
on 3/20/14 3:28 pm, edited 3/20/14 3:36 pm - Davison, MI

Hi Vickie I didn't realize you have been talking about Von Willibrand's Disease.  I was diagnosed with it 30 years ago.  I have never heard of people developing it when they were older though.  I was part of a three generation study and they said they are finding that women that have gone thru menopause no longer test positive for it due to it being linked to hormones.  I will be asking my hematologist about this at the next visit as they are always finding out new things.  After I found out I had it they tested and my Mom, three sisters, two out of three daughters and the grand daughter have it.

I don't have to take any meds except when I have surgery so I am really looking forward to picking your brain to hear what you learn.  Also here the local lab takes my blood for testing.  They have to handle freeze and wrap it in foil to send to there lab.  I know people didn't know much about it 15/20 years ago but every one I talk to any more know about it here.

What kind of infusion did they do?  What surgery are you having?  I was testing normal since menopause so I was OK'ed for my neck lift.  Than I had a bleed and was in the hospital two days later.  They day after I got out of the hospital and went back to the hematologist and once again tested normal.  The hematologist was left scratching his head.  Since menopause I have stopped bruising for no reason and having bloody noses in low humidity and was sure I wouldn't have any more troubles.  With the new testing showing I'm OK I hope the problem with the surgery won't repeat with the next PS if I get it.  Otherwise I will be stuck with my skin.

Good luck with the test and hope all goes well.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 3/20/14 11:06 am

Yes, let's make life easy for the letter carriers! of course snark was intended.   I am optimistic too that your test went smoothly and you will be back on track for surgery soon.

on 3/20/14 3:27 pm, edited 3/20/14 3:28 pm - Davison, MI

I had a good day today!  I had dinner with Bill, Two of my three daughters, on of the three son in laws and three of the four grandkids for my B-day.

Than I got a call from the daughter in TN and the grand daughter that was home sick.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 3/20/14 10:37 am, edited 3/20/14 10:37 am - Canada

Hi All....

Had my last radiation session today. At the conclusion you are invited to ring a bell in the hospital corridor to mark the end of your treatment, and whatever staff available comes to clap and everyone wishes you much success, so its like a graduation ceremony! Then really  Celebrated with a friend afterward at a noisy "in" restaurant, sort of fusion Mexican-Thai. Had a real made from scratch margarita and a glass of red wine with interesting small plates, feel totally full and boozed, but in a good   way. Tomorrow I sleep in, and do not have to go to what I call my "hospital job" anymore. It' s been a long haul to get here, my adventure started last June!

Glad I had WLS as it gave me energy to get through this, and have been able to hop on and off gurneys and examination tables on my own. I fit into MRI no problemo. When I asked for extra large hospital gowns for my tests, was flattered when the nurse or assistant said "really? You dont look it" (and of course the extra large gowns were always too big...will we ever really see ourselves as normal sized?).

Our first day of Spring, and of course we have wet snow and mixed precip, no sun,  but for me today is a milestone and don't care about the lousy weather.  

Tomorrow is definitely going to be a better day in so many ways! Hope it will be for you too!



Judy G.
on 3/20/14 10:56 am - Galion, OH

Jennifer.... doing the HAPPY dance for you!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! Now...hope this is ALL GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Get some rest and enjoy yourself tomorrow!!!!!!!!


on 3/20/14 11:01 am - Canada

Thanks Judy, yes I too was doing the happy dance at the end of the session today! Still have to see doctors, oncologists and radiologist over next month but at least I have my life back! 

Hugs to you too....


on 3/20/14 11:08 am


That is great news.    And it sounds like you had a wonderful lunch with your friend and get to sleep in tomorrow.   Let me just say that I am like you, so ready for spring.    Let's hope that the snow will cease.  

on 3/20/14 11:18 am, edited 3/20/14 11:20 am - Canada

Hi Switch, actually my session was 5.30 pm on a dismal blustery day, so it was early dinner to celebrate, which is why I am feeling tired but oh so good at the end of this's over for now.  Still have 16% chance of recurrence, but that also means 84% chance of it never coming back....looking forward to 5 years nothing happening to be declared free of breast cancer!

As to the weather, well, I totally understand Singing in the Rain, or Dancing in the Snow...I'm enjoying Spring already even if only in my head!

Cheers, Jennifer....

on 3/20/14 1:48 pm

Jennifer and all my OFF friends.  Such a great reason to celebrate. 

Had a crazy day and nearly lost total track of time. Will do better tomorrow.  Good night all. VBulletin

Eileen Briesch
on 3/21/14 5:01 am - Evansville, IN

Congrats!  Let me have a beer in your name.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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