Good morning and Happy Wednesday!!
Good Afternoon Connie and Gals,
I am just catching up here. I had to go into Lansing to get rechecked for the UTI I had a couple weeks ago. Should prove interesting, since I still have the original pain I had when I first saw him. He ordered x-rays and lab work then. The urinalysis showed a bad UTI, and the antibiotic he had me on was the strongest he could give me, without installing a PIC line.
Well, I was feeling ambitious earlier, but I've developed a headache right about my right eye. I'm hoping it goes away fast.
I have to be at my church later, to help with the children't program sign-in. Then, I'll come home and watch the Phillies game. Last night's game was rained out.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello Trish....I am praying the UTI goes away soon....that must be so painful. Sorry you developed a headache too.
I think you need a week off to just take care of you....just to stay at home and stay in bed and rest!! You do so much for need some you time!
Enjoy the game...hope they don't get rained out again!
Love and hugs to you....connie d
You'll get to eat chili in the post surgery phase, but not right away.There is eating after wls, and usually good amazing satisfying stuff, just not carbs and sugar, although chili is carbs in a good way... Keep realizing it is not the end of real life, just the start of a really healthier one!
Good Luck, Jennifer
Hello Lisa....this weather is crazy....Mother Nature needs to get on some meds....she is all messed up!!!!
Sorry about your sinus issues. I hope you feel much better soon!
Enjoy your support group tonight!! Chili is good for us...I practically lived on that and refried beans with cheese.
Love and hugs....connie d