Manic Monday

Patricia R.
on 5/12/14 1:57 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Everyone,

I had a wonderful Mothers Day weekend.  Friday, Colleen and Trent took me out for dinner.  We went to a pizza place that gives children a coloring menu, and a ball of pizza dough for each child to play with.  Then, Colleen gave me a gift which she and Chris went in on, a Smart TV attachment for my TV.  She also gave me a journal which is to be her Mothers Day card for me, for years.  Each Munchkin has two pages, one for their photo, the other to write, draw, whatever a message to me.  

Saturday, I went to Lincoln's soccer games.  Poor thing, a double header.  Watching four and five year olds play soccer is so much fun.  The weather was glorious all weekend.

Sunday, I went to church, stopped in the Urgent Care around the corner, sinus infection, for an Rx for an antibiotic and steroids.  Glorious weekends meant trees and weeds budding, blooming, etc.  After that, I got Chinese, and watched the Phillies play a great game, until the end, when they gave up the winning run in the 11th inning, against the Mets.  Chris and Casey were at the game, so he called me to wish me Happy Mothers Day from there.

Today, it's raining, and I have laundry and other chores.

I hope all the Moms of both the two and four legged babies had a wonderful Mothers Day.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Eileen Briesch
on 5/12/14 2:14 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family:

I just feel like crap. I can't seem to kick this cold. And every time I cough or blow my nose, my right side is in terrible pain. I must have pulled a muscle there or something. So there's one my area that's painful on my body. I had an appointment with my new rheumatologist tomorrow and a dental appointment Wednesday, and canceled them both. There's no way I want anyone poking and prodding me. I just want to sit at home the next couple of days.

I didn't sleep well, either. Got up at 7:30 a.m. coughing and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm going to try to nap in my chair. Have a good day. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 5/12/14 2:39 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Trish and Eileen and all my OFF sistas!

I am sitting here at the hotel, bags all packed, waiting for Butch to get back from his massage.  I did a lot of reorganizing and repacking this morning.  Things certainly do have a way of getting all jumbled up when you are living out of a suitcase!  

Trish, so glad you had a nice Mother's Day.  Sorry to hear that you are still suffering with the sinus infections!  My Lord, can't they do something to help you with that?  Whew.  And Eileen, so sorry you are so sick.  I hope your quiet time at home will help you relax and heal.

We are doing fine.  I talked to my mom yesterday and also to Carrie.  I tried to call Christie, but never could get through, so I sent text messages instead.  In addition to being Mother's Day, yesterday was also Carrie's birthday.  Sure did hate to miss everyone. I miss all my babies, but wouldn't trade this adventure for anything.

Butch and I haven't had time alone as a couple in so long!  We are truly enjoying our travels and being with each other.  Some days are better than others, but everyday is a good day here.  We have been a little bored in Placencia and that's a shame.  I was really looking forward to this part of the trip.  But turns out there's really nothing here except the beach, and the beach is just not that great.  We've been to lots better beaches around the Caribbean than this one.  Plus I still can't swim, so there hasn't been a lot for us to do here.  But it's been okay.

Today we are traveling to the Cayo District.  Really looking forward to this next week!  Different geographic area, different activities, different adventures.  

Being on the move all the time is playing havoc with my pill taking!  I finally gave up on trying to take my supplements 3x a day and have gone to 2x a day.  Not quite ideal, but better than forgetting them altogether.

Also, I am so mad/disappointed/worried/upset about this second HOLE in my belly!  Is this never going to end?!?  This hole is my old belly button, right in the middle of my new PS incision.  It just will not close up!  I swear, I don't know what is going on with my body.  I'm am being very careful with it.  Haven't had an infection and don't want to get one.  But I do want to go swimming!!!  I doctor it and doctor it and it just never seems to get any better.  Doesn't get any worse, either, but when will it finally heal?

