Got my hot coffee and here I am...
Got MOST of my clothes sorted out of my bedroom yesterday and had to stop...back is killing me!! WHERE did I get so many clothes?? OMG!!! I have a huge bag full to take to Goodwill and another stared and a pile to try on yet to see if they fit me yet or if they get tossed out!!! GEZZZZ
Saw the Horse race yesterday and NO Triple Crown Winner...SAD....And YES I AGREE with that owner!!! I have said that myself over the years. How can they bring in FRESH horses to run against those that ran the other two races and take it away from them? NOT fair!!! Oh well who am I?? Maybe next year.
Watching the weather channel yesterday and saw the nasty weather popping up all over...OMG!!! Texas was really having some bad weather!! Did anyone see that BLACK sky???? WOW!!!! Hope everyone was ok!!!
Found out yesterday that my mom fell when she was leaving my brothers Friday night from her birthday party. She is OK. GEZZZ. 93 and falling coming out the door...she could have broken something!! But she said she is ok. Sighs.She also told me a man in the next block was shot in the back two times in his kitchen. This is right across the street from her and two houses over...THAT scares me!!!! Then she called me yesterday morning to tell me there was a house fire a BIG fire flames way up couple houses over...OMG what the hell is going on in her hood?????? I told her she needs to get out of there!!!!!!! She won't. GRRRRRRR
Well that's about it for me today...other than I had to reinstall my NORTON security on my PC!!! Didn't know it took it out back when I refreshed it so I could post back in here!!! GRRRRRR Just found that out last night!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Hi Judy and my OFF family:
Just chatted with you, Judy, on FB. Hello from the Chicago area. Spent six hours in the car yesterday, got up later than I wanted yesterday. Traffic wasn't bad until I got in the Chicago area (of course). Stopped at mom's to drop off the beer (my contribution) for the party, had my brother bring it it. I had brought two 12 packs of good beer (because I'll take it back if it's not drunk). I got Leinekugel's Summer Shandy (because I know my SIL and niece like it) and Blue Moon, because I like it and I think my other brother likes it. So I think we'll have people who will drink it. And besides, Budweiser, etc., was $10.99 a 12-pack and these were $12.99 for 12-packs so I might as well get the good stuff.
I'm staying at LaQuinta not far from my mom's ... it's near O'Hare and $139 for two nights (AARP rate). The room is very nice, breakfast was so-so (hard-boiled eggs, waffles, bagels, etc). Not too bad for the price for the Chicago area. I'm satisfied. I've heard people complaining about the breakfast ... one woman was upset the orange juice dispenser wasn't working ("What are we supposed to drink?"). But there's OK coffee, so I'm satisfied. The room is clean, there's a TV and shower. I had one problem getting my room cardkey to work but other than that, no other problems. Wish there was a little fridge to put my ice packs in for my knees. I'll take them over to mom's so I can put them on later because I know I'll be in pain.
Judy, sorry your mom lives in that place. I would be worried if my mom lived there.
Well, I should get in the shower. I've put a long post here. I need to get going so I can help my brother get ready for the crowd today. Have a good day.
Hi Again...LOL was nice chatting for a little bit this morning. Hope you have a great time with family and ENJOY that time off!!! I know how much you deserve it!!! We are counting down our time off and man we ARE going to enjoy it!!! First call we get about this place that is NOT emergency the one that calls us is dead meat when we get home!!
Take care and have FUN!!!!!!!!
Good afternoon Judy, Eileen and everyone.....
Judy....doesn't it feel good to have all those clothes gone through!!!! I had four lawn size bags of clothes when I was done. So glad to be rid of it and hope it can help someone else!! sounds like you have everything ready for a fun birthday party!! Have a wonderful time with your family!! Enjoy Springfield!!
