Lonely Tuesday
Never fear... i am here....lol
Got a late start. Taking my roommate to her doctor's appointment her first with her new PCP ). Then to lunch and then off to vote.
Went to the gym yesterday. Won't be back till Thursday which is a good thing as my back was hurting so bad i could barely get out of bed and take those first feel steps to the bathroom. It has lightened up a bit now but could probably use the extra day of rest.
Well Piney and my OFF friends, that's about all there is for today.
Blessings and i wish you enough.
Good morning Piney and everyone.....
My computer is acting up...If I am not here that is why. I desperately need a new one!!
I went to the bank with my granddaughter. We were there about 15 minutes and I got so sick. Feeling weak so I am going to sleep for a while.
Wishing you all a great day! Prayers for our OFF family!
Love and lots of hugs....connie d
Connie this computer has seen better days and is starting to act up big time. So far a total shut down is taking care of things but what a pain to shut down ans lose everything in the middle of doing stuff.
Big hug and take care of yourself and feel better.
Bill tried using his debit card to get money today and it said no money. When we called they said he got $60 out and that is why when he tried at another machine it wouldn't give the $300 limit. Only thing he didn't ask for or get the $60. Now we have to do history to try to find his $60.
Hi Jennifer, tell me I got that right, and OFF Family,
I was so sick all of Sunday and Monday, I only left my bed to go to the bathroom, and throw up. It was mostly dry heaves, as I ate nothing all day yesterday, until bedtime, when I was able to take my bedtime meds, and a pain pill. I had a caffeine migraine, coz I had none all day yesterday.
I'm supposed to have a children's book party on Friday. Colleen suggested I cancel it, and just have a catalogue party. I'm thinking of just rescheduling it.
Well, I have an appointment with my PCP doc this afternoon, and then I want to get my dishes done and change my sheets.
Must scoot.
Hugs and Love,
Albert Schweitzer

Evening OFF family....got a new tenant moved in today!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!! Happy am I!!! Now to get MORE tenants to move in!!!! I WISH!!!!! Got them calling but to get them to come and actually sign papers and move in...yeah right!!
Nothing much happening so will say that's it for today....
Thoughts and Payers for ALL that need them!!!