Monday Blessings
Good Morning Family,
Today is Wacky Olympics at Izzy's school. Colleen is volunteering, and I'm taking the boys to watch. Should be fun.
Then, my kitchen took a beating this weekend, so I have to clean it. My taco quiche turned out okay, after having to run to the store twice, I couldn't find my onions, and my milk was spoiled.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning, Trish! And all my OFF sistas to come!
Have fun at the Wacky Olympics today, Trish! That sounds like fun!
Today will be a takin'-care-of-business day for me. Not only is it the first of the month and time to pay bills, I have to take care of all the stuff that piled up while we were gone. First order of business for today is to go to the post office and collect all my mail from the last month. I can only imagine.
Does anyone know how to get this damn "gel" polish off my nails? After a month, my mani/pedi has chipped and grown out and looks awful, but I really don't want to go get another mani/pedi right now. I just want to take the chipped stuff off, but regular nail polish remover doesn't even faze it.
We went to Christie's yesterday and oh, my, how the boys have grown in a month! Budder is crawling and pulling up now. Benny can do simple math! Last April, he couldn't even hold up the right number of fingers for 3 years old, and now he can add! We had a wonderful afternoon with them. Chris made tater tot casserole and green peas and we ate every bite! Good American home cooking tastes great!
Benny loved his seashells! And his tee shirts. He promptly put one of them on to wear all afternoon. And he is so excited about our little seashore vacation! Right after lunch he asked me, "are we going on vacation NOW?" Sweet lil boy. It's hard to grasp the concept of two more weeks.
Butch and stopped at the grocery store on the way home and we practically bought out the produce section. Today I am making veggies! Green beans and new potatoes, squash n cheese casserole, cucmber salad, sliced cantaloupe and cornbread for our supper tonight. Yum, yum!
I think I must still be on BZ time. Woke up before 6 a.m. this morning, but laid around in bed reading until 7 a.m. Butch is still snoozing away. It's so nice not to have a schedule today. Tomorrow will be busier. Have my doctor's appointment in the morning and then we are going to get the boys and bring them here for a sleep over tomorrow night.
I think I'm going to go take a nice hot bubble bath. Have had nothing but showers for the past 6 months, and I want to soak. If swimming in the ocean didn't hurt my "hole", despite Dr. F's dire warnings, then I'm not going to worry about a bubble bath in my nice clean tub. So there, Dr. F!
Love you all!
if your nail polish is either Shellac or Gellish, really soak cotton balls in remover, place wet cotton balls on top of nail and then seal finger with a square of aluminum foil ( make sure each finger is done this way, well bundled in foil squares cut into 3x3 inch squares flattening the cotton ball or pad against nail). Keep your finger tips "foiled" for 10-15 minutes, remove foil from one finger at a time, keeping others still in foil, and with a cuticle stick, scrape the softened nail polish off. The heat from your fingers inside the foil and the acetone remover help soften the polish, but you have to scrape off one finger at a time.
Another way is to put a small bowl filled with nail polish remover ( you use a lot more remover this way) into a larger bowl filled with very ho****er, and soak your fingers in the remover, with an old face cloth or bit of towel over your hands to keep fumes and warmth in with hands.Acetone gets warmed by the larger bowl of ho****er.....your finger tips will come out white from the acetone....also takes 10-15 minutes, and polish will be soft enough to scrape off. I prefer the foil method as dont use so much remover. Both methods use " heat and acetone " to soften the hard polish.
They used both methods on me in the salon. I did the foil method to myself at home.
Good morning Trish, Vickie and everyone.....
Trish....I am sure you and the boys will have a great time watching the Wacky Olympics at school. It sounds like a fun time!! So glad you taco quiche turned out after having to run to the store for more goods. I am sure they enjoyed it!
Vickie....I have no idea how to take the polish off. Check the internet or maybe call a salon. I am so glad you enjoyed yourself so much at Chris and Mike's. Those boys were definitely happy to see you again! Isn't it amazing how much they change in just a month!! I laughed when you said you bought out the produce section. I am sure it will be good but not quite as good as it was in Belize where it was so fresh. ENJOY!!! I don't envy you having to go through all that mail. If it is like mine half of it will be junk!! I am so glad you are back!!!!!
As for crazy ladies sat and worked on a insane puzzle for over 5 hours yesterday...we laughed and had such a great time. I am sure it will be more of the same today!!
I have a new cleaning fairy coming tomorrow. I hope she works out. The last one graduated from college and left. I have had to do it all myself the last couple weeks. Not good for me!!
I am worried about Judy and all that bad weather they are having this week. I hope they don't flood again. I will be saying special prayers for her and all the people in the path of the storms.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF family.
Love and bunches of hugs to all.....connie d
EVENING!!!!!!!! I FINALLY have some time to post here and relax some...OMG I am so scared of this storm we can get over the next couple days!!! If you are my friend on FB check out my weather posts I am posting from Ohio weather!!! Tonight we can see about 1/2 inch...tomorrow it really starts... and this is what scares the living hell out of me and Rick!!! Some of the tenants have already moved their cars to higher ground. Told them to get their candles/flashlights ready for power outs...and IF we have to evacuate we will go HOPEFULLY to the other clubhouse!!! My boss said she would be here this week sometime...I told her IF we are still here you mean. She said what do you mean by that? I than asked her if she watched the weather lately. No...I told her she better!!! The WHOLE state of Ohio is under the gun!!! She said OK and called me back...OMG she said!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!
Went to Dr today for test results...he said I am OK. Said he could have me back in 6 months but he is sure it would be the same as now...NOTHING. So He wants me back in a year but for me to watch for any abnormal discharge etc. IF I notice any to call and come in right away. OK. He said there is NO reason to keep going through this biopsy and colposcopy every 6 months for nothing. Said at my age this happens. Yeah ok. Guess I have to trust him right?
So other than that its been a day from tenant that is in nursing home and her family moved her things to trash/dumpster and turned her keys in Saturday...we checked her apartment out today...OMG!!!!!!! It is trashed inside!!!!!! This woman was IMMACULATE!!!!!!! This apartment is not anymore!!! They left so much behind...shame on them!!!! I hope they rot in hell!!!!! Another tenant that has family in nursing home left his apartment CLEAN!!!! The other tenant that moved out to another place never showed up to turn in the keys...They WILL pay June rent yet!!!! Their fault not mine!!!! He called said he would be here today...never showed up!!!!! Using the computer I can't go back in time.
Well the rain is starting here...sprinkling. Yippeee.
No word on Sandi...I love it how her family keeps me informed like they promised. But no news is good news. Right??
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
I was awol this weekend doing the relay for life here. I only had 4 hours sleep the night before as I got up early to get a pedi with the daughter that was helping us med all the goats as Bill and I are both broke.
I only walked 5 miles in 24 hours. I would go 1/4 mile and sit. When I tried to do more than 1/2 mile my leg hurt to bad. After 48 hours with out sleep I went to sleep for 16 hours. I got up this am and went to see plastic surgeon and as I thought, he won't open the leg up to clean out the old blood and the scare tissue you make when you bleed like that. He is trying to say the body will reabsorb all the blood and scare tissue, not. He says it will take 6 months but it will. So I will be stuck with at least the bad scaring in the leg.
I did make it to my WLS support group meeting tonight.