Well I had so much fun yesterday....NOT!!!!!!!!!!! Tenant rented the large hall for a graduation party and boy she sure didn't follow the rules for parking her guests!!!!!!!!! My phone was ringing off the hook with other tenants complaining they had nowhere to park!!!!!! So over there I went...told her to move her guests to the lot where I TOLD HER BEFORE!!!!!!! OK she said...then she said but I didn't see that all the spots were taken over here...I SAID MOVE THOSE CARS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So they move to another TENANT PARKING LOT!!!!!!!!!!
AGAIN the calls come in!!!!!!!!!!! This time I made Rick go over there!!!! He told them the cars move now or he calls the tow truck!!!!!! Boy did they move fast!!!!!! LOL Then I go over there to lock up...she has the back door locked...the other door UNlocked which is ALWAYS locked!!!!!!! Now WHY that door was unlocked is beyond me!!!!!!! All the blinds were closed.....the trash cans full of trash.......we did not leave her trash filled cans for her party...the chairs around the tables ALL matched...she left us mismatched chairs around the tables...Rick said that's ok...NO ITS NOT!!!!!!!! I HAVE THEM MATCH TO LOOK NICE IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!! She also left all the lights on. Now...would you if you were me/us, give her the deposit back?? (to get deposit back you must put room back in order in which you got it) We both say NO.
Also yesterday we had two tenants family members come give us the keys to the apartments that they moved them out of. Now mind you these people moved these people out because they are in a nursing home now. Why did they wait til SATURDAY MY DAY OFF to turn in the key and expect me to do the walk through on my DAY OFF???? These people do NOT work either...SO WHY did they wait?????? WHY??????? I need a VACATION AND SOON!!!!!!!!!!! I also have one other tenant that moved out and STILL has the keys and it is now JUNE so they WILL be charged for JUNE RENT now!! I CAN'T go back to MAY now that we have the computer. He does NOT work what is his excuse? I have no clue. I am telling you THIS IS THE REASON GOD INVENTED ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So anyhow today its supposed to get up to about 88* and then more nasty weather hits us. LOOK OUT!!!!!!!! Rick found a guy that lives here that did/does BMX like he did back in the day...they met this morning at the park with their bikes and are riding...OMG hope he doesn't get hurt trying tricks!!!!!! (but wish they rode here so IF they did do tricks I could see them!!!) So if Alex post anything on FB I will try and post them on FB also. So if you are not my friend on FB look me up and ask to be my friend!
No news on Sandi. So hopefully she is doing OK. Prayers continue for her.
Got 3 loads of laundry done last night AFTER hours. Seems it was the only way I could do ours. Every time I tried yesterday someone was in now all I have left is the sheets. MAYBE tomorrow while I am working...LOL.
So that's it for me today...hope I can RELAX today!! NASCAR today...2 weeks and we will be at the Michigan race!!! We are so excited!!! FRONT row seats again!!! Just before pit road entrance!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi Judy: I guess because you live on-site the tenants expect you on duty 24/7 and since the end of the month happened on a Saturday they figured that was the day to return the key, just like rent is due on first of month even if it falls on a weekend. Sorry your rec room seems more of a wreck room and means you have to clean up after...
Here it is a lovely sunny day, and this afternoon am off to an 80th birthday party in our rec room, we too have to leave it tidy, but the ass't super mops it down after every function, we have to clear the empty bottles and garbage out, and wipe down the kitchen after running supplied glasses through dishwasher. We do have pride of ownership as we are condo owners, not rental tenants, I find it does make a difference in attitude. We do have a $100 deposit, and it has always been returned so far.
Good luck with enjoying the rest of the day!
Good morning Judy, Trish and all to follow......
Judy....WOW what a day you had yesterday...I pray today is much better. I agree not to give the deposit back. You tell them what they need to do to get it back. It is their choice to do it or not. Start setting some examples. Word will get around that you mean what you say and people will do a better job of cleaning up. Good Luck!!! I would love to see pics of Rick on the bike. Hope you can get some posted!! I am so jealous that you get to the Michigan race. That will be so much fun!! It sounds like you have awesome seats again too!!! I will continue to pray for Sandi. I hope her sister or someone updates you soon.
Trish....helping others pleases our Lord. You are returning the favors as the church members did the same for you. God Bless.
As for me....not much happening today. Yesterday we had a fun afternoon. We sat around and finished our latest puzzle. Then we started telling funny stories. The more we laughed the more people joined us. It took a lot of the afternoon but it was so worth it!! I am not sure what today will bring.
I had to turn the A/C on again. Right now the temp is only 68 but the humidity is 88 and the dew point is 64. I can't breathe when the humidity is so high. There isn't any breeze out there either. The high today will be 81. The heat I can handle. I love it warm but I don't dare leave the windows open.
Wishing you all a happy day!!
Prayers for our loving OFF family.
Much love and many hugs to all....connie d
Hi Connie...Like I said to Jenn...when the tenant rents the hall I give hem a sheet with the rules...maybe she didn't read them? Or didn't care...hard telling. All I know is IF she rents again The rental is $200.00!!!!!!!! BUT Rick and I are both saying she is NOT renting again. Way too much trouble!!!!!
Rick just got home said he had a blast!!! Did one trick said he was shocked he could do it yet!!! Said he tried another for over an hour and just could not do it!!! Asked if any pictures taken he didn't answer me...GRRRRR
I posted on FB our weather reports...NOT looking good all week!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!
Connie I hope she doesn't get pissed and move out of here...I have so many empty apartments right now it scares me!!!! But she brought this on herself!!! What was she thinking???????
Yeah they keep updating the weather for us and it looks like we ARE going to get hit hard!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!
Good Morning Judy and OFF Family,
Judy, so sorry you had such a rough day yesterday. I can't imagine dealing with such irresponsible adults. I had such stuff with students, but they were kids. Actually, some were actually more responsible.
I have church this morning. Then, I have the Phillies, and the taco quiche to make. I have all the ingredients.
Must scoot.
Hugs and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer