Hey...its Wednesday....what's new??

Connie D.
on 5/28/14 6:33 am

Good afternoon everyone......

It is 3:30 PM here...where is everyone??

I went grocery shopping earlier. I also had to pick up a RX. More muscle relaxers. It was so humid I couldn't hardly stand it. I came home and turned on the A/C. 

Judy.....any news from your appointment yet?? Still sending prayers for you.

Vickie....Happy Anniversary to you and Butch!! Hope you are having a beautiful day together!!

I hope everyone is doing well....I am sure you are all just busy with other things. Come out, come out where ever you are!!!

Have a great day!! Prayers for our wonderful OFF family!

Love and many hugs to all....connie d

Judy G.
on 5/28/14 7:36 am - Galion, OH

Hi Connie...NOPE I do NOT know anything yet...dr was called aay for abn emergency they said. I could have waited til he came back...IF he came back today or tomorrow. I have things for tomorrow so the next tie was MONDAY. If I took tomorrow they could not say how LONG I had to WAIT because it would be a SQUEEZE me in appointment. No thanks!!! So now I worry til MONDAY!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then driving home the sky is BLACK as all get out...I called Rick and he said the parking lot is flooding big time...wonderful!!!!!!!!!! Closer I got to home the harder it rained!!!!!!!! Got home and streets are flooded!!!!!! GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky I got to the higher parking lot and parked my car!!!! Also lucky I had a blanket in back seat I could use to cover myself to walk to office so I didn't get so wet...yes I DID get wet but not as bad as I would have if I didn't use the blanket!!! Our Parking lot IS/WAS flooded up to our sidewalk...right now it finally went down...they are calling for another 3 inches of rain. Flood warning til 10pm last I heard. Rick has his truck blocking our side of parking lot to keep idiots out!!! So far this year we have been lucky...today...so far so good...lets PRAY it STAYS good!!!!!!!!! PLEASE GOD??????

So that I my news for today...no news on Sandi...wish I heard something...Prayers continue for her!!! Thanks so much!!!!


Connie D.
on 5/28/14 10:19 am

Judy....Sorry you have to wait until Monday for your results. The good thing is if something was seriously wrong they wouldn't let you wait that long....that is what I am praying for! 

That whole state is going to float away pretty soon. My goodness you are getting hit with so much rain. That is crazy! Keep safe and dry....HUGS!!! 

I am waiting to hear any news about Sandi....still praying for her too. 

Love ya....more hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 5/28/14 10:23 am - Galion, OH

Well the nurse??? Said she would look at my chart...HAHA she wasn't gone LONG enough to do that and said what she saw looked ok....yeah whatever......I go to the clinic and there is only one dr there and he IS the one I WANT to see anyhow....****!!!!!!!!!!!

Still haven't heard any news on Sandi...will call her sister tomorrow and see if anything new...

This weather is NUTS!!!!!!!! We are expecting ANOTHER round soon....good grief!!!!!!!


Patricia R.
on 5/28/14 8:41 am - Perry, MI

Hi Connie, Judy, and all to follow,

I'm tired today.  I got up early to go with Colleen and Frankie to Okemos.  She needed to go to the post office there, to get her passport photo, and application taken care of.  She had everything they told her to bring, but didn't have her old passport, which they didn't tell her to bring.  I stayed in her van to watch Frankie, and I put "Frozen" in the DVD player for him.  He loves it as much as Izzy and Lincoln do.  She kept texting me questions to answer on the form.  She didn't know her dad's year of birth, or mine, nor where we were born.  Then she asked me what year she went to Tunisia.  I had to use my calculator app, and do the math.  After she was done, we went shopping, then picked up Lincoln from preschool.

When I got home, I cleaned my carpet by the front door, which was stained from winter dirt and crap coming in.  Then, I washed my dishes, and folded some laundry.  I picked up Izzy from school, took her home, and since then, I've been a nudge, accomplishing nothing.

Happy Anniversary Vickie.  I hope you had a wonderful day, with your hubby, in paradise.  

Connie, because of my allergies, I have been using my A/C since earlier this month.  It doesn't take much to trigger a sinus headache.  

Judy, I can't imagine the flooding situation you deal with so often.  Are you in a flood plain?



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 5/28/14 10:19 am - Galion, OH

Trish I WISH I had SOME of your energy!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!

No I am NOT in a flood area...we just have small pipes here and are lower than the road and the farm next door to us....we get all the extra drainage...LUCKY US!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Connie D.
on 5/28/14 10:31 am

Trish....sorry you are feeling so tired today. You always have to do so much running around. I couldn't keep up with it that's for sure!!

I loved that movie FROZEN...it was so cute. Good thing for cell phones or Colleen would be doing a lot of running back and forth with questions. 

You cleaned the carpet, washed dishes, and folded laundry then went to pick up Izzy....WOW!! After all that I wouldn't be doing anything else!!! 

I agree...where would we be without A/C....too many allergies and such out there right now. I know how horrible your sinus infections and Sinus headaches can be.

Have a nice rest of the evening 

Love and hugs....connie d

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