As for me....Nic just left. I feel sadder that he is gone then my car!! I love that young man so much! He did a few things for me around the apartment. I also gave him my Coleman Cooler. It is a really nice one on wheels and it has a strong handle. It is only about 3 years old. He was so excited to be getting that. I doubt I will be using anything like that anymore. I have a couple smaller ones that would be fine for what I would need them for. I really am going to try and get rid of things. I am paying for a storage unit I really don't need. Nic will come up again and help me clean that out. Nic said he will pick Lucas up and bring him to help. They are both so good about helping Nana!!
I did read yesterday's post this morning. Sorry I never got to reply. I was too busy with Nic!!!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our special OFF family.
Love and m any hugs to all......connie d
Connie I was wondering if you were OK but then I did remember that you said Nic was coming to get your car...I am still NOT done with those darn clothes!!! I give up til after vacation!! I do NOT want to have a sore back!!! My back gets adjusted tomorrow again and then once more MAYBE two more times before we leave...
Getting rain here and that messes everything up for me and the flowers that need to be bought and planted!!! GRRRR Guess I will never get my tomato plants either...SIGHS.....
Rick is sleeping on the couch watching the NASCAR race...Pocono...kind of boring anyhow...oh well. Me I am sitting here playing games on computer. Yippeeee
HUGSSSSSSSS make me laugh!!! Love you sweetie!!
So sorry about your poor little tomato plants....hope somehow you can get them planted.
I am glad you are getting your back adjusted before your trip. That should help with the pain. I agree...quit with the clothes and such until you get back from vacation. I don't want you to mess your back up.
I am just so excited for you that you will finally get on a vacation!!!!! YOU need one so bad!!
Love you....HUGS.....connie d
Hello sweet sistas!
I am still sick today, and on top of that, my right shoulder is acting like it is blown out again. Sigh. I really need to find a doctor who can help me with that.
Anyway I'm spending the weekend in bed, which is ******g me off. I had some fun stuff planned for this weekend, not the least of which was my family birthday party today. Grrr! But I won't expose the boys to whatever the hell this crap is that I've got. I ran fever all night last night, and I never run fever.
I did want to post today, though, because I wanted to see my ticker go down! I knew I was thinner, but this morning I weighed 168 lbs! I haven't weighed in the 160s in decades!!! Np wonder I am having to alter my clothes. Whoo hoo!
Eileen, have a good time with your mom today and on your trip with your brother. Send me your mailing address when you get a chance, and I'll get your pin in the mail.
Judy, you keep dodging those storms and those crazy tenants!! Connie, I am sad for you and happy for you all at the same time. I hope giving up your car will prove to be the right decision for you! Jennifer, so glad you went to the bbq yesterday and had fun. Carla, be safe traveling. Francine, best of luck and healing with your knee surgery. Piney, Cindy P., Debbie A., and everyone else, I love you all!
Vickie....I am so sorry you are still sick. I feel so bad for you as I know you had lots planned for the weekend! Not good about your shoulder either. I hope you can get to an Orthopedic Doctor soon. I continue to say healing prayers for you.
I don't have everyone's email address, address or phone number. Could you ladies please PM me that. There are so many I would like to keep more in contact with. Don't feel pressure to do this. If you want to be more private that is okay too.
I will be happy to share mine just let me know!!
Love you.....hugs.....connie d
Vic, hope you are feeling better soon!!! It really sucks being down with whatever it is!!! GRRRR Anyhow not to sound like a broken record here...but try a good chiropractor for the shoulder!!! Mine did more for me than the therapy did!! I hoe you didn't get some "bug" from going in the water!!! God I hope not!!!!
168!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I am happy for you!!! I am trying to get some off me but am NOT doing so good...I KNOW what I am doing wrong too...Shame on me!!!!! But soon as vacation is is this eating everything in sight!!!! And Drinking all this alcohol!!! I know its more from alcohol than eating...yikes!!!
LOL I will do my BEST to "dodge" the storms and tenants!!! LOL
You get better ya hear??!!!