It is Friday...what's new??

on 4/18/14 7:50 am


Glad your computer is working. Sorry to hear about your PAP and the difficulty you are having with Medicaid.  

I will, as i always do, keep you in my prayers. 


Judy G.
on 4/18/14 10:34 am - Galion, OH


Eileen Briesch
on 4/18/14 2:45 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

I started posting awhile ago, then my brother Skyped me and I couldn't answer and had to reboot (something was wrong with it). I answered on my smartphone while my computer rebooted. But in the meantime, I lost my post. Oh well ....

Had a busy night at work with two sports sections ... but got done on time. Back at it tonight. Funny thing is, when the other guy does it, I'm pitching in to help; nobody offered to help me. Did it all by myself.

Dozed off watching "Scandal" last night in my recliner ... saw the end of it but not the middle. Will have to watch it again tonight. 

Connie, I've seen the photos of Minnesota's latest blizzard. So glad I don't live in the Dakotas still. I remember the April blizzard we had in 1997 ... flooding in the morning, blizzard at night. Horrible!

Well, not much else happening here. I have a headache, so I'm keeping the blinds close and the sun out of my eyes. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 4/18/14 7:25 am

Hi Eileen....sorry you lost your post. I know how frustrating that can be. It happens on this site a lot.

You might mention to the other guy at work that you help him. He should be helping you without being asked. He probably would have messed it up and you would have had to do it over anyway!! You are just too good at what you do. They know you can handle it yourself.

Yes, the weather was bad....I just keep hoping that was the last snow storm!!!

Hope your headache has gone away!!

Love ya...HUGS....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 4/18/14 7:30 am - Evansville, IN

Connie, the other guy I help is on vacation ... that's why I'm doing it all this week. Headache is gone, at least, so that's a good thing. Got a few things posted on eBay to sell before I went to work. Trying to make some extra money. 


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Patricia R.
on 4/18/14 3:00 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Connie, and OFF Family,

I was supposed to go watch Frankie this morning.  But, Colleen called me to cancel.  Poor little guy's been running a fever, and the runny nose deal.  Plus, he's extra clingy where Colleen and Trent are concerned.  Normally, he lets Colleen leave when I go over in the morning to watch him.  Unfortunately, last week, he threw a fit when he woke up and she wasn't there.  He wanted nothing to do with me for about 30 minutes.  Fortunately, Izzy and Lincoln were home because of Spring Break.  

Then I was going to go over when Frankie is taking his nap, so Colleen could go grocery shopping.  Now, Trent's going to get the groceries, so I can stay home.  Tomorrow Lincoln has his first soccer game.  It conflicts with the church's Easter egg hunt at city hall down the street.  So, it looks like Colleen will have an egg hunt on Saturday.  We always did that with my kids.  My crazy Mom bet all her grandkids she'd give them $10 an egg if they could find any.  She had no clue how many eggs I'd hidden, nor how good the kids were at finding the eggs.  She tried to write them post-dated checks, for January 1, 2000, thinking she wouldn't live till then.  She still owes them their Easter egg money.  

Anywho, I have cute monkeys to give the kids, instead of candy.  I bought them on my way home from Pennsylvania after Christmas, at the PA Turnpike rest stop.  They monkeys are wearing white I Love Pennsylvania t-shirts.  Plus, if you squeeze their bellies, they make a real monkey sound.  And, their paws have Velcro, so they can hang around your neck.

Must scoot.




Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 4/18/14 7:33 am

Hi Trish....The kids will love the monkeys you got for them. They sound so cute!!!

So sorry Frankie isn't feeling well....poor little guy. I hope he is feeling better soon.

I am sure Colleen's Easter Egg Hunt will be a huge success!!

I hope Lincoln has fun at his soccer game too!!!

Have a nice evening.

Hugs and love.....connie d


on 4/18/14 5:53 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Connie and all my OFF Sistas!

We made our little trip just fine Connie.  No problems. 

I've been as busy as a cat in a sandbox this morning!  Been up, shopping, making baskets, dyeing eggs, you name it.  We are keeping the boys today since both Chris and Mike have to work, the stupid day care is CLOSED for Good Friday, and the babysitter went out of town for Easter.  So it's a rather busy day here at the Poe household.

Looking forward to Carrie coming down tomorrow afternoon, and then I'll have all my chicks together for Easter Sunday!  That always makes me a happy, happy Mama!

I am feeling pretty good these days.  No more deep fatigue.  My incision is healing nicely.  I'm down ANOTHER pound to 172!  Whoo hoo!  I hope this means that my long ordeal is almost over with. 

I read all the posts while I was gone, but I'm snatching the minutes just to post this right now, so I won't try to respond to everyone.  Wishing you all a Blessed Easter!

Love you all!


Connie D.
on 4/18/14 7:43 am

Hi Vickie....I am glad to know you handled the trip just fine!!

You must be having a busy is a lot to get done! I am sure the boys will love it all!!

I am glad Carrie will be coming tomorrow! I know how much you like all your family together!

It is great that you are feeling so well!! Good for you on the extra weight loss too!! You are definitely heading in the right direction as far as healing and weight are concerned!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the Easter Day!!

Love ya and oodles of hugs....connie d



on 4/18/14 7:04 am

Good Afternoon OFF family, 

I hope you all going to have a wonderful Easter.  It was always such a special holiday at my house. My mom used to build a huge Easter nest in the middle of our kitchen table and filled it with decorated Easter eggs, chocolate eggs, pees, and other Easter candy. Each of us also got our own special treat. My sisters got chocolate Easter bunny (normally. Huge one they had to share) . I was allergic to chocolate so i always got a huge pecan caramel nugget egg. 

I have been to the gym and it went well. 

Claire and i are going to a buffet on Easter.  When i called for the reservation i got their agreement that i would only be charge the children's price. Hopefully they will honored it.

I spoke to my uncle yesterday and he is doing great!!! Thank you for your prayers.  

I want to wish you and your families a very blessed Passover and Easter.  




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