Wednesday Morning from sunny California!
Morning all!
Sorry I have ignored you all. I've been in a really weird mood and not wanted to talk or be around anyone. I'm trying really hard to crawl out of the deep dark hole I find myself in. But some days it's so over whelming.
Vickie, I too am very excited over the new show in Aug on Starz, can't wait to watch it. Wish we lived closer if we did you'd have an extra guest at the viewing!!!.
A lot of adjustments with Krissy's boyfriend living here. He's a good kid and loves her so much. Time will tell but there so young I just couldn't let her move to Chicago at 18 I felt she was to young so I'm glad he came here.
I hope all is well, thoughts and prayers for all,
Good morning Debbie and everyone.... have been glad you are here today!!
It is hard letting our children go. My granddaughter was on her own at 18 in downtown Minneapolis!! I worried all the time. She just turned 22 in April. She is very street smart and has done an awesome job of taking care of herself. She lives here in St Cloud not too far from me now. She is going to college and her grades are great!! She decided she is going back to the Twin Cities and will be living with friends. She will attend college there in the fall. Right now she will be here for summer school for about 8 weeks. I will miss her when she moves!!
I would be right beside you with Vickie and the crew to watch Outlanders. I am so excited about this saga...not to mention her Cherry drink!!!
As for me today...I am going to get my bills paid and then go to the grocery store. I have to mail out a couple graduation cards as well. I best get started. I haven't even dressed since I took my shower!!!
Wishing you all a beautiful and blessed day!!!
Prayers for our wonderful OFF family. I am still very concerned about the weather in Judy's area. Special prayers for her and Rick.
Love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Good Afternoon Debbie, Connie and OFF,
Debbie, when I was 18, I moved out of my parents' house, in the Philadelphia area, to Monterey, California, where my 17 year old husband was stationed at the Presidio there. I gave birth to my daughter at Ft. Ord there. We lived there for a year. Then, he was stationed in Massachusetts for three years. I never wanted to moved back to the Philadelphia area, but we did.
I was up early, because I watched the boys for Colleen, while she chaperoned Izzy's class on a trip to the zoo. I got home about an hour ago.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi all,
I got home from Denver at One this morning.,I was miserable on the planes. I was in a lot of pain, I went and camped out on the Doctors doorstep!!!! I was there when they opened in hopes they would see me before the start of their day! Yes I have the dreaded Shingles!! I cant go to see Vinnie till the rash goes away! So I have to delay our trip a week to ten days! Im on pain medicine and anti viral medicine! I can hardly swallow it! I wish they would of guven it thru an Iv
Oh way life gets in the way!
Hi Eileen.....the minute you hit 60 go and get that vaccine!! I have never had shingles as I have had the shot. The people I know that have said it is so painful they couldn't hardly stand it. They were so miserable.
Hope you are having a great are off work tonight right?
HUGS and LOVE.....connie d
Hi Carla.....I am so sorry you have is really spreading now. I know so many that have had it. I had the shot and I am so glad I did!! I know shingles are very painful. Hope the meds help and you feel better soon. Sorry you can't see Vinnie. Good thing you didn't go there and then break out!
Rest , relax and get better!!!
Love you.....HUGS.....connie d
Good afternoon Debbie I hope your crawl out soon. Have talked to someone about it? I would have trouble having a strange young man move in with me. I have three daughters and none of them tried to move away that young. I don’t know what I would have done.
Connie I did the bill thing yesterday. Than two more came today. I have to get/make a card for the Niece for Saturday.
Carla welcome home. Sorry to hear you have the Shingles. I couldn't believe how bad it hurts. Hopefully you will be getting relief soon.
I had to run and pick up the Grands tonight a mix up between the Mom and Aunt and the 12 year old was left waiting for a ride. At least the mix up was found out before the 5 year old was left stranded too. Even though the Aunt left them standing on a sidewalk after signing the 5 year out. Glad I didn't get a flat or something.