Happy Tuesday, it's my weekend!
Hi my OFF family:
I got up way too early this morning, at 8 a.m., tried to go back to sleep and finally gave up and got out of bed. Busy night at work last night with the NCAA championship. It was important to us because Kentucky was in it (and one of the papers I work on is in Henderson, Ky., just across the border). So we had to do a lot of big photos and extra coverage. Didn't make deadline, but the game got over at 10:45 or so and then I was working to get the story in both papers, plus photos, plus sidebars, etc. Glad basketball season is over. Now we can concentrate on baseball (well, there's the women's championship game tonight, which I really want to see and can actually watch without working at the same time).
Right now I'm just relaxing with my coffee but I need to get out today and get to the store for a few things ... ant traps and spray ... got an infestation in the kitchen that I'm trying to control. I put out ant traps and it works for a few days, then they come back with a vengeance. Probably will take my friend Richard out too because I know he needs to get out once a week.
Otherwise, not much planned. Just resting up from the week. Have a good day.
HI Eileen and OFF family yet to come in...
Eileen doesn't your complex have a extermination company that comes in to spray every month?? If so GET ON THEM!!!! You shouldn't have to put up with spending YOUR money!!!
Well our tenant is not doing so well...her brain has swelling and the dr said maybe a week or two to live...prayers for her and the rest of us...thankyou so much!! She is such a sweetheart and we are all going to miss her a lot!!! Why can't it be the wicked ones to go????
Weather here was a bit nasty last night!! WOW!!! BUT...we did NOT flood!!!!!!!!!!
Need to eat my lunch and get over to the other club house and do some inventory on what we need for the Easter dinner...heart just isn't in it right now....just sad!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Good Afternoon Eileen and Judy,
I saw Connie's post first, and posted there, but I wanted to let you know that I'm back. A lot of work to do last week. Then, with baseball season, I've been watching the Phillies online.
Albert Schweitzer

Eileen....LOL.....I totally missed your post. I am going through some major mental health issues right now. I am surprised I could even post. I may be MIA for a while. I am hanging on by a thread.
At least I made a great birthday for Kyleigh. She was so happy!! I still don't know how I could pretend everything was okay for five hours but I did it!!
Hope you all understand. Know how much I love you all.
Good night and God Bless.
Much love and bunches of hugs to you all...connie d