Manic Monday
Good Morning Family,
Must go get the coffee. Be right back.
Albert Schweitzer

I'm back.
Today will be spent cleaning my kitchen, and trying to get my crockpot clean. I've been soaking and scraping it. I also have to mop my floor. It's a disaster.
I had taken a break from my docent duties for a while. Tomorrow, I'm heading back to the zoo, for three days of shadowing. That's where I go, and observe other docents. I will then catch up on my hours. I need 50 volunteer hours by the beginning of April 2015. I can catch up during the summer, by going to the zoo to take out some artifacts to an animal exhibit for visitors to learn more. That's what happened when I took the kids to the zoo last year. There were several docents, one had a river otter pelt, for the kids to feel, right by the river otter exhibit. Then, there was a docent by the rhino exhibit, with a rhino foot to feel. The kids will remember that, and that's what got me interested in being a docent.
I'm praying for all in need.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good afternoon Trish and everyone....
Trish.....sorry you have to spend your time cleaning out your crock pot...that sounds like a lot of work. It is nice that you are getting in your volunteer hours at the zoo!
Vickie and Judy....I am praying your vacations go well. Keep safe. Love you both!!
As for me....not doing much...I finally got my computer to is really driving me crazy. I try to get on here before it freezes up. I keep trying to run a scan but it shuts down before I can get one run!!
I don't have much to do...I will read the newspaper as I haven't yet. I was out working on a puzzle this morning. Just hoping for a quiet evening tonight.
Hope everyone is having an enjoyable day!!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF family.
Love and many hugs to all.....connie d
Man Judy I never watch soaps, I have you and how the complex turns.
We worked our butts off getting the hay up yesterday and not getting it all cut due to the rain coming. It never came. They are calling for rain almost every day, will be very upset if we don't cut and it doesn't rain. We did get one wagon load up in the hay loft with two to go. We have to do it by hand as the elevator doesn't work in our barns.
Started out this morning with a doc appointment with PS. He said I didn't need to come back for 3 months even though six weeks out the incision isn't totally healed. He said to call if it get infected. We than went to lunch and I remembered I was suppose to pick up the grands. I didn't have cell to let daughter know I was getting them and didn't know if she made other plans. Got to the first school and no grandson showed up after we waited 15 minutes for him. Fortunately the oldest daughter showed up to pick up her daughter and let me know he had walked to the younger grandsons school. Off I went to get them. Those poor two boys are getting bounced around and missed lately.
Missed getting my blood checked and all the other errands done. I did have a great afternoon with the boys and got to see the little guys last day of Karate.