Manic Monday

Patricia R.
on 5/18/14 10:59 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF,

I'm up early, and moving slower than usual.  Sinuses are still a mess.  Well, that really isn't news.  It's more the norm these days.

I have laundry, tons and tons of laundry, to put away, as well as putting away my winter stuff, and unearthing my summer clothes.

This afternoon, I have an appointment with the nurse at the pain clinic.  

Must scoot.




Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 5/18/14 11:48 pm

I want to put my winter clothes away so bad, but it was in the 30 s last night..... i hope it gets back to normal spring temps soon. 

Going to try to get otho appointment and find a pool with all the things i need, a ramp or stairs with rails on both sides, and someone to assist with my walker and a Silver Sneakers program. I so want to avoid knee surgery till i lose another 30-50 lbs. Also this hernia needs fixed as an elective surgery rather than an emergency like the last time..... oh well, enough grousing. 

I hope you have a great day.... coffee is calling my name.... will check back later. 



on 5/18/14 11:51 pm

BTW, let us know how mom and the that tiny premie doing? In my prayers. Keep us posted. 

Connie D.
on 5/19/14 12:52 am

Good morning Trish, Fran and everyone......

Trish....sorry you aren't able to get that sinus problem cleared up. The newly budding trees and all the pollen and things are tough to deal with right now. So many of us are suffering. Do you see a specialist for your sinus issues? Don't over do today. The laundry and such can wait until you feel better. Take a day off for just YOU!!! I am still praying for the moms and babies. Please keep us updated....thanks!

Fran....I hope you can find the program and the pool you are looking for. It is so much easier on our bodies to do pool exercises. I agree...I haven't put any of my winter clothes away either. The weather is just to inconsistent right now. I hope spring and summer decide to come soon!!!

I really am going to have a day for me today. Kyleigh stayed later yesterday and that was fine. It is a dark and rainy day today. A perfect day to read, rest, and watch some movies. I am feeling very lazy today!! 

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Prayers for our awesome OFF family. 

Love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d

Patricia R.
on 5/19/14 12:28 pm - Perry, MI

Hi Connie,

I have been seeing an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist sine the early 1990's.  It's all my allergies.  In PA, it was trees, cats, dogs, mold and dust mites.  Here it's EVERY single tree and weed in this part of Michigan, except ragweed, plus the dog, mold and dust mites.  The allergist here told me he's not even gonna try shots. I take the spoonful of local, pure honey a day to self-immunize.  

I have a daily routine to try to prevent the infections, but some days it doesn't matter.

Thanks for asking.  As it is, I was able to spend the entire day doing chores.  I even planted flower seeds in my garden this evening. 



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 5/19/14 3:34 am - Canada

It's a holiday 3 day weekend here. Gorgeous sunny day full of Summer promise. Brought geraniums out which overwintered inside. Don't think we will have any killer frosts anymore until October.  

My houseguest of ten days is totally at home, but still waking me up too early, so have to work on that. Looks like she will be here for another week or two. Busy week ahead as am working 4 days. Houseguest will just sleep when I am away and go gaga when I come home.  

Have a good week everyone!


Patricia R.
on 5/19/14 3:47 am - Perry, MI


How do you save geraniums over the winter?  I want to try that.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 5/19/14 3:59 am - Canada

Trish, I just wash the pots and make sure all dead leaves are removed, bring inside to where there is good light, preferrably some sun at some point in a winterday, water once a week and use fertilizer once a month. They grow, get stringy, so I prune back drastically in March, new growth leaves start again, and by now are somewhat  stringy again but those in a bit of sun have even produced flowers.  They are the Gigantico variety ( hot pink). I lost 2 out of the 6 ( too much water, not enough light) but the other 4 are now out and will grow more slowly. In summer I water twice a week as geraniums  take dry earth better than wet, but give them fertilizer once every week.  They reward me with bushy green leaves and big heads of flowers.

Patricia R.
on 5/19/14 5:53 am - Perry, MI

Thanks.  I'm going to get some, and try it.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Eileen Briesch
on 5/19/14 3:43 am, edited 5/19/14 3:44 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family:

Sorry I've been missing lately ... busy at work ... been reading every day but not posting. So I've kept up with y'all. Yesterday I had a long talk with my brother on Skype ... although my webcam never came on, so he couldn't see me, but I could see him. He's having a difficult time at work ... he really doesn't like his job, and last week they didn't have phones because someone at corporate in Montreal didn't pay the phone bill (didn't recognize the number ... yeah, I know, stupid). So they couldn't do any work. For part of the week they had outgoing phones but no inbound calls. Then, on Thursday, they had no inbound phones either. Plus, he's busy planning Mom's 90th birthday and our vacation after the party. My other brother is selling his houses in western Illinois and Florida and moving closer to Chicago. These were his retirement homes, but he's found it's a hassle running back and forth to Chicago to care for his MIL and seeing grandkids, etc. His MIL has had heart problems lately. So there was a lot to discuss. 

As for me, I just go to work. My cold is going away. I still have a bit of a cough, but it's a loose one and I'm not coughing up any yellow or green gunk, so I think I'm OK. I've promised my friend Richard I'd take him on his errands tomorrow ... he needs to fight with the food stamp folks and unemployment folks about his benefits. They want to cut him off (food stamps) because they say he makes too much ... he's getting unemployment, for pete's sake! And last week he didn't even get that because of a mistake. So I'm going to be a good friend and run around with him. Plus, I need a haircut badly. It looks horrible. While he's getting groceries, I'll go get my haircut. It's close by.

Anyway, that's my life in a nutshell. Connie, take it easy. Trish, I hope you get the sinus infection under control. Francine, I wish I could afford to get into a pool. It's about the only exercise I enjoy. Jennifer, glad you and your houseguest are getting along ... my cat is well attuned to my schedule ... she doesn't bother me until I get up.

Well, enjoy the day. It's beautiful here.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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