Thursday, one more day till the weekend!!!

on 5/1/14 5:18 am

It is a gray and gloomy afternoon here in Central Ohio. The sun was shining earlier, but cloudy with rain on the horizon.

Hope you are all well. Vickie,  i am with you. Have to have my pillow (i named mine, Binki LOL ). 

I saw the WL surgeon today. 50 lbs down, another 80 to go. She was thrilled i am very happy. Had to take the pants i wore in nearly 8 inches at the waistline.  That felt good. Have a hernia. She wants to wait 3 months, another 20-30 lbs and then we will talk surgery (UGH ).

On the wy home i stopped at the rehab center i stayed at after my ankle injury and then my knee replacement.  They were so excited to see me. Really loved my new hair style and they really could tell i had lost weight. 

Well, i hope you are all well and safe after all the storms that passed through. 



Judy G.
on 5/1/14 6:43 am - Galion, OH

Hi Fran!!! That is a WOW MOMENT!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!     Happy dance and all for you!!!!

We are also gloomy here in mid Ohio today...chance of rain yet again tonight they say...yuck!!! Everything is so soggy now!!! Need the sun out and dry the grass up so the guys can cut the grass again!!! Rick put weed and feed down Sunday but so far the dandilions  are thriving!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR

Been busy as all get out...doing rents, showing apartments...DID get one apply!!!! Put that one through and that is CONDITIONAL...need to talk to my boss on that IF she is approved one apartment down and 9 more to go!!!! That is on one side...I have 4 on this side!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!! Now IF I had 2 or 3 bedroom available I would be FULL!!!!  But all I have is 1 bedroom available.

So that is it for me...need to go relax some. Hope Vic is having a good flight to her paradise!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!

on 5/1/14 8:12 am

Thanks Judy. It does feel like a big milestone victory.  Next biggie is to be in the 200s.... just 7 lbs away. So if you see fireworks going off over Westerville, you'll know 

Hope you get a bunch of good applicants to fill your units and that it dries out soon. ...but i doubt it...although it is suppose to be in the 80s next week.  At least it's not that four letter word S**W. 

Blessings my dear,


Connie D.
on 5/1/14 8:54 am

Good afternoon Francine and everyone....

Francine....good for you with your weight loss!! Good for you!!!

I have been up to the hospital with my sister. She is so damn negative. She will not leave her bed!! She doesn't even try. I spoke with one of the head nurses. She said they will be sending her to Sub-Acute tomorrow. There really isn't anything they can do for her anymore. She won't help herself. The nurse also verified the fact that if she doesn't do any of the things she is required to do, in Sub-Acute, she will just be put in the regular nursing home. They don't mess around with people just laying around. They have too many people that need and want help. My sister was so nasty to everyone. She had to go to the bathroom and she waited for the last minute. She buzzed for a nurse. One came right away. She said "it took you too long so I just peed in the bed"! A couple of training nurses came in the room. She wouldn't answer any of their questions. She said "if they can't speak normally (they were not from this country) they don't need to be in my room". My sister is 250-300 pounds. It is not easy to move her around, wash her up,  and change bedding!! I finally just had to leave.

I was also informed this morning that they DO have an opening at the place across the street from me. She will be going there!!! I told my niece I won't be there every day. I just can't do it! She said it would just be comforting to have someone near in an emergency. Her daughter and son both live out of town.

I feel just sick over this. I am just going to leave it up to God.

Wishing you all a wonderful evening!!

Prayers for our awesome OFF family!

Love and hugs to all....connie d


on 5/1/14 12:00 pm


I know how hard it is when family impose on our lives. I hate that your sister is being such a b***h. I do think she is in for a rude awakening when she gets to subacute. OMG, she had better pray they give her two weeks before moving her to a nursing home. If it is anything like in Ohio,  she will have to pay it all out of pocket unless she has Long Term Care insurance.  That could becthe cold splash of water in her face that may wake her up and get her butt moving. 

Anyway,  while i don't know what happened in the past between you. It sounds like she was cruel and took advantage of you. The first commandment Jesus gave wad to love thy neighbor as YOU LOVE YOURSELF. That is the key, loving yourself. Remember what they say on the plane during in-flight instructions.  "Put your own oxygen mask on first before assisting someone else like a child..."  So, Connie, remember every time your sister wants something and you don't have the physical or emotional resources to do it, love yourself as Jesus commanded and put your own oxygen mask on first. 



Connie D.
on 5/3/14 12:47 am

Francine...thank you so much for caring. I have decided to blow her off. I will do a quick pop in if asked to and then will be on my way. Enough of staying for hours and hearing her complain!!

She wants everything done for her...same as she always has. Her family needed to step in long ago and make her do things on her own. I did it!! They just took over her checking account because I quit doing it and it was always a mess! She hasn't been able to keep that straight for years. She lost her drivers license. They have her meds set up by a drug store because I don't do them. She did nothing but mess them up for years. She lives in a condo and has fifteen stairs to climb. She can hardly walk. They should have had her out of there years ago!! I lived with her and did everything and I mean everything!!! I finally got so sick and my doctors said I couldn't do the cleaning and do everything for her anymore. I told her that.  Her leave right now!! It was 10:30 at night!! I won't go into anymore detail then that. She has some major issues!! All I did for her and that was the thanks I got. Her family had to step in. Put some band-aids on. Now look at the mess she is in!

Thanks for letting me bore you with more details. 

I agree with everything you have said....thank you again!!

Love and lots of hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 5/1/14 12:50 pm - Evansville, IN

Connie, I agree with Francine, you have to do for yourself first. She sure didn't try to help you when you were in need (other than providing you with a space to stay ... but not much else). Her kids are the ones who should be looking out for her, not you. Don't feel sick over this. ... this is not your responsibility. She sounds too much like my sister (although my sister is rail thin after losing her weight years ago on Weigh****chers and is very judgmental about anyone who is obese). My sister doesn't care about anyone in my family. I don't think she'd do anything for any of her siblings, so I don't ask. 


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 5/3/14 12:54 am

Hi Eileen....I too agree with you and Francine. Enough is enough!!

So sorry you have a sister that is so mean to you and your family. Who knows why they turn out like that. 

I took yesterday for myself and had a nice day. Very relaxing and really enjoyable.

Lots of love and many hugs....connie d

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