Blustery Monday
Hi Vickie and my OFF family:
Well, I've been feeling miserable the past three days. I've had a headache since Saturday that comes and goes. It feels like someone is sticking a giant needle into my knees. On the upside, my back is OK. But I was in so much pain last night I couldn't concentrate. My coworker who is usually such a jerk was actually nice to me as I yelped in pain so much. He said, "Are you going to be OK?" several times. Amazing! If we weren't so shorthanded, I'd call in sick.
I am looking into seeing a rheumatologist. I called one in town, but I have to be referred by my PCP (although insurance doesn't require it). So I called my PCP, but the office was closed for lunch. I've considered going on disability, but I still have to have money to pay my bills (which I don't right now). I feel so overworked right now. Maybe after two days off I'll feel better. But I know this week will be a killer, with me doing two sports sections all week. I haven't slept well the past three days. I feel like ****
Vickie, the pie would sound good without the banana ... I'm with Connie, I don't like banana in anything.
Connie, glad you have a cleaning fairy. I need one, because I'm a slob. And cleaning hurts. Everything hurts. I'm lucky if I can do laundry. Oh god, there goes that creature with the needle in my knee again.
Well, I should get in the shower. Got up way too early this morning ... I hope I can get a nap in before work.
Eileen...I hurt for you. I so wish you could go on disability.
If you file bankruptcy you won't have any bills right?? You go to the county for housing. You will get help until your disability is granted. Then go from there. If you can't pay your rent the county can find you a place to live. I know that once you are evicted you go to the top of the housing list. Not a fun way to go but it can work. At least it does in Minnesota.
I think we had this conversation before....I can't remember why you couldn't do this. So sorry!!!
I am just so concerned about you. Your pain is awful and getting worse!
Much love and many hugs....connie d
Connie, thanks. I can't file bankruptcy again because I've done it twice in seven years. The main bill I have is my car payment. Actually, I've been good and paying my bills on time. I am still behind on my car but not to the point of being repossessed. I need to have money to live on while filing for disability. That's my main issue.
Anyway, got to get back to work. Someone called in sick today so we are even more shorthanded. Good thing I didn't call in sick, although I thought about it. Like my dad, I'm steady and reliable.
Greetings Vickie and Gals,
I'm around, just not on laptop a lot. I spent Sunday morning at church, and then the afternoon, watching the Phillies sweep Miami.
I still have tons of cleaning and organizing my house to do. I just finished my taxes this afternoon. Now, I'm fighting another sinus infection. Doc called in an antibiotic.
Must scoot. Housework awaits nobody.
Albert Schweitzer

Evening OFF family...I am so busy it stinks!!!!!!!! So much to do and not enough time to do it!!! Mad as hell that Welfare will NOT let me make an appointment to come in and talk to someone...I have to go in and SIT and take a chance on being seen just like anyone else off the streets!!!!!!!! Like I have time to sit on my ass and wait!!!!!! Then IF I can be sen I will be asked a few questions then sent home with an APPOINTMENT to come back again!!!!!!!!!! WTF???????????????? My head is killing me!!!!!!!! Every once in awhile I have these pains in each eye that really hurt and not sure IF its because of the caterats or not. I have SIX RECERTS to get done and one tenant that better call me soon or else!!!!!!!!! I am not going to call her to remind her again!!!!! She has a month and a half left for me to get hers done period!!!!!!!! If its not done then her rent goes sky high!!!!!!!! Do I care???? Not anymore!!!!!!! I used to...but I give up trying.
Took Bandit to the vet today. Almost $300.00. WOW!!!!!!! But I get $50.00 rebate on some of the meds so that isn't bad. Would have been stupid not to take the deal today because I would be getting the flea stuff anyhow so might as well get it now and save $50!! Got his heartworm meds and flea meds. His shots up to date and all that he needed done. Got to keep my boy healthy!!! And he is!!!
Tomorrow is the Easter Dinner for the tenants. Calling for SNOW!!!!!!!!! Yes SNOW!!!!!!!!! WTH?????? Why does Mother Nature hate me so much????? Seems like every time I plan something she has to ruin it for me!!!!! Last year every BBQ rain and cold!!!!!! Now this year...SNOW for our Easter dinner!!!!!!! WHY???? Good thing I can't eat a lot because right about now I would be doing just that!!!!!!!!! EATING!!!!!!!!!! STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had LOTS of wind over the weekend and today also...had some rain today also. No storms like they said we would have. And now SNOW tomorrow...GRRRRRRRRRR
Well that is about it for me........YIPPEEE
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!!!
Judy.....sorry things are going so rough for you. I have said it before...I couldn't do that job. I would be going insane!! They just expect too much! I hope your Easter dinner goes well.
Dealing with the County/State is no fun. Look how long it took me to get a place to live. I put up with that for a couple years or more! You had to keep filling out paperwork over and over again. They needed the same proof over and over again. I think they hope we will give up and they won't have to do their jobs!
The weather is just crazy this year. I just looked outside. The sun is still shining but it is snowing!! It is so warm the snow melts as soon as it hits the ground!! Fine by me. Hope I don't wake up to anything worse!
I am already for is almost 8 PM. I will read and pray I sleep the whole night!! NO MORE NIGHTMARES too!!
Lots of love and hugs....connie d
Just checking in and back reading all the post I missed.
Glad your surgery went well Vickie! I was thinking about you even though I was awol. I was approved for inner thigh skin removal surgery by the insurance (which was a total surprise for me.) Now the surgeon is dragging due to the complication I had last time with the vW.
Snowing here now