Homeward Bound Saturday!

on 5/30/14 11:25 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning, sistas!

So, I woke up at the totally insane hour of 4:48 a.m.!  I just couldn't sleep another minute.  Stubbornly stayed in bed until 5:15 a.m. and then I just gave up and rolled out.  Guess I'm a bit anxious about our long travel day today.

Anyway, it's 7:00 a.m. and I'm showered, dressed, completely packed, and still have another hour or so to wait before we even leave for the airport.  Crazy, huh?

Butch, on the other hand, decided to get up and cook an enormous breakfast!  Why?  I don't have the slightest idea.  I told him I wasn't going to eat a big breakfast today.  I don't want to have gastric problems on the airplane.  (Oy vey!  Can you imagine?)  So now he is having to clean up all the pots and pans and dishes, and he's grumbling about it, but I'm clean and I'm not getting in there and mess up my travel clothes!  Besides, I didn't even EAT his damn breakfast.  LOL!

So I don't know if I've lost weight, or if all the swelling has finally gone down in my tummy, or what, but all my size 16 pants and shorts are TOO BIG!  I can't wait to get home and see what I weigh now!  If I did lose weight on this vacation, I think it will be the first time ever.  Usually I gain weight on vacations!  LOL!

Talked to Carrie a couple of days ago, and I meant to tell y'all that she passed her oral exams and we are all so relieved and so proud of her.  She is now at the stage they call "ABD", which stands for "all but dissertation".  You know, I think she's really gonna do it.  I think we're going to have a Doctor of Chemistry in the family.  Anyway, she about killed herself with worry and anxiety before these exams, (and by extension, 'bout killed her Mama and Daddy, too!), but now she says she is doing fine.  She joined some on-line dating site and wow!  She has a date every night for the next two weeks!  No kiddin'.  Well, I want her to be happy and I want her to find love, but I also want her to finish this damn doctorate!  I hope she doesn't get too distracted.

Christie messaged me last night and informed me that Benny wants a "red giraffe" and a "black lion" for his birthday.  WTH?  I don't know if she's promised him that Mimi and Papaw will get him those things or not, but where on earth will I find such items?  I might pull off a black jungle cat, like a panther, but a RED giraffe?  I'll have to work on redirecting his wishes when we get home.

For the past two days here in Belize, it's been overcast and windy.  I think we are getting out just before the rainy season hits.  We've had several little showers as well.  Even the crystal clear water has turned cloudy.  I guess it's truly time for us to go home.

Well, I guess I'll go hang out on FB for awhile.  Hope everyone has a beautiful Saturday!

Love you all!


Patricia R.
on 5/31/14 12:23 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Vickie and OFF Family,

I hope you have a safe trip home, Vickie.  I hate long travel days.  

I had a nice book party last night.  What's nice is that Usborne sells $5 books for kids.  Some are $10 or $14.  Not terribly expensive.  I baked a Jewish Coffee Cake I found on Allrecipes, that I changed based on the reviews, and it was a hit.  I also had cheese, crackers, fruit salad, veggies, dip, and chips.  Healthy snacks, and junk, so everyone would be happy.  Izzy and two of her cousins where here.  They loved the fruit salad.  

Today, I'm heading to the YMCA, and swimming.  I'm woefully behind in my exercise.

I have to get some geraniums for my pots outside my front door, and a pot for a plant I bought last night.  I also have some groceries to get for a taco quiche I am making for our youth pastor and his wife.  I had made this a few years ago for Christmas brunch with the kids.  They liked it.  I signed up to provide them with a meal and fruit on Monday.  I also want to get a gas card to give them, coz they live too close to stay at the Ronald McDonald House in Lansing.  Only two miles too close.  The limit is 25 miles, and they live 23 miles away.  However, his parents live right behind them.  Their backyards touch.  

Must get going.  I have stuff to do.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 5/31/14 8:03 am

Hi Trish....I am so glad your book party went well!! Good for you!! I would love to know the recipe for you coffee cake it you decide to post it...thanks! Your taco quiche sounds wonderful too! You are such a good and kind person. I am sure the youth pastor and his wife will love the dinner.

Love and hugs....connie d

Patricia R.
on 5/31/14 10:22 am - Perry, MI

Hi Connie,

I'll find the coffee cake recipe, and post it.  The taco quiche recipe is also from Allrecipes.com.  The youth pastor's sis-in-law set up a sign up thing online, so people at church could sign up to provide frozen meals, fruit breakfast foods, etc.  They spend everyday at the hospital with their tiny baby, who is up to 2 pounds 9 ounces.  

