'll find out soon enough.

Tri****hink loading the dishwasher is an admirable accomplishment for the day.  There are days when that's about all I get done, too, but hey--it's something, right?

Connie, how lovely that the kids surprised you with a visit!  That's terrific!  You must be a very special grandma.  I can tell by the way all your grandkids love you so much.

Well, I'm tired and shaky and high strung tonight.  Two stressful driving days in a row have about done me in.  I'm such an old woman these days.  I'm going to bed.  I'll tackle more stuff tomorrow, but tonight I'm too tired to think.

Love you all!


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