Happy Hump Day
Good Morning OFF Family,
Eileen, sorry I didn't get to post yesterday. I wasn't on my laptop much, and had intended to post, but my ADD has flared big time. I get distracted very easily, and don't get much accomplished.
Yesterday, I watched Lincoln and Franklin for Colleen. She was teaching her class at the community college. She kept Lincoln home from school, because I had to meet her in Lansing with both the boys, around the time I normally pick him up from preschool. We met at the pediatrician's office, because poor Franklin has an ear infection, and he's been extra cranky and clingy with Colleen and Trent, throwing fits when I'm there to watch him. That's not like him normally.
Today, I have to make a couple of phone calls, and then do some chores here. Same old, same old. Tonight, I help out with the children's program at church.
Well, I have to scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish and my OFF family:
That's fine, Trish, I understand if you don't post ... some days I don't post either.
It was kind of a weird day yesterday. My MRI was at 4:30 p.m., so I had to do things later. I dragged my friend (ex-boss) Richard out of his dungeon (he has a basement apartment, and if I don't get him out once a week, he doesn't get out at all) to go out with me. We went to the post office, then I dropped him off at Walmart so he could get a hair cut and do some shopping. Meanwhile, I went to Petsmart for cat supplies, then to the doc's office for the MRI. Well, they must have been running behind because I had a 4:30 appointment and it was well after 4:30 when I got in there. Then it takes 20-25 minutes, plus they had to redo one scan because I must have moved. Richard was going to meet me at Logan's (we had a coupon) so I was worried he was sitting there too long. But I knew he had his beer, so he wasn't unhappy. Finally, I got done at 5:20, went to Logan's, found Richard. He was on his third beer. We had dinner ... or I had dinner; his chopped sirloin was too well done. He talked to the manager and they redid it to go. Richard can charm anyone out of anything, let me tell you. My meal was great ... I had a ribeye with a salad and a skewer of grilled mushrooms (and they were wonderful). I still have half my steak left, so I'll eat it for dinner sometime.
Today is laundry day, and I need to vacuum desperately. I have to unclog the vacuum first. Not much else.
Carla, glad your migraine is gone ... I understand how those are. My back and neck hurt today.
Trish, has your daughter looked into ear tubes? My grand nephew Sam had to have those when he was young because of his ear infections and because he wasn't hearing properly and he wasn't talking. They worked well; he's 10 now and you can't shut him up.
Have a good day.
Im so glad this migraine didnt go on for a third day! I was going nutso!
Ok i dove in! I booked a ticket to Denver! Im flying out May 30th and staying till June 3rd. My friend who passed away a year and a half ago stone setting is June first. I felt I needed to be there!
At least Carl didnt say to much!