Happy Thursday, Everyone!
Hi. Hope your day is a good one.
As for me -- well, somehow I've bunged up my mid-back. I feel that if I move wrong, it's going to spasm. Called the doc's office and everyone there is booked up until May. They suggested I go to the walk-in clinic. Guess I'll do that. The pain isn't excruciating but it's there and I want to catch whatever is wrong BEFORE I get to the spasm stage. (Been there, done that.)
MIL is still hanging in there. The last few times we've visited, it's been hard to wake her up and then it wasn't clear that she knew who we were or that we were even there for that matter. She's forgetting how to swallow so her food is now pureed. The whole thing breaks my heart.
It's raining which means the air will be fresh and clean. Nothing like the air after a cleansing rain.
We're getting haircuts today. Our hairdresser lost her brother and hasn't been back to work and she doesn't know when she will be back so we're going to a new one. Hope it works out. Hubby is very particular about his haircut. We shall see. Have to do something as we're both looking rather scraggily.
Take care and here's to a good day.
Cindy P.
Hi Cindy and my OFF family to come:
We are back in spring mode here ... sunny and 63. Never know what it's going to be like. I'm back to work today. Slept fairly well except for the two phone calls early in the morning (should've turned the volume down).
Hope your back will be OK. I saw my back guy yesterday and he did x-rays of my neck ... yes, I have arthritis there, too. He scheduled an MRI to see exactly what is going on. He thinks I have a bulging disc there, too. So he also scheduled a shot in my neck. I've had tingling in my hand. At least he didn't talk about surgery. I'm very satisfied with this guy ... he listens to my complaints and doesn't pooh-pooh them.
I need a haircut, too, so maybe next week when I'm off. We'll see how much money I have left after I pay bills (almost done on that task).
Well, that's all with me. Have a good day.
Good morning Cindy and everyone.....
So sorry about your back pain/spasms. I hope you can be seen today.
I hope you can find a hairdresser you and your hubby like as well as the last one. That can be very frustrating.
Your MIL sure is a fighter!! My mom had to go on a feeding tube. That was so painful to watch. She just choked on everything. I hope your MIL does well on the pureed foods. I continue to keep you all in my prayers.
I have those spasms every single day, in all different parts of my body. I can take a muscle relaxer but then I am zapped out for the day. Sometimes I only take a half but then that doesn't help enough.
As for me....we got a ton of snow. It was drifted up to my car windows and completely under the whole car. It took three guys, about an hour to finally get me out of my parking space. Thank goodness for the wonderful people around here. They finally finished plowing the lot about 11:00 AM. What a mess!! I am so glad I cancelled my doctor appointment. I had a feeling I wouldn't make it there by 10:00 AM.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!!
Prayers for our beautiful OFF family. Some special prayers going up as well.
Love and many hugs to all...connie d
Greetings Cindy, and OFF Family,
Well, I'm still waiting for the lab results for my urinalysis. I hope the doc can help with this, because that pain is annoying. It went away when I was on the super strong oral antibiotic. Now, it's back.
Anyway, I played with Frankie a little this morning. I'll go over again tomorrow, to hang out with him, while Colleen takes Lincoln to his speech therapy.
Well, the Phillies finally beat the Braves this afternoon. But, they lost the first two. Now, they're heading to Colorado, so the game's will start later now.
I have to scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

OMG trying to post earlier and this is the 4th time I am here trying!!!! Lets see if this time it works!!!
Work has a phone and fax today...no PC!!!!!!!! Had help from office...they even had FRONTIER on the phone tying to help us out...still no getting back online!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR my boss was yelling at me that I needed to get this on MY PC so SHE could get her work done...HELLO!!!!!!!!!!???????? I do NOT have a WORKING PC RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! Then I get a call to see if my PC was online yet...had to go back to my office to check and would call Bob right back...called him back and while waiting for him to pick up my boss gets on the phone again and yells at me that I NEEDED TO CALL AND LET THEM KNOW IF I HAD MY PC WORKING YET!!!!!! I told her I was calling Bob back now...Oh...hang on...OMG!!!!!!!! Not MY fault they didn't pay the bill on time!!!!! GEZZZZZZ Anyhow we tried again to get the PC to work...nothing!!!!!!!!!! Finally at 630pm FRONTIER called me back and said he found the ISSUES!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have my PC back online again!!!!!! So tomorrow I can get caught back up and I bet I won't get to leave at noon like the rest!!!!!!
My head hurts.....wonder why......getting yelled at for things not m fault does not make me a happy woman at all!!!!
Sitting here listening to EMERSON DRIVE...LOUD!!!!!! Hope the neighbors like them...LOL
Time to get ready to go lock up for the night. Darn...LOL
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Judy...I am so sorry your boss is treating you so badly. She owes you a huge apology!!! How dare she tell you to put their information on your own personal computer. I wouldn't if I could!! They sure do expect a lot from you.
You might want to think about looking for a new job. If they can't pay their bills how soon will it be before they can't pay their employees. Just a thought.
I hope you managed to get some sleep last night.
You are always in my prayers.
Love to you and lots of hugs too....connie d
Connie...NO NO NO not MY PC my pc at WORK....it wa down and she wanted me to put my work on it and I couldn't because it was DOWN....they have one woman in the office that is a scatter brain and WHY they keep her is beyond me!!!!! I told her today that the paint delivery guy called me lost yesterday...he couldn't find 1204 6th ave...HELLO.............that is my APT NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!! our address is 331!!!!!!!!!!! She then goes off on how stupid the driver was as it said 331 and the apt number...ummm NO it DIDN'T!!!!!! I was looking at the slip...it said 1204 6th ave!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! She said we also have a refrigerator delivery today...I told her it better not be going to 1204 6th ave!!!! SIGHS.......