Hello to Tuesday, From Denver Colorado!
Carla...I will trade you places...I would love to live in Florida!!!!! I can't handle the Minnesota winters so well anymore. I love the high temps and being in it!!!
I am glad you are enjoyed your Denver visit. How about picking me up and taking me to Tampa with you...LOL!!!
As for me...I am sitting here drinking my iced coffee and enjoying the beautiful sunny day. There is a wonderful breeze blowing in the windows. No need for A/C as the humidity is much lower today. I love the fresh air!!!!
I am waiting for my new homemaker to get here at 1:00. I hope she is good. The last one was sweet but not as thorough as I would have liked. She was a college student and did her best.
Nic is supposed to come and get my car this weekend or the first part of next week.....depends on his jobs and getting a ride here. He is so excited about having my car!!! He has always loved it. He used it a lot when I lived with them. My back window on the drivers side still won't go up. I was taking it in on Thursday to be repaired. They guessed about $88. Nic said not to fix it because he can do it himself. The part is cheap. There is a lot of labor involved so that is why it would cost more. Nic has done this before with his friend's car. Nic loves to work on cars. Remember he and his dad totally gutted out that VW Bug and it is gorgeous now. They are great with repairs and such! I am so glad I don't have to pay for that repair!!!
I am wishing you all a gorgeous and healthy day!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF family....always!
Much love and oodles of hugs....connie d
Hi Carla and Connie and my OFF family:
I had a very stressful night at work and that stress compounded the pain I was having. So glad to be off for two days. My pain is already down. There were just a lot of strange computer issues happening on deadline, plus I asked one of my coworkers to run pages down to the sports guy and sat there and waited ... finally had to run it down there myself and as I rushed down there, I had a stabbing pain down my left leg. So much fun! When I got out of there and in my car, I sat and cried for a while and on the way home. Juliette was there waiting for me at home, sat in my lap and purred for me, so that made everything better.
FSA card company OK'd one pair of glasses, now to get them to approve the other. I called the optometrist, but he's out of the office until Friday. The receptionist said she'd get him to write a note saying the glasses are necessary. Oh, and my dentist said I don't need to pay for my crown, which is the third one on the same tooth in two years. So that's a good thing.
I want to get out today and get my hair cut ... it's so long. I'd like to get it colored, too, but don't think that's in the budget. I don't like to do it myself. Maybe after vacation. I need my vacation.
Have a good day.
Greetings Carla, Connie, Eileen, and all to follow.
I've had a busy day so far. Cleaning, laundry, etc, here at the house. Then, I went to the Y and swam laps. I also met the lifeguard who teach the water aerobics class, so I signed for the new session, which starts next week.
This evening, I'm watching Frankie, so that Colleen and Trent can go with friends from church to plant pumpkins. The two couples plant them, harvest them, and then sell them in October, and split the profits. The big kids are old enough to go along, and help, or hang out. Frankie is just too little yet. He's still very clingy where Colleen is concerned. Yesterday, at the Wacky Olympics, he wouldn't let Colleen not pick him up and carry him around. While he's here, we'll go for a walk, and then plant my geraniums in their pots.
Well, I need to go start the grill, so I can cook my dinner.
Albert Schweitzer

Good Evening Carla and all. Connie I think we need to go live with Carla in the winter and get away from the MN/MI winters. She can come stay with us in the summer
We went to visit a friend of Bill's in the hospital today. Got there and he seemed to get riled up and wanted to come out from sedation and visit but, it caused him distress as he is tubed and restrained. We talked to his nurse and he said it was better to not interact. Than he went on to say that yesterday there were six people in the room when there should have only been two and the were talking over him and hanging on to his had and keeping him agitated. Yep, that was Bill's daughters and friends. They lack common sense when it comes to that kind of thing. We only went as they said he needed to "visit" with him.
We won't be going back unless he is taken off the vent and out of sedation. I felt so bad for upsetting him and causing him to have to be messed with. Bill is devastated as they are almost the same age.
Hello sistas!
