Tuesday Morning

Patricia R.
on 6/16/14 9:46 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning,

I have been up all night.  I started out with a sinus headache, came to bed, and never was able to fall asleep.  The screw in my foot is hurting like crazy, and my right hand aches.  I'm calling my doctor when his office opens, to see if I can see him about my sinus infection.  I just have to deal with the screw and hand.  

I was scheduled to go to the zoo this morning, but I left a message with my coordinator.  I'm hoping to sleep sometime today.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 6/16/14 10:56 pm

Hi Trish and OFF family yet to come, 

Trish sorry you are having such axrough time. Hope you feel better soon. 

I am at the rehab center.  Other than this retched nausea, i am really doing well. Physical therapy thinks i will most likely be home in 2-3 weeks at most. My new knee is stiff and i can't straighten out without. Lot of work. But otherwise it is great. 

Speaking of nausea. I have never had this much nausea since GB surgery (then had very little) . Yes the food here is pretty pathetic,  but ..... i have had to take something everyday sometimes twice a day. It knocks me out.and can barely down one cup of coffee.  It doesn't help that the narcotics i am taking for pain have bound me up sooooo bad. I am enjoying a Miralax ****tail right now. .... have any of you guys had this nausea stuff. I am ready to call my bariatric surgeon. 

Well, nausea med is starting to knock me out, so I'd better lie down. 

Blessings to all, 


on 6/16/14 10:57 pm

Hi Trish and OFF family yet to come, 

Trish sorry you are having such axrough time. Hope you feel better soon. 

I am at the rehab center.  Other than this retched nausea, i am really doing well. Physical therapy thinks i will most likely be home in 2-3 weeks at most. My new knee is stiff and i can't straighten out without. Lot of work. But otherwise it is great. 

Speaking of nausea. I have never had this much nausea since GB surgery (then had very little) . Yes the food here is pretty pathetic,  but ..... i have had to take something everyday sometimes twice a day. It knocks me out.and can barely down one cup of coffee.  It doesn't help that the narcotics i am taking for pain have bound me up sooooo bad. I am enjoying a Miralax ****tail right now. .... have any of you guys had this nausea stuff. I am ready to call my bariatric surgeon. 

Well, nausea med is starting to knock me out, so I'd better lie down. 

Blessings to all, 


Connie D.
on 6/17/14 3:44 am

Good morning Trish and everyone.....

Trish.....maybe it is time to have some surgery on your sinus'. You sure have a miserable time with them. Sorry too that you are having so much pain in your hand and foot.  So glad you took today for yourself!

Fran...it sounds like your surgery went well. Keep doing what you are doing. You will be feeling so much better soon!!

As for me....I am waiting for my cleaning fairy to get here at 1:00. She is so kind and such a great lady to have doing my cleaning. I am so thankful!!

Pam will be by later to take me to the drug store. They sent me the wrong medication. Not even close to what I need. I can see they aren't right. I wonder who got mine???  They never do this. The manager at the pharmacy is checking into it. He was not there the day it was filled. I hope no one takes mine and doesn't notice the difference. They could get very ill.

That is about all for me...so exciting huh??

Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!

Love and many hugs to all.....connie d

on 6/17/14 7:04 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sweet sistas!

Trish, I am sorry about the rough night!  I hope you feel better soon.  I think Connie might be right about seeking further help for your sinuses.

Twink, I will keep praying for a full and speedy recovery for you!  And I'm sorry about the nausea.  That seems very strange.  Hopefully, they can get you feeling right soon!

Connie, so happy you have a cleaning fairy coming today.  That's one thing I really miss about working--I could always justify having a cleaning fairy when I was working full-time, you know?  

We are having a good time down here in Corpus Christi.  Benny just loved the beach this morning!  He was so excited over every little thing--the seashells, the waves, the sand, the seagulls, the kites--you name it, he loved it!  We played in the shallows and built a rather lopsided sand castle and collected shells and just had a great time.  Then we came back to the RV park and hopped into the pool.  Golly, did that feel good!  I really prefer the pool to the ocean.  We played another hour or so in the pool and finally talked Benny into coming back to the trailer for a sandwich and some nap time.  Although Butch is the only one who is actually sleeping!  Benny is watching a movie on TV and I'm enjoying the computer time.  Just posted pictures from our swim on FB.  I sure am loving my new waterproof camera!  I even took some underwater pictures of Butch and Benny in the pool.

Benny is already asking me, over and over, if we can go back to the beach again.  I told him we could go back this evening and he wanted to know if we could build another sand castle!  I told him yes indeedy!  :)

Tomorrow we are going to the Texas State Aquarium.  I am looking forward to that outing!  I love aquariums.  

We are doing well in our little RV, except the frig seems to have a problem.  Not sure why it is't cooling properly.  I have the milk and stuff in the freezer section, which is the only part that is truly cold.  The frig part is just cool.  Sigh.  We'll have to get that taken care of when we get home.  Not sure what the problem is.

Benny sure is getting restless.  Guess I need to get off the computer and do a little entertaining.  He needs a playmate!

Love you all!


Eileen Briesch
on 6/17/14 9:51 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family:

Sorry you are ill, Trish. Hope you can get some help for the sinus issues. Are you having rain up there in Michigan? 

Fran, when I had the revision on my right knee, I had some nausea. The meds made me very loopy, too. If you still have some constipation, ask if they have the power pudding (it's a very good remedy for constipation). If they don't have it, look it up online. It's prune juice, applesauce, bran and I can't remember what else. It's magical ... about a half hour after eating it, you will go. Guaranteed.

Connie, hope you get your meds cleared up.

Vickie, saw you photos on FB. Cute. Hope you have a good time.

I had a doc appointment this morning ... was considering getting a CPAP, but the doc talked me out of it. He said I had very mild apnea and didn't think he could talk insurance into paying for it. Oh well. I was supposed to help my friend Richard run some errands after that, but got a text from him saying he didn't sleep and didn't want to go. So I came home, had lunch and took a nap. Oh, one other thing ... bought a new TV for the bedroom and spent a few moments trying to get it to work ... amazing that I figured it out by myself after a few missteps. So now I can watch TV in bed again. I need to get a stand to put it up a little higher. It's a 24-inch but it's lower than my old clunky 19-inch. 

Not much else happening here. Watching some baseball and then have an early appointment tomorrow so will hit the hay early, I hope. 

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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