SUNDAY WHAT'S UP???????????
Good Morning Judy and OFF Family,
I am up, and ready to leave for church. I have nursery during Sunday School, and might get to sit in the service this morning.
This afternoon, I'm heading to the YMCA for a swim, and then to watch the Phillies game.
It is glorious weather here this weekend. Could not ask for better.
Hope everyone is having a safe, fun weekend.
Albert Schweitzer my HOT coffee... much better than cold!!! LOL
Sorry I didn't get here yesterday but was busy looking for hanging baskets of flowers for the complex. Found 10 purple petunia's that I fell in love with and one pink one for me!! LOL Cost $104.00 Filled the whole back of the truck!!! So today I might go back to find more...LOL Still need flowers for the two baskets I make up myself for out by the sign for this side yet. Plus by the flagpole yet. Then I need some for the flagpole on the other side yet. Not sure what all I can get for over there as its pretty well full...maybe some shrubs this time. The rose bushes died. DAM!!! And those were so pretty too!!!! Then I want to get my tomato plants for me yet...oh Rick is going to love going flower shopping with me two days in a row...lmao NOT!!!!!!!!
Listening to the police scanner last night someone got tazzed...ended up going to hospital...oh well!!! You do bad guess that is what you get!!!! Seem there is more and more drugs and break ins around here lately and school isn't out yet...but windows and doors are open more...police are doing a great job here getting them!! Which is good!!!
Well best get going and see what is happening on FB then get my butt in gear before it gets too hot to do things like looking for
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Good morning Judy and everyone.....
Judy....the flowers sound wonderful.....hope no one steals them!! I hope you get to relax on this beautiful day!!
Vickie....I can just feel that gentle breeze blowing and the smells of paradise. Have a great day exploring with your little golf cart!! I will be watching for more pics!!
Trish...sounds like you have a busy day planned. I hope you got to join in at the church service today.
I am just checking out FB and OFF and such this morning. It is a beautiful day. The sun is shining bright and we have a nice gentle breeze blowing.
Yesterday evening I decided to purge my clothes!! I went through every dresser draw, totes, and my closet. I have 4 huge trash bags of clothes!! I doubt I will ever be a 0-3 again. I don't even want to be that small. I looked anorexic. Someone else can use it. I am donating all of it to the Epilepsy Foundation and Goodwill!! Don't worry I still have plenty left to wear!!!
I am quite sore today but it was well worth all the work!!
I am going over to get Kyleigh so she can take this out to my car. Then we can go drop it off. YAY!!!
I best get in the shower and get my day going!
Wishing you all a wonderful day!!!
Prayers for our beautiful OFF family!
Much love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Connie I have SO MANY clothes in my closet it is unreal....One of these days and I DO mean one of these days I AM going to go through it and toss out what I do NOT wear!!! I have clothes that I brought with me from Michigan that I have never worn and I have been here now 6 years???? OMG!!!!!! There are clothes that have not been worn for YEARS AND YEARS!!!!! Shame on me!!!!!!
Good glorious morning sistas!
I swear, this is the prettiest place on earth in the early mornings!
Today we are going to be really brave and rent a golf cart and go exploring up and down the island. I want to drive south along Coconut Drive (where we are now) and see all the condos and check them out. We really, really like this condo! I mean REALLY. But it's still quite a big question mark, you know? We get to meet with the manager on Tuesday and ask her lots of questions, but in the meantime, it won't hurt to scope out the area and see what else is out there.
Tomorrow we are going to Chetumal, Mexico, via the water taxi. We want to see what the supposedly "fabulous" shopping is like over there. That might play a big part in our decision whether or not to buy here in BZ.
Butch cooked us an enormous breakfast of fry jacks, scrambled eggs, refried beans, bacon and fresh pineapple. I only ate one fry jack and one piece of bacon, and I'm stuffed! We pretty much only eat two meals a day here: breakfast and a early dinner. Thank goodness or I would be big as a barn again.
This begins our last week in BZ. Next Sunday we will be flying home. But our anniversary is on Wednesday, so I'm not going to think about going home until after that. If there's one thing I've learned from having a husband who worked overseas, it's not to let tomorrow's travel steal today's joy! Don't think about leaving until you have to.
Love you all!
Vickie....your vacation is making what mine is going to be SAD!!!!!! LOL I am sure we will be wearing winter coats yet to keep warm in the northern parts of Michigan!!! They still have ice in the lakes up that way!!!! BRRRRRR But the good thing about ours is we will be getting out of here for a few days!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! So in the mean time I am loving yours every chance I get!!!!
Good afternoon OFF friends,
Sorry i have been MIA for a few days. Struggling with my knee, a bit of depression and financial challenges. Also one of my dear friends brother died (only in his 50s ). And then Friday my sister let me know her ex -husband had passed away after a long illness. The hardest part was knowing that my niece (the one that just had a baby ) had to make the decision with her dad's partner and her uncle to take him off the ventilator. He had made it clear he didn't want ongoing life support. All the same i can't imagine having to make that choice. The blessing is he got to hold and feed his only grandson grandchild his bottle just the day before the had to put him on the ventilator.
The amazing thing amidst all the losses and challenges there is personal victory. I JUST PASSED THE 300 LB MARK. I AM IN THE 200s FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OVER 25 YEARS. YEAH....HAPPY DANCE.
I read all your posts. I always pray for you health and continuing well being.