Thursday Morning

Patricia R.
on 5/29/14 12:02 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF Family,

I'm tearing through my house today, getting ready for an Usborne book party tomorrow evening.  Usborne sells quality books for children from babies to high school.  My daughter is a reading specialist, and all the research says the more books children have in the home, the higher their reading level in school.  I know that children who do not read on grade level will struggle because all of their other texts, like science, and social studies, are written on grade level.  I taught hundreds of students who could not read on grade level.  So, Colleen had a party in April, and I booked a party off hers.  If anyone wants to order books for their grandchildren, nieces or nephews, I can send you an invite to the online Facebook party that I'm having.  

Anyway, I have to jump in the shower, scoot to IGA, and get cleaning.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 5/29/14 12:36 am

Good morning Trish and everyone.....

That kind of party would be awesome to attend. My grandchildren and my daughters all grew up with so many books. We are all avid readers. My youngest granddaughter has shelves of books and is always getting more. She will be in second grade this fall. Her reading skills are at least at a fourth grade level now. She has a book or her Kindle with her at all times!! Good luck with your party!!

As for me...I stripped the bed and changed the bedding. I am relaxing a bit and then I need to do laundry. I only have three loads. Lights, dark's and bedding. I have never minded doing laundry. I find it quite relaxing actually.  

Wishing everyone a joyous day!!

Prayers for our sweet OFF family.

Much love and lots of hugs to all....connie d

Patricia R.
on 5/29/14 2:41 am - Perry, MI

Connie, my Isabel is going into second grade, and is getting a Kindle for her 7th birthday in June.  I'm so proud of her, and Lincoln.  I'm always reading to the boys, and letting her read to me.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 5/29/14 2:27 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon Trish And Connie and OFF family yet to come in....

Trish my niece read to her baby while he was still inside...he LOVES books!!!  He is a smart little guy also!!!

Connie...Forgot what you posted...DANG!!!!! CRS!!!!!!!!

Well we had LOTS of rain yesterday and FLOODING!!!!!!! BUT......not in any apartment!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!   Some of my hanging baskets of flowers are really drooping from all the heavy rain though... So all in all we lucked out I guess!!!

So that's my news for today...Made a separate post on my tenant Sandi...she IS doing OK so far...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Patricia R.
on 5/29/14 2:39 am - Perry, MI

Awesome news about your tenant.  God is good, all the time.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 5/29/14 9:11 am glad you didn't have to deal with more flooding in your apartments! Hope the flowers survive!!

All I posted was that I needed to change bedding and do laundry. I did 4 loads again. One was a couple blankets and the other some sheets. I really didn't have a lot of clothes. Now that it is so warm I live in shorts, t shirts and tank tops. The loads are much lighter with the lighter weigh clothes. I am so glad to have warm weather again!!

Have a great evening!

I am still sending healing prayers for Sandi. Also praying that your test results are good on Monday!

Love you....HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 5/29/14 10:29 am - Galion, OH

LOL Connie...sorry I didn't get back to you sooner...lunch ended to

Wish I had time to do my laundry....MAYBE tomorrow...yeah right!!!!!!! Well I have to do it soon as I need clean undies!!!! Or buy new!!! OMG!!!

Just posted new info on Sandi...Thanks so much for those prayers!!! Keep them going!!!



on 5/29/14 3:28 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

This will be short as the battery is dying on my laptop again.  I'm about to wear it out this trip!  LOL!

We had a wonderful anniversary day yesterday.  Nothing big or fancy, just spending time relaxing together, going swimming, hunting for seashells, and then a nice dinner out.  Connie, thank you for noticing my new dress on FB!  I felt quite "island girly" in it!  I also had on a new necklace and earrings that we bought from one of the island vendors.  I can't remember what the stone is in it, but it's some kind of polished stone and freshwater pearls.  Nothing expensive or fancy, but I thought it went well with the dress.

I am dying to get home and see what I weigh.  All I know is that my size 16 shorts are too big.  Not sure if it is because all the swelling has gone down in my tummy, or if I have lost a few pounds.  Whatever it is, I'll take it!

I plan to start back to water aerobics at the Y when we get home.  I would really like to weigh about 160-165 lbs.  Maybe I can get there now.

