It is Thursday Welcome to a New day!

on 6/18/14 6:14 pm - Bradenton, FL

Good morning!

It is 4am! I DID NOT SLEEP! not even a wink! NOT SURE WHY. 

This is the second night! I think cause I am gearing up to driving to Chicago.

It has been raining here for several days in the afternoons make fir my grass to grow like crazy#!!!!

Vinnie has been breaking out in teeth! She has been driving her mon nuts!!!!! NOW IT IS TIME FOR Grammy .

Well talk on I'm going v to find some zzzzzzz, S maybe?????

I'll check back later!


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Cindy P.
on 6/18/14 11:55 pm

Carla, boy do I hate those nights when I can't sleep.  It seems as though when I get up and move to a different location I can fall asleep --- but sometimes, NOT.

I'm up early this a.m. as we're headed to the valley for a couple of doctor appointments and a stop at Costco.  I like these days as one of my favorite things to do is shop at Costco.  I don't know why -- but I love it there. 

My back is finally feeling back to normal.  I've stopped PT but am doing exercises by myself at home. 

We picked up my MIL's stuff yesterday.  Donated a lot of it on the way home.  Still brought things home.  We'll be having a garage sale sometime this summer.

I wrote a letter of appreciation to the caregiver and I think I'll get her a gift certificate to a nursery as she loves to garden.

Anyway, I'm off for now.  Hope everyone has a good day today.


Cindy P.


on 6/19/14 12:25 am - Cibolo, TX
Good morning! We are packing up to go home today. I am ready. 3 days of vacation with Benny is quite enough fun for me.Plus butch's back is really hhurting him. That stubborn old man just has to go to the doctor! I'm so seriously going to nag the daylights out of him about it when we get home. Lots to do and I better get going. Love you all!


Eileen Briesch
on 6/19/14 4:16 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Sorry you didn't sleep, Carla. Sometimes I get antsy when I'm going on vacation. And Cindy, I can't remember what you wrote, sorry. Vickie, I can't imagine spending three days with a 3-year-old. I can understand how Butch's back must hurt. 

I woke up with a really bad migraine today, had the dry heaves (nothing in my tummy to barf up). I sat for a long time in my chair before I took my morning meds, then went to get coffee. Then I tried to take an Imitrex; got it down but tried to upchuck it. It stayed down but didn't help. Neither has the icepack or a decongestant, the Vicks on the forehead. Next up was the Vicodin. So I've called in sick. We must be getting rain in the next day or so. 

Carla, enjoy your time with Vinnie. I don't get up to Chicago enough to see Sam and Ben. And I was never one to get down and play, but I love seeing the kids, especially Sam ... he's such a character. I think I identify more with him because he's so creative. Ben is more like his grandfather, my oldest brother, very analytical and logical. 

If  you want to see photos of my mom's 90th birthday, go to facebook. If you're not a facebook friend, I'm just Eileen Briesch, just as I am here.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Cindy P.
on 6/19/14 10:52 am

Eileen, I just sent you a FB friend request.

I'm so sorry about your migraine.  Hubby has been suffering a lot with them too.  Sometimes, nothing much helps him either.  Hope you get relief soon. 


Cindy P.

Eileen Briesch
on 6/19/14 10:57 am - Evansville, IN

Thanks, Cindy; I just accepted. I know your hubby has migraines, too. I have just a trace of it left. If I don't move around much, I'm OK. But if I get up to do something, that's when it starts bothering me more. I'm trying not to do a whole lot. Sitting in my recliner, watching baseball, petting the cat.

Connie D.
on 6/19/14 5:04 am

Good Afternoon Carla and everyone....

Carla....Sorry you can't sleep...hope you managed a nap. I know what you mean about the rain. We can literally watch the grass grow...LOL. You will be with Vinnie soon...all that love!!

Vickie....that Butch better get to the remind him of how many times he made you go!! Men are so funny about getting help of any kind. Benny must have been a handful if you are coming back a little early. Those little ones NEVER wear out!!! 

Cindy P......I am so glad your back is feeling better. Maybe you need to give Butch some good advice...LOL. Glad you managed to get your MIL's things. That wasn't easy I am sure.

Eileen...I am glad you got Richard out for a while. I am praying he gets one of those jobs soon. Sorry you have another migraine. It sounds like a bad one too. It is good you decided to call in sick. Hope you are feeling better soon. I did see some of your pics on Facebook a couple days ago. I will check in case you posted more.

Trish....sorry you had a bad day yesterday. I hope today is much better.

As for me....I did a few things around here this morning. I couldn't get internet until about 1:00 PM. My friend Pam is coming over soon to take me to the bank and Target. She is always so pokey. It takes her so long to get ready to go somewhere. Oh well...I have nothing but time. I don't need anything that urgent!

Wishing you all a great day!!

Prayers for our amazing OFF family.

Love and many hugs to all....connie d


Eileen Briesch
on 6/19/14 10:05 am - Evansville, IN

Connie, those are all the photos I have of Mom's party. I have some photos from Springfield yet to work on.

Hope you and Pam had a nice day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Patricia R.
on 6/19/14 11:04 am - Perry, MI

Hi Everybody,

I was at the zoo all day again, but it was a lot more pleasant weather wise.  I shadowed a tour, then I went on another outreach, at MSU, with the 4-H.  I really enjoyed that.  

Phils are in St. Louis, so the game started an hour later for my, in the Eastern Time Zone.  

Hugs and Prayers,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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