Happy Monday...what's up with you today?
Good morning everyone.....
I am having a quiet day today. I am missing Nic. Gosh he is so much fun to be with!!
I hope Vickie is feeling better today. Being sick in the summer is no fun. I know they had lots of plans for the weekend.
I am praying all of you in pain and sick get some relief soon.
I wish you all a great day!!
Prayers for all our precious OFF family.
I will check back in later.
Love and many hugs to all....connie d
Hi All OFF friends,
Hope you are all well or feeling better.
I am busy getting ready for my knee replacement surgery. Doing laundry, separating clothes to be pitched, packed for rehab after surgery, or given to charity because by next fall the definitely won't fit. Also trying to get my frigde cleaned out of food that will not make it will i am away. And getting other stuff like my POA and living will copiedvso the hospital will have a copy if needed.
I told my family not to come down becausr it is a two hour drive and i will be fine. Claire and i are workingvout the logistics of getting me there, her staying for the surgery but not having to walk all over hells half acre in the hospital. Her knees are really bad and she has a bad heart...also the reason i am going to rehab after (at least that is what i am pushing for.)
Also just got happy news. Claire is now a great grandma. Her step granddaughter just gave birth via c-section to a little. 7 lbs 7 oz 21 inches. Carly Noel.... her great grandfather' s name is leon ....thus noel, his name backwards. We think the other great grandfather my be Carl.
Well gotta go. Need coffee.
Blessings to all
Hello Francine....it sounds like you really have everything in control for your surgery and after. That is always for the best. When I have surgery I don't want anyone around. I like to be alone and recover. I will be keeping you in my prayers.
Congratulations to Claire and her family. A new baby is always so much fun.
Have a great day....love and hugs...connie d
Good morning Connie and Twink and my OFF sistas!
Twink, again I pray for a succesful knee surgery and fast healing for you! My husband just went through knee surgery last year, and while it was no picnic, it wasn't that bad either. And he's doing so much better now. It was worth it.
Connie, I know you miss Nic! He must be over the moon to have a car of his own to drive now. Wheels are so important to young men! No wonder he loves you.
As for me, I am all done being sick. I still feel wobbly and a bit under the weather, but I'm done with laying around in bed all day. I did that all weekend, and it didn't help me feel one bit better. So the hell with it. I'm up and doing stuff today. Just got back from taking Patty Kate to the vet. She has a little growth on her left eyelid that needs to come off, but we're postponing it until September. He'll put her under and clean her teeth, snip off the little tumor, and anything else that needs doing while she's out. PK is officially a "senior" dog now. My baby is 7 years old. Doesn't seem possible.
It's raining here today (Thank you, Lord) so this is an indoor day, but I plan to make some progress around here. Need to rearrange some furniture and start getting my sewing room organized. I have a lot of clothes that need to be altered and I do want to try making that red giraffe for Benny's birthday. I also have material here for curtains that I want/need to get made. I have lots of projects!
Need to go now. Being very careful on the computer so as not to blow out my shoulder again. Judy, I do plan to go to a chiropractor about it as soon as I get my new COBRA insurance set up. Will keep you posted, okay? I know the chiro helped you tremendously.
Love you all!
Hello Vickie.....I am happy to know you are a bit better and out of bed today. Be careful if you are wobbly and such. Don't overdo.
It sounds like Patty Kate has an interesting September coming up. Oh well...those things need to be done. At least they will have her put to sleep. Poor PK!
There is always plenty of things to do inside isn't there? I am constantly doing something. Hope you get Benny's red giraffe made. He will love it!! I remember when you bought the curtain material. You had so much happening you could never get to them. I know how much you want them made. Hope you get the time now to make them soon.
Keeping you in my prayers....I hope you can get the shoulder pain under control. I have one of those too. So far so good.
Yes, Nic was happy to have the car!! He has always had cars but junkers, other then his restored VW Bug. He was so grateful for that car. It just filled my heart giving it to him!!