So, I've been making further summer plans this week.  We promised Benny we would take him to the seashore for vacation this summer in the RV.  I found a really nice sounding RV park in the Corpus Christi area, which is not too far a drive for a little fella.  We'll be on the beach for 3 days in June.  On one of those days, we'll take him to the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus for the day.  Besides all the wonderful aquatic shows, and displays, there's also a zero-depth water park (with all sorts of squirty fountains and things for the kids to play in) and some sort of archaeological dig site where the kids can dig up fossils and bones and things.  Should be a fun trip with a 4 year old.

Then on 4th of July weekend, Chris has a 3 day weekend, so we will take her and the boys (Mike has to work) to the YO Ranch.  The YO Ranch is a Texas landmark.  It's a real working ranch with longhorn cattle, but also with many exotic wild animals.  We'll take the RV and camp there for two nights.  On that Saturday, we'll take the wildlife tour (Butch and I did this once and it was great!) and then have lunch at the chuckwagon there at the ranch.  Chris and the boys will have a little vacay together and even though Budder is too young to remember it, it will be good for all of them to have a little special outing.  Benny should love it!

At the end of July, Butch and I are hosting a Poe Family get-together at our house for a long 3-4 day weekend.  I can sleep quite a few people at my house, and Butch's brother has a house in Wimberly (about 30 minutes drive) and his sister lives in Austin (about an hour's drive), so between all of the houses, we should be able to accommodate everyone.

And then at the start of August, this new series is premiering on Starz called Outlander.  Connie knows about these books.  I've been devouring them for the past 20 years!  They are finally going to come to life!  I am so excited.  So are the hundred million other fans out there.  Carrie wants us to have a viewing party at the lakehouse because we have the biggest TV.  I said, "sure!"  So I don't know how many young women will be descending on us for that weekend, but it will be fun.  I plan to serve food and drinks from the books (which are set in Scotland), but it won't be haggis!  (Actually, they never eat haggis in the books, thank God.)  There's some drink called "Cherry Bounce" that is featured in one of the books and I need to figure out how to make it, because it has to age awhile.  Something with cherries and brandy and sugar.  Sounds like cough syrup to me, but everyone wants to try it!  LOL!

Butch and I are ready to go home.  We have 3 more days here.  We did originally plan to go snorkeling, but frankly after our horrific experience with the water taxi on Monday, neither one of us want to step foot in another boat again while we are here!  A half day excursion bouncing around out there on the sea just sounds awful to both of us right now!  LOL!  So we'll stay put and enjoy the beach right outside our door.  We're both pretty tired of being away from home at this point and are really ready to see our boys!  I cry every time Mike or Christie post a new picture of them on FB.  I don't think I'm cut out to live in a foreign country after all.  Go on trips and vacations?  YES!  But live outside the U.S. full time?  No, I don't think.  So this trip has been good for us because I've learned quite a bit about being an ex-pat and what it would be like to be away from home and family for an extended period of time.  Well, you don't know if you don't try, right?

There goes the warning for my battery.  I'd better go plug in.  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 5/29/14 9:02 am

Vickie...I am so excited to know that Outlander is going to be a series....I can't wait!!  They are just the best books!! I wish I could attend your viewing party....I know you will have a great time!!! I remember "Cherry Bounce"...thought it sounded awful!!

I hope you really enjoy the last few relaxing days of your trip. Rest while you can.....those boys will be all over you and Butch for days!!!

Love and many more hugs......connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 5/29/14 9:23 am - Evansville, IN

Vickie, your trip sounds wonderful, but I'm with you ... I don't think I could live in another country, either. I don't know if you remember Jan Cook ... she was on OFF but I think it was before your time. She's only on FB now, and then not a lot. She was from Missouri, around Branson. She moved to Ecuador, bought a coffee farm and is very happy. But I just couldn't do it. I know it's cheaper, but with my aches and pains, and the fact I'm single and would be on my own ... I've been on my own my whole life, but not that far from my family ... no, couldn't do it. At least everywhere I've been everybody has spoken English (well, unless you count Louisiana ... sometimes I couldn't understand some of them, LOL). 

But that's up to you and Butch. You two have to make that decision. Me, I'll stay somewhere in the U.S. ... somewhere warmer and drier, I think.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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