Wet Wednesday in Owosso

on 6/18/14 9:37 am - Bradenton, FL

Jo sorry for the typo auto correct is stupid and I don't know how to undo it!  I got a new phone a Galexy 5s! It for sure is a learning curve!!!!!

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Eileen Briesch
on 6/18/14 11:23 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Jo and my OFF family:

Happy birthday, Jo. Yes, that's crazy dealing with all those little ones. I couldn't do it, but bless you for doing it. You have a special gift. I don't have the patience for young ones. I would not have been a good mother. Probably good I just have cats. 

I have been up since early this morning. Had an appointment with a rheumatologist. Little Indian guy. Basically told me I'm doing everything I can medically, other than trying some rub on stuff. And of course, exercise, lose weight. Yeah, I know I've got to do it. I'm going on 10 years and I'm not happy with myself. I'm in so much pain most of the time and so tired, I can barely get through the day at work. 

Roused my friend Richard at 1 p.m. and told him he had to get out of his apartment today and do his errands. So I picked him up at 2:30 p.m. and took him to the bank, CVS and Walmart ... in between we had lunch. He is worried about his prescriptions costing too much and his unemployment running out soon. And he's waiting on two possible jobs. So pray, good thoughts, swing chickens, whatever. He needs to get some good news. His cholesterol meds would have cost him $238 today (they went up from $10) and he was concerned. I told him to talk to the pharmacist and see if they had a discount program. So he did that and got on their program. He also has to apply for insurance ... I'm going to bug him daily now until he does. I can be a good nag that way. 

So by the time he unloaded his stuff and I drove home and unloaded my stuff, it was 6 p.m. I am pooped. Good to see everyone here. 

Have a good day ... er, night. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Patricia R.
on 6/18/14 12:33 pm - Perry, MI

Good Evening Jo and Everyone,

Happy Birthday, Jo.  I understand some of the fun of having little ones, just not 24/7.  I'm not sure I could handle 6 live-in terrorists under 4.  Maybe if they were my grandchildren.  But then, I only have 3 of them, and only one is under 4.

I'm totally wiped out.  I had a very difficult day.  First, I upset Chris, and it's all my fault.  I screwed up, and didn't take care of something I was supposed to, and stuck him with it.  Then, my power got shut-off, coz I didn't pay my bill on time, and never got the shut off notice.  I then went to the zoo, and we packed up a ton of animals, and artifacts, and drove to Michigan State's campus to do a lesson with a 4-H group.  Because there was construction right near the building we went to, we were late.  Then, the room we were in was not air conditioned, and the humidity was 100%, and thunderstorming, I got soaked in sweat right away.  Now, I have a killer tension/sinus headache.  Plus, my stomach/pouch, is in knots, since this morning.  I get really upset when I do something that ticks off my kids.  Chris and I are okay, I just really have trouble dealing with my own screw-ups.  Didn't used to be that way, just since my divorce.

Did I tell you guys my niece, the one who's pregnant, got engaged?  She announced it by sending a text picture of her ring, which is beautiful.  My sis-in-law told me that my niece wants to wait till after the baby.  Her fiance wants to get married now.  My mom thinks having your baby at your own wedding is wrong, but then her parents had five kids together, and never got married.  This was back during the depression, when people didn't do such things.  

I'm watching a replay of this afternoon's Phillies game, which Chris said was good.  I already know they won.  And, from the final score, I could tell it was good.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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