Saturday Happenings
Good Morning OFF Family,
I woke up about an hour ago, but didn't crawl out of bed till now. I was hoping the headache would be completely gone, but there are still remnants of it.
I have a couple errands to run this morning, coz the bank closes at noon. I wanted to go yesterday, but I couldn't do a thing with the headache yesterday. So, the bank, then 7-11 for gas in the car, then home again.
If I am able to totally shake the headache, I have to continue organizing my bedroom, and then start my spare room.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Trish...sorry you are still in some pain. Maybe after you eat or drink something you will feel better.
I am being lazy today. I am hurting from all I did yesterday. If I feel better later I will wash a load of clothes.
Kyleigh wanted me to take her to the bank and grocery store but she isn't feeling well. We will wait until next week when she feels better.
Wishing you all a good Memorial Day weekend. Keep safe! Remember those men and woman in the military who died for our freedom.
Prayers for our beautiful OFF family!!
Lots of love and many hugs to all....connie d
Good morning Trish and Connie, and all my OFF sistas!
Well, here we sit. Butch is still down in his back and the stubborn man refuses to go to see a doctor about it. I'm ready to go DO something, but he is not, so I'm trying to be patient. But part of me feels like he is being very selfish about feeling bad. We are only here for one more week. I want to go snorkeling and do some other excursions while we are here in Ambergris Caye. And I can't/won't go by myself. So here we sit.
I did go down and take an early morning "dip" in the sea today. I swear, the best hour of the whole day is between 6 and 7 a.m. The sun is up, the air is cool and sweet, and the water is crystal clear. I really didn't do more than just wade around, looking for interesting pieces of coral and shells, but it was a wonderful start to the day.
I need to go to the pharmacy and to the store today. I need more bandaging materials, and some Tylenol and liniment for Butch's back. I also need to make a stop at the market and buy some more butter and milk, then stop at the produce stand for more fresh fruits. I will take my big bag with me to carry all my purchases.
Yesterday we walked pretty far into town and did some of the touristy shopping. I bought tees for everyone. I also want to buy some seashells for the boys, but am waiting to see how much room we have in our bags for the trip home. If Butch ever makes it up off the couch, we're wanting to take a day trip to Chetumal, Mexico to do some shopping there. Butch says we might buy a big suitcase there to pile everything in and just check the whole bag on the plane on the way home.
Trish, I'm so sorry you're suffering so much right now with all these pesky healthy problems! They seem to just pile up on you at times. Connie, I'm wondering about your car. Kyleigh seems to depend upon you for rides everywhere. Does she not have a car of her own? Could she possible "rent" your car from you for a minimal amount each month, to help defer your insurance/gas/maintenance costs?
Chatted with my Carrie for a bit this morning and she seems to have rallied herself a bit. Either that or she'**** the "I just don't give a damn" stage. Either way, her orals will be on Wednesday and then they will be over. She fears that she will fail them and be forced to exit the program with a Master's degree instead of completing her Ph.D. Well, true, I would hate to see that happen to her, but on the other hand, it's not a fate worse than death! I try to help her see that things usually work out for the best, even though we might not understand them at the time.
Christie writes that Budder is crawling! All over the house! I sure do miss my boys. If we do move here, we have to set up that Skype thing. The wife in me loves having this time alone with my husband, but the "granny" in me is aching for some hugs and kisses and cuddles from my babies!
Well, I'm going to try and rouse my husband up from the couch and see if he will walk to town with me. It's less than 1/2 a mile. I suppose if he won't get up, I will be brave and go by myself. There's really no danger here during the day. People (including many, many ex-pats and tourists) are everywhere. I feel quite safe here during daylight hours, and frankly, haven't ventured out after dark, so I don't know what it might be like then, but I suspect it is fine during the early evening hours.
Love you all! tell Butch to get up and get moving. He needs to keep that back loosened up. If not I hope you went on your own. Time for a new adventure!!!
So sorry that Carrie is struggling. I hope she can get out there and show them what she has!!! She will do just great!! They always seem to worry so much and it all works out anyway!
Oh ...little Budder is sweet!!! I hope she/you posts pics!! I am sure Benny has grown!! He is so smart! I am sure you are missing them. I sure would be. They are missing you just as much!! Those hugs and kisses will feel wonderful!!
Kyleigh doesn't have a job or car. She has a full load at school and is going to summer school as well. Normally her boyfriend would take her places. He has been in Utah on vacation for 10 days. He will be back sometime Tuesday. Also...I couldn't let Kyleigh have my car. She couldn't pay or afford the insurance and upkeep. I am still tossing it around. I spoke with Jamie about it now I need to speak to Carrie. I want their opinions before I make any decision.
Hope you are having a beautiful day!!
Love and more hugs....connie d
Hi Trish and my OFF family:
I had a hell of a time yesterday with my phone. Motorola decided to send me a software update. OK, fine. But then the homescreen wouldn't load and the phone app didn't load at all. So I had to spend an hour at the Verizon store for them to fix it. Then I couldn't figure out how to answer the phone (and they took away my cute kitty ringtone), so when I did get a call, I couldn't unlock it and send it to voicemail. It was annoying. Made for a long day. I did get my bluetooth reset so until I can figure out how to answer the phone the normal way, I'll have to use that. I usually just use that to make calls.
Trish, I hope your headache goes away ... I know how those are. Connie, rest up and try not to do so much. Vickie, love reading about your adventures. Don't remember who else posted, so sorry if I left you out.
I have work tonight as usual ... because we were shorthanded last night (someone called in sick), I didn't get as much done as I needed to do for the Sunday section. So I need to get going. Have a good day.
Eileen.....I had an upgrade to do on my Motorola Droid. I did it this morning. I have been able to send/reply text messages and get/return calls from my phone. Hope you get it straightened out.
I didn't do much today. I had to return a couple tops for smaller sizes. Then as I was pulling into my driveway my signal light went out. I had to turn around and go to O'Reilly's and get the bulb I needed. I go there for everything for my car. Last time they changed my wiper blades. They are always so nice. They put the bulb in and no charge!! They really know how to keep customers!
I decided not to do laundry. I am too tired now.
I hope you have a quiet night at work tonight.
Love and lots of hugs....connie d
Good afternoon all. Trish sorry to hear that headache is hanging on. It is such a beautiful day here in MI. The kind I love, the sun is shining not to cold and not to hot.
Just chilling as I can't do anything with this stupid leg. It really is getting to me as there is so much I NEED to get done outside.