I'm waiting for Budder to wake up from his nap, so I don't know how long I'll have here on the computer. He's bound to wake up soon.
We have the boys here for a sleep over tonight. So far, it's been going great! Benny, of course, is excited to be here again. He knows every nook and cranny of this house since he lived here for two years, and boy, has he noticed every little change from the last time he was here. Budder doesn't remember the house, but he seems quite fine to be with us. I don't know if he remembers us or is just such a good natured baby, but he's fine, too.
We stopped at Wal Mart on the way home and bought a new inflatible wading pool for the boys to have in our backyard. It's not very big, but it has a spray fountain and Benny is loving it this afternoon. It will be easy for us to deflate and store in the shed when the boys aren't here, too.
I've been busy making Cherry Bounce this afternoon. What is Cherry Bounce? And why am I making it? Well, you remember I told y'all the young gals all want to come here and have a viewing party for the Outlander premiere on Starz in August? So we're going to serve food and drinks that are featured in the books. Everyone really wanted to try the Cherry Bounce, but it has to sit and age for 3 to 6 months. Whew! I'm a bit behind since the premiere is Aug 9th, but it will have to do. So I halved and pitted 2 lbs of cherries this afternoon (you should see my fingers! LOL!) and divided them into 2 glass containers. I added 1/3 cup of sugar to each batch, and then 1 quart of liquor. The girls all wanted to try vanilla vodka, and I wanted to try amaretto. So I made two batches. I also have a recipe for cherry bounce gelato that I will make in August using the marinated cherries. I'll serve the ice cream with scottish shortbread and that will be our dessert.
I have a perfectly wonderful antique set of cordial glasses that belonged to my grandmother, and of course, they are packed away in a box in Nacogdoches. Darn it. I finally have the perfect occasion to use them and I can't get to them.
So, I went to see the doctor this morning about my incision and "hole." She was much pleased with the progress, she said. I was like, "really, because it's not healed." She said it was ALMOST healed and to come back in two weeks. I said, "what about swimming?" and she said "NO!" Hmph. I didn't tell her I'd already been swimming in Belize. No point in getting fussed at.
Anyway, I am going swimming at the Y with Christie and the boys on Thursday evening. Butch and I are taking the boat out on the lake on Friday for it's first run, and I'm sure we'll get in the water. Then we're taking the whole family out on Sunday for boating and swimming for my birthday celebration. And in two weeks, we're taking Benny to the beach and I'll be swimming then, too. She can kiss my a$$. It's summer and I'm going swimming! I'll just continue to bandage up and take good care of my "hole" like I did in Belize.
I'm definitely going to have to do some alterations on my clothes in the next few days. All of my size 16 shorts and capris are TOO big! Yippee! My abdomen is finally down to a normal size again. I'll just run a couple of darts and take in the waistband a bit and they should all fit fine for this summer. Next year, if I'm still a size 14, I'll invest in new clothes then.
Tomorrow we are driving halfway to Waco and meeting Carrie to pick up little Patty Kate. She must think we've completely abandoned her by now. I know she has been just fine with Carrie and her two dogs, but we sure do miss our little girl! She can go with us for the rest of the summer. She's a good traveller and it's easy to keep her in the RV, she's so little.
I am absolutely pea green with envy over Carrie's plans for this weekend. She and her fella Daniel are going to see the last George Strait concert in Dallas! I know I got to go see him last summer in San Antonio, and it was a super special gift for my birthday, but boy, would I like to be going to see him again! I'm happy for her, though. She needs a break from grad school and this weekend will be good for her.
I think Butch and I are going to have a date night on Friday night for my birthday. We're going to Gruene, which is one of my favorite spots in Texas. We'll have dinner at the Gristmill and then wander over to Gruene Hall to listen to the live Texas music. I love the old dance halls here in Texas! I love Texas country swing bands. Then on Sunday, we're having my family birthday with Chris and Mike and the boys.
Well, Benny is in and wanting to play on the computer, so I'd better close. I can't believe how long Budder is sleeping!
Love you all!