It's Father's Day
Hi, all. Well, can't believe it's Father's Day already. A time to celebrate and remember fathers.
My MIL passed away during the night in her sleep. Considering her deteriorating condition, this is a blessing. Even though we knew to expect it -- it's a shock nonetheless. Thank you to all of you who prayed for her.
Our hearts are heavy today and yet relieved as well.
Cindy P.
Good afternoon Cindy and everyone....
Cindy...I am so sorry for your loss. I will continue to pray for you and all the family. Yes, even when we know it is coming we are still shocked when it happens. I understand the heartache and also the relief. God Bless you all.
Today is Father's Day....I wish all the dad's out there Happy Father's Day!!
We had some crazy storms here yesterday and in the early morning hours today. Carrie's power went out last night and it still isn't on. The neighbors garage collapsed. The winds were 60-65 miles per hour. I am just glad that everyone was okay. Thank goodness they have a generator and they hooked it up to the refrigerator.
As for me...I am doing okay. My friend Pam came over for a little while last night. That was nice. Kyleigh and Mitch are stopping by later this afternoon for a visit. Kyleigh starts summer school tomorrow. She has long days ahead for the next 8 weeks. She can do it, she is very determined!!
I am so looking forward to Amanda (granddaughter/Kyleigh's sister) and Tyler coming by the weekend! They plan on staying here with me at least one or two nights before they head back to Oregon!!
In July I will have Gracie here for 9 days....woooohoooo!! All those hugs and all that love!!! She is just what I need!!!
Wishing you all a great day!!!
Prayers for all our great OFF family.
Love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d
Hi Cindy, and OFF Family,
Cindy, I'm sorry for your loss. I understand how you can still feel the pain of loss, even when you are anticipating it. I'll be praying for your family.
Connie, I'm glad you're getting to see the grandkids this summer. I know that brings you joy. I hope Carrie gets her power turned back on soon.
Jo, good to see you here. Do you still have the triplets? I can't imagine.
I was in Toddler nursery during both church and Sunday School. The woman who normally does it decided to stay home with her family at the last minute. I sure wish she'd planned ahead, and gotten a sub, but I'll live. Got to hold Frankie, who just got his haircut, and play cars with him. I finally got the teachers manual, from someone who stopped teaching in April. I've managed, but the manual has pictures to go with the Bible lesson.
The Phillies are about to lose to the Cubs. Oh well. At least I've seen them win two World Series. I'm pretty sure Cubs fans have never had that pleasure.
The arthritis in my thumbs is really bugging me, and I can't find my hand splints. I've been lucky, and not needed them as much lately, but not today. I need them.
Well, I am exhausted, and my kitchen sink is overflowing today. I burnt queso dip in my crock-pot, and can't get the burnt stuff out of it. I've had to scrape it with a butter knife.
Well, I'd better scoot. Praying for everyone in need.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Cindy and my OFF family:
Sorry for your loss, but as you said, it's a blessing in many ways. She is at peace.
Didn't have a chance to look at anyone else's posts. I'm back at work, waiting for something to do. Soon, I'll have too much.
No dad with me any longer; my brother Gary was grousing that his son hadn't called him or sent him anything for Father's Day. He did get a text, however. Mom is driving him crazy already. Won't get out of her chair to do anything, and then here's George H.W. Busch skydiving on his 90th birthday. Mom, meanwhile, can't get out of her recliner on her own (well, she can, she just thinks she can't).
Anyway, hope everyone had a good day. Back to work, or looking for something to do.
Good evening, sistas!
Hope everyone has had a good Father's Day today. Cindy, my heart is sad for you and your husband and the loss of your MIL. I remember when Daddy passed away. It was such a relief that he was no longer in pain, and yet so very hard to accept. The shock is normal. Death is never easy for the family.
We had a nice day, except that Butch still isn't feeling all that well. I wanted the damn stubborn jackass to GO to the DOCTOR!!! Tried to get him to go all last week and he just refused. Now, here we are, facing 4 very exuberant and busy days vacationing with a 4 year old, and guess who's sick? Uh huh. Guess that means I'm going to be doing most everything on my own for the next week. (You know, it's all very well for him to have the attitude, "I'll just suffer", but in reality it's ME who has to suffer right along with him!)
I have been having the most dreadful problems sleeping for the past week. I've never had insomnia like this before. I can fall asleep, but I can't seem to stay asleep. Invariably, I wake up around 2 a.m. and then I"m wide awake until around 5 a.m. Sure is messing with my energy level and my ability to think and plan and organize stuff! I'm supposed to be packing right now, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it.
We met the kids at Landa Park for a Father's Day picnic today. I posted some pics on FB. I made potato salad and whoopie pies for my contribution. I made a LOT of both because Chris said that some of their friends from work would be coming. Well, guess what? It was just the 4 of us and the kiddos, so I came home with a bunch of leftovers. Guess I'll be taking potato salad and whoopie pies on our vacation tomorrow. LOL!
My pink eye is just about cleared up now. Thank goodness! Today was the first day my eye didn'****er when I was out in the bright sun.
Benny and Budder had a grand time at the natural swimming pool today. The city diverted some of the clear cold river water from the Comal River into the park and made a natural swimming pool out of it. Benny is big enough this year to slide down the "big" water slide all by himself and he went over and over and over again. He was having a ball! Budder has no fear of the water at all and crawled all over the shallows in the kiddie area. He's not bothered by getting his face wet either. I think he's going to be a little water rat like his mama was!
Okay, I've stalled long enough. I really have to start throwing some clothes together now. Not sure what my wifi connection will be like at the RV park, but I'll post if I can. If not, we'll be back Thursday. Love you all!
Cindy sorry to hear you are going thru this loss. I know with my Father and Brother, even though you know it is coming it still hurts. Even when you know they are no longer in pain.
We spent Fathers day bailing hay. Bill said getting 300 bales up with out it getting wet was the best present ever. We could have gotten another 100/150 but are other two wagons were broken so he had to round bale the rest. Now if we could just get another 4/5 days without rain. Five acres down and 25 to go on the first cutting.