I spent way too much money today, but got some geraniums for my pots.  Forgot to get soil, so I need to do that tomorrow.

The people at church have helped my daughter, with meals, after each of her kids was born.  Plus, people I did not even know brought me meals last year when I had my gall bladder surgery.  I always help when I can, because they'll help me when I need it.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 5/31/14 12:28 am

Good morning Vickie and everyone....

Vickie...I continue to pray for your and Butch's safe flight home. I no way would eat a big breakfast before a flight. You were thinking right!! As for your weight, I think you lost weight. You were constantly busy and for the most part you ate very well. You look thin to me!! I hope the rest of Carrie's doctorate goes well. She is still in the honeymoon phase of weight loss. Everything is so much fun now!! As for the "red giraffe" you might have a problem with that. Good Luck!!

As for me....nothing exciting planned....just more of the same....and that is okay with me!! I will check back in later.

Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Prayers for our sweet OFF family.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

on 5/31/14 4:59 am

Hi OFF friends, 

Well, i am off for knee replacement surgery on 6/12/14. I am so stoked. My right knee has been giving way so it is time. The surgeon is really terrific. He was willing to be less aggressive if i wanted, but i said heck no. I don't want to do what i did with the other knee... fall. They asked when i wanted to have it done. I said Next Week. They laughed and said sorry earliest open is the 12 th.... i laughed and said SOLD.  Party !!! 

Anyway, there was a hanging on the wall of his waiting room. It was of an operation and the surgeon getting ready to operate.  Behind him reaching around to put his hand over the surgeon's was Jesus. I knew right then i had the right doctor.

Vickie, hope your trip home without incident. Hope all of you OFF friends are doing well.



Connie D.
on 5/31/14 8:06 am

Francine....I am so glad you are finally getting your knee surgery. You will feel so much better!! 

I totally agree about the picture and the doctor...that is a blessing!

Love and hugs....connie d

on 5/31/14 6:00 am


Safe travels and congratulations to your daughter.  Being ABD is an accomplishment.  I defend my dissertation this fall; I have put it off long enough.    I was awarded a Fullbright fellowship that ended yesterday, so now I have to defend or start paying for my dissertation hour. LOL.   I actually have had the damn thing written for about a year and the results of my study have been analyzed so all that's left is defending.  My dissertation director said, bout damn time. LOL   I was in no hurry but I need the PhD in hand for the position that I have been hired for, so life goes on.

I'm like you with traveling...I don't want to deal with digestive problems on the plane so I rarely eat heavy on travel days.   

I have been doing a lot of walking so that my husband will get his exercise in too and yesterday, we walked all over Fayetteville, using the bike trails and just as we were getting off the trail to cross the street to our apartment, I got stung by a wasp.  I'm deathly allergic but I had my epipen but that wasp had some very strong venom and the epi-pen didn't work, so DH rushed me to the hospital, and he had called them and said we were on our way and the police got involved and we got a flashing light and siren escort, I remember getting to the hospital and the nurse being there with a wheelchair and some guy helping get me out of the car and for the next four hours, I was out of it.   I woke up in intensive care with a endotrach tube connecting me to a ventilator and an IV filling me full of breathing drugs and steroids.   At midnight, I was finally stable enough to get moved to a room and a couple of hours later, I got to come home.   

That was my excitement.   Today, my granddaughter and I are working on her spelling bee words.   

Connie D.
on 5/31/14 8:12 am

Hello Jeanne...I am happy to see your post....it has been a while. As always you are keeping very busy! 

I keep my Epipen with me at all times. We just never know do we? I am glad they were able to get you to the hospital so quickly. Your husband must have been so frightened...you too... before you went out. I am happy you had such a good recovery!! 

It sounds like you and your granddaughter are having fun together!!

Love you....HUGS.....connie d

on 5/31/14 9:48 am

My goodness what an ordeal. May i suggest you ask you doctor for TWO Epepins to carry with you at all times. Given the veracity and near fatal consequence of this sting i doubt you will have difficulty getting him/her to order nor, if you need it, the insurance company to approve it. Being able to receive a second injection immediately should the first doesn't resolve the attach may just save your life. 

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