OK coffee is now hot....good to go well yesterday was a day for us to RELAX!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! Not one phone call!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Did get to just sit and take it easy for a change!!!! Rick got my glider put together finally!! Now IF it warms up enough for me to sit outside on it to enjoy it!!!!! Had some rain again yesterday and not sure yet what ole mother nature is planning to do today yet. It is overcast right now. Rick wants to cut the grass as it is almost a foot deep in some areas!!! Last week he put the weed and feed down and boy oh boy the weeds sure are growing great!!!!!!! WTH???? Then we got all that rain and the ground was so they are calling for more rain...he said he has to do it today. Whatever.
Got our tickets in the mail yesterday for the Michigan NASCAR race!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!! This is on Fathers excited!!!! Front row seats just about where the cars go into pit road. Love it!!!!!!!
Just pray now the weather is nice!!!
Went to bingo last night won $6.00!! LOL had to split with 3 others...OMG!!! Had several other chances and never won again...sat there for the jackpot again and never got it. Oh well. Bingo starts up again after Labor day.
Making Beef Roast for supper today. Hungry for one. What can I say?
Well that is all my news for today. Hope to hear about yours...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Good morning Judy and everyone....
Judy....I am soooo happy you finally had a day to relax. I hope you have another one today!!
I am jealous....I haven't been to a race in years!!! Be sure you are cheering for my Tony #14 as well!!!
Happy to hear the glider is finally complete. I hope you get some nice days soon so you can really enjoy it!!!
Beef roast sounds so good....I wish I could eat it....I just can't handle red meat of any kind anymore....I miss my rare steaks!!
As for niece is calling me later to confirm if her mom/my sister will be leaving the hospital today. I have to take the mail to my niece at some point before she leaves town. She pays bills for my sister. For now I will get the mail until we see if and when my sister will ever be going home. We only live about 4 blocks apart.
Other then that....I have no plans for today...I need a relaxing day. I worked too hard yesterday! So glad all the laundry is done!!
It sure has been quiet on here. I pray everyone is just busy and nothing else is wrong.
Have a wonderful day everyone!! Prayers for our OFF family.
Much love and many hugs to all....connie d
Hi Connie!!!! Hope you are doing MUCH better today!!!!! Keeping you in my prayers that you keep getting better!!!!
Just found out that the old managers that were here before us are on the property "visiting" tenants!!! WTH?????? I am sure they are being NOSEY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! WTF????????? They are stirring things up AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish they would stay away!!!!!!!!!!! They have no family in this area anymore so WTH are they doing here??????
Just asked Rick if he wanted to cook on the grill or the beef roast...he said ROAST!!! LOL Sorry you can't eat it!!
Race will be starting soon so better get the roast started....and YES I will be cheering for Tony also!!!! LOL
OMG! I got logged on. Let me post quick before the internet connection goes out again!
Good morning Connie and Judy and all my OFF sistas!
We are in Belize and having quite the adventure. I am posting a daily travel log on FB as I get the chance. Internet here is very iffy. Anyway, I won't try to repost everything here, just hit the highlights.
Our trip down here went fine. No problems with customs or immigration. I now have another stamp in my passport. That makes TWO, LOL! One for Canada and one for Belize. Butch has so many stamps in his you can't count them all.
We arrived at our little rental place after a very long car ride up here from Belize City. Only 65 miles, but it took us 2 hours to drive here because of the road conditions. Then after we reached Corozal Town, it was another 7 miles up a rural country road to Consejo Village. It took us over 30 minutes to go 7 miles! The road was filled with potholes, and we never went over 10-12 miles per hour the whole way.
Well, lots of adventures, right? We did some exploring yesterday. We are both of the opinion that the roads up here are a major deterrent and we really haven't seen anything that we would care to buy. There are some pretty properties, but they seem to be way overpriced and besides the roads here make it very unattractive.
So I had a couple of mishaps yesterday. First thing i discovered was that I must have left all my makeup at the hotel in Atlanta! My bad! It's not that big of a tragedy, but it is inconvenient. Luckily I had a few bits of makeup in my purse, so I will make it using that. It's so hot and humid here that makeup just about melts off your face by noon anyway. No great loss! LOL!
But I did take a bad fall yesterday and bruised/cracked my tailbone! Oh, my! You can read the whole story on FB, but I'm very, very sore today. Good thing I brought my pain pills leftover from my last surgery with me. I've been swallowing one every few hours since yesterday. And taking a pillow with me everywhere I go. LOL!
Today we are going to explore an area called 4 Mile Lagoon. It's on the main highway from Corozal to Mexico, so maybe the road conditions are not quite so bad. One can hope.
Well, I see my internet connection just went out. I'll save this before I try to post, but I doubt it will go through. Oh, well, such is life in Belize! Love you all!
Good Evening Judy and OFF Family,
So sorry I've been AWOL. I've been busy with family stuff, and baseball. Plus, up until this weekend, not much was happening.
Yesterday was Frankie's 2nd birthday, so on Friday, I took him out for lunch at McDonald's, or as Lincoln calls it, Mr. Donald's. He is so adorable. We were concerned he might cry, as he's been doing that since he was diagnosed with an ear infection a few weeks ago. Other than around the time that Jessi died, he would not let Colleen or Trent leave him without throwing an angry fit for a few minutes. But, he toughed it out, since Colleen lives right behind it, and it takes less than a minute to drive there. After lunch, we went to RiteAid to buy his birthday card and gift bag. Then, we went to the bank to get his share of the money that I'm giving toward the play set that they're buying for their backyard. When we got home, he and I watched "Max and Ruby" while I got his card taken care of, and put the two books I got him in the gift bag. I waited for Mommy and Lincoln to get home before I gave him his gifts. The books I got him were board books I bought from Colleen's Usborne book party. He loves any and all animal books, so these are perfect for him. I swear, every single time I watch him, I read at least 5 or 6 of them. Hes been being read to every day since the day he was born. Same with Izzy and Lincoln.
Yesterday, Lincoln had a soccer game in the morning. He got to play goalie for the first time, and did great. He also played forward, and dribbled the ball all the way down, and a teammate kicked it right into the goal.
In the afternoon, there was a huge birthday party for Frankie, and two of his cousins, who were also having birthdays soon. With just Trent's family, and and one of the cousin's grandparents, there were 2 infants, 11 older cousins, 11 parents, 5 grandparents, and Trent's 92 year old grandfather. He has a huge family. The birthday boys were ages 2, 3, 4 years old. Of course, there were tons toy cars and balls for them. Trent's Dad took the kids out back to fly a kite, because the wind was perfect for it.
Today, Colleen ran a half-marathon in Lansing, with her brother and sister-in-law. She was able to make her goal of running it under 2 hours and 30 minutes, by running it 2 hours and 27 minutes. I went to see her near the finish line, but missed seeing her cross, because I thought I missed her, and went to the area after they cross, where they hand out the medals, water, bananas, and other nutritional items. I am so darned proud of her. I was never athletic, which led to me being overweight for most of my adult life.
Sorry this is so freaking long.
Missed all of you.
Love, hugs and prayers,
Sorry this is so long
Albert Schweitzer