Lots of love and hugs....connie d
Greetings Connie, Twink, and Vickie,
I've had a slow moving morning. I unloaded the dishwasher, and filled it back up. I then took Utley for a walk. Not long, as the heat started to get to both of us. As soon as he got inside, he headed right to the water bowl.
I have work to do in my bedroom. I eventually have to get the closet in my spare bedroom sorted, and organized. It's a real disaster area. Colleen inherited her father's organized mind. I never had an organized thought in my brain. I get overwhelmed just thinking about that room.
Tomorrow, I take Izzy out for her birthday lunch. Now that I live here, I take each kid out for their birthday. Last year, I also took them shopping. This year, I gave Colleen money toward their play yard. They are getting books I bought at Colleen's book party, plus the free books I got from my party.
Connie, I ached for 11 years living in Pennsylvania while my daughter lived here, and then the Munchkins started arriving. Driving for two days just to visit here when they were born wasn't enough. I would have begged Colleen to let me rent here. I almost had to. All this to say that I understand your missing Nic, and the other grandchildren.
Twink, you're in my prayers for the knee surgery. I have a dear friend who was fortunate to have her surgery in a hospital that had a unit just for joint replacement surgery, whi*****luded the rehab. Plus, it was only a block from her home, so when she was discharged she had in-home care for a few weeks.
Vickie, I'm glad you are feeling better. It stinks to have to change plans for the weekend. Trent and Colleen were supposed to visit Toby and Baby Hunter over the weekend, but Frankie's double ear infection changed their plans.
Well, I better scoot.
Hugs and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hello Trish....my morning was really slow moving as well. I hope you are moving better now.
Do you think you could watch the children for a day and Colleen could go over to your place and organize for you? I am an organizer and love to help other people out. Just a thought.
I am sure Izzy will love spending lunch with you for her birthday. Grandchildren always love that special time with grandma!! Izzy will love her books!!!!
Have a great rest of the day...love and hugs....connie d
Afternoon...OPPS ITS EVENING ALREADY!!!!!!!!!! OMG where does the time go?????????? GEZZZZZZZZZZ
Well its been one hell of a day AGAIN here!!! My 10 am appointment no show no call til almost time for my 11am appointment!!! She asked was I supposed to come there this morning? YES!!!!!!!!! Do you want me to come now????????????????????????????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have another appointment and then I will have another one after hers. YOU MISSED YOURS AT 10!!!!!!!!! I am now BUSY trying to get things done before my vacation!!!!!!!! Can I come tomorrow????? Will you REMEMBER?????? Yes...OK 10 am!!!!!!!!! OK. Do these people really think I can just set aside MY work to let them just drop in when ever????? NO!!!!! Not anymore!! Not when I am up to my eyeballs in work!!! THEN.......this same woman calls me back 10 minutes later and asks when I am doing BINGO this month!!!!!!!!! HELLO......I am NOT doing BINGO as I am BUSY this MONTH!!!!!!! I told you all that at LAST BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sitting here banging my head against wall!!!!!!! One more week and VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back was really killing me since doing all those clothes Saturday...went to chiro tonight...OMG the cracks that he got out of my back!!! Can I say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH????????? OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love my Chiro Doc!!!!!!!
So that I my day...need to go eat now...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hello Judy....people are just not considerate around there....good grief! I would be leery to rent to her.
Sorry you are up to your ears in work. I wish I lived closer I would be there to help you in a minute!! I honestly do miss working with people. I worked with many people with disabilities in two of my jobs. I love working with the elderly too. I miss them, however, I have five of my clients living in this complex...LOL.
I wish I could see a Chiropractor. No can do anymore. Pam was here over this weekend and gave me a gentle message as that was all I could handle. It felt so good. I am glad you get so much relief from your doctor!
Keeping you in my prayers that all goes well and you will be leaving on your trip real soon!!
Love you....HUGS.....connie d