Other than still having a very sore tailbone, I'm doing well.  My bum is still sore, but it's improving.  I really did smack the hell out of my bottom when I fell!  It's been years since I had a fall of any kind.  Leave it to me to do a spectacular one on vacation in a foreign country!  LOL!

I am trying to do a good job of picking healthy foods to eat.  I can tell by the way my clothes fit that I'm not gaining weight and I might have lost just a little more.  And I drink lots of water.  It's so bloomin' hot here!  

Well, I need to close.  Butch should be back any minute.  Check out time is at 11 a.m.  Not sure what kind of wifi we will have in the jungle this next week, but I hope it's reliable.  We've had excellent wifi here along the southern coast.

Love you all!



Connie D.
on 5/12/14 2:58 am

Hi Vickie....we must have been posting at the same time. 

I am so glad your adventure is going so well. I agree that you and Butch needed some alone time and do things just for yourselves!!

I am sorry your "hole" is still not healing. That is very strange. I know you are doing everything to take good care of it. As for your butt/tailbone....I am glad the fall wasn't worse and you didn't break anything!!

I am sure you had a great Mother's Day. Carrie can always celebrate her birthday with you when you get back to Texas.

Have a great day onward to the next place. I too hope you can get wifi. I love hearing of your days there in paradise!!

Have a really great day!! Keep safe and have fun!!

Love you and many hugs....connie d

on 5/12/14 2:06 pm - Davison, MI

Vickie are you getting enough protein and supplementing with zinc too.  I jacked mine up before surgery as I am such a slow healer any way due to the vW.  I got a couple holes going on due to the pressure from the bleed.  

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 5/12/14 11:37 pm - Cibolo, TX

Piney!  I never thought about the VW being the reason I might be healing so slowly!!!  Of course, I never knew I had VW before either.  I didn't bring my zinc tablets to Belize with me.  I will look for some at a pharmacy here.  And yes, I make sure to get protein at each meal.  Sometimes it is just beans or cheese or eggs, but I get it.  Thanks so much!


Connie D.
on 5/12/14 2:47 am

Good morning Trish, Eileen and everyone....

Tri**** sounds like you had a very nice Mother's Day. I love the idea of that journal Colleen gave you. What a great gift!! What is the smart TV attachment??? I hope the new meds give you some much needed relief soon. sounds like it is time for you to go to the doctor. You sound miserable. You could have bronchitis or even pneumonia. Glad you canceled your other appointments. You need rest. Hope you feel better really soon!!

As for me....I had one of the nicest Mother's Day's I have had in a long time. We had so much fun!! We played Scattergories and laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Carrie told stories of when my grandchildren were young. Of course that led them to have really funny stories to tell too. Mitch was telling stories of himself and his families crazy times. What a GREAT day!! The day was relaxing and just amazing!!! I got a beautiful plant and gift cards....the best part was just having my family around me!! I slept better last night then I had in a long time!!

Jamie called and of course I got to speak with my Gracie....what a joy!! The phone of course was passed all around the room. Amanda called later which was so wonderful....there goes the phone...all around again!!

Before everyone left my BFF Pam and my grandson went down the hall to my storage area. It needed to be arranged so badly. It was such a mess. Everything was just falling over!! They did a great job together....I just supervised!! What a relief to have that done!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. You all deserve the best!!

Thanks for letting me go on and on!!

Prayers for our OFF family.

Love and many hugs to all....connie d


on 5/12/14 2:12 pm, edited 5/12/14 2:12 pm - Davison, MI

I went to see the surgeon again today.   He had told me to let him know if the area got hard and it had.  He stated it didn't look any worse to him.  Duh, you said to call if it got bigger OR hard and it is hard and hot.  He took out the stitches in the thigh area but left in the ones in the hootchie.  He sent me to get my veins checked for clots.  Not sure why like the tech verified my veins are great BUT the whole incision from groin to knee if filled with blood.  He hasn't addressed getting rid of the blood.  So I sit here fearing skin necrosis due to lack of circulation to the healing area.

Feeling 95% just getting the stitches out.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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