Sip as much as you want, no gulps though...just sip sip sip, nonstop when awake, to keep hydrated.....I never had instructions as precise as yours, just to sip, no gulps, all day and night, and to try for 8 glasses a day, which I could not do at first despite my constant sipping. I still drink a bottle of water overnight now, thats the equivalent of 2 glasses! I have water with me all the time, even when I go out there's a bottle in my handbag....I got so used to sipping all day after my surgery and it has become a good habit to keep. Trouble is now I can gulp water down again, and what goes in has to come out!
Keep on sipping, as much as you feel like! Its a good thing!
My primary post-op instructions were to sip 64 ounces of water a day. That's a half-gallon. At my two week check up, I asked if my decaf iced tea was okay, and my surgeon said, any non-caffeinated beverage would be okay, if I chose to opt for that.
Never hesitate to ask your doc if you're not sure. My surgeon gave me his cell phone number the day I was discharged. He's the best.
Albert Schweitzer