Happy Friday .....what's new with you??

Connie D.
on 5/30/14 9:24 am

Judy...I have too get rid of it....my budget is so tight....I never have money to do anything if I wanted too. That move to Iowa really messed things up for me. It was what God wanted so I will not regret going there. My Nic and Grace needed me!

I love my car and will miss it but I can't stand living from penny to penny anymore. It was the car or the internet. I can't be without my friends!!! 

More love and hugs...prayers for you and Sandi too....connie d

on 5/30/14 10:29 am - Canada

Hi all. Today returned my houseguest to her mammalady after having her for 3 weeks. We bonded, and think she must have been a dog in a previous life as she would come running and talking when I came home.  She also would let me know when she used her litterpan so she could be praised for being a good girl.  She  had all her claws but never clawed furniture and had I think a more stimulating time here than at her real home as she followed me around and talked to me constantly, and plopped down at my feet when I was watching tv or working in my office. She came on the bed with me to start off the night or greet the day, nuzzling my hand and licking my arm, never my face....but would spend the night in her own bed on the floor.  I got attached and hope her seriously handicapped mammalady will consider giving her to me permanently if she cant get help to clean litterpan at home and if cat presents a danger to her huge surgery incision.  The mommalady is handicapped and in a wheelchair, and gets daily help to spongebathe, but they dont do cat litterpans, so am hoping cat becomes too much for her to look after, and I get my furry little  senior girl back.  She was curious and became a kitten here, and I spoiled her with good food , catnip and toys, and she paid me back by constant chatting,  loveys and companionship.

Lots of people offering me rescue kittens to replace her, but at my age I need a laid back senior cat with nice disposition who doesnt claw furniture. I do not believe in declawing as çruel because  involves amputation to lowest knuckle of every digit. The pain to the cat is excruciating. This particular little cat and I had come to a good understanding after 3 weeks "vacation" together , hope I get her back soon, permanently!

Wishing you all a better day tomorrow...


Connie D.
on 5/30/14 10:52 am

Hello Jennifer....I have a feeling she will be coming back!! You certainly got attacked to each other these last three week!! I think your friend will have all she can do to take care of herself. It wouldn't be good for her to not get that litter box changed. She could get an infection in her incision. That wouldn't be good at all.

I will pray you get the house guest back and that your friend heals quickly.

Love and hugs....connie d

on 5/30/14 11:20 am - Cibolo, TX

Good evening, sistas!

Well, here we are--our last night in Belize.  I am ready to go home and feeling a bitty bit sad at the same time.  Butch and I have had such a wonderful month here.  We really needed the couple time alone, especially after having Christie and the boys live with us for the past two years.  It's been a once-in-a-lifetime trip and we will never forget it.

BUT--I am ready to go home.  I miss my boys.  I miss my little Patty Kate.  I miss my flowers.  I miss my bed and my kitchen.  It's time to go home.

Tomorrow will be a really long travel day for us.  Oh, I'm already dreading it.  We leave the island at 9 a.m. on Maya Air (a little puddle jumper), then leave Belize City at 11:50 a.m.  Then, due to all the time changes, including daylight savings time, we get to Atlanta at 4:50 p.m., but it's really not that long a flight actually.  Just over 2 hours.  And we will finally roll into San Antonio around 8 p.m.  Whew!  I get tired just thinking about it.

On Sunday, we're going to Christie's house for dinner.  That will be great!  We can give the boys their gifts (plus Chris and Mike, too) and get all those hugs and kisses we've been missing!!!  I can hardly wait.

On Tuesday, I go back to see Dr. F (the PS) at the Wound Care Center.  This damn hole in my belly is STILL there, although Butch thinks it's looking better.  All I know is I've been swimming daily with it, and I've been carefully doctoring it and bandaging it and, God be praised, I have NOT gotten another infection. But it's time for her to FIX IT!  She promised me she could fix it and it's not fixed yet!  Summer is here, and I plan to go swimming at the Y and boating on the lake and tubing down the river.  She just has to close this hole up!

Anyway, we will be babysitting the boys Tuesday evening, and I can't wait for that.  My, what a difference a month makes, huh?  LOL!

I've been making further summer plans this past week, so we've got some more fun short trips with the familycoming up in June and July.  And we're talking about what WE might like to do next.  At this time we're thinking about going to NYC to see a couple of Broadway plays and then renting a car and driving up through New England to see the leaves change color.  Wouldn't that be great?  (I think I'm going to like having a husband who is retired!)

In the meantime, we have a lot of little projects ("we" meaning "BUTCH"!) at the lake house that need to be finished up.  I think we'll be putting that house up for sale within the year, and we need to get it ready.  You know, my husband is real good at starting projects, but it takes a bit of shoving, pushing, nagging on my part to get him to finish them!  LOL!

Eileen, I hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation.  I agree, you've certainly earned your time off!  I think you will be so glad you were there for your mom's birthday.  And I know you and your brother will have a great time.  Sounds so interesting.  And stupid insurance!  Eyeglasses are obviously a medical necessity.  

Connie, I know you need to make some changes to improve your quality of life.  If it means selling (or giving it to Nic) your car, and you're comfortable with public transportation, then by all means, do it.  It's always nice to have a dollar to spend, and it can be pure misery when you have to live without that extra dollar.  I know. We've lived on both sides of that coin.  

Judy, I'm praying for Sandi and I'm so thankful she survived the operation.  And I'm also praying that you and Rick have a wonderful time on YOUR vacation.  Damn gas prices.  WHY are they so HIGH?  I hate seeing those numbers at the pump.  Stupid insurance guy.  So inconsiderate!

Jennifer, I hope you are able to get the kitty.  Sounds like she was much happier with you and you were happier with her.  Maybe y'all could work out shared custody?  What a pickle.

Everyone else who has posted this past month, I read all the posts and I missed everyone.  I'll be glad to get back to my normal routine.  See you all stateside!


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