
Friday . . .

Cindy P.
on 3/13/14 10:35 pm

Good Morning.  Good news and bad news for me today.  Yesterday, MIL had a dr. appt.  Caregiver and I went with her.  I asked the dr. to order Hospice which he agreed was a good idea.  He said that if someone called him this morning to say that she had passed during the night he wouldn't be surprised.  He also said she could last another 3-4 months but he doesn't think she will.  I told him that hubby and I want her to be kept as comfortable as possible.  He said that morphine is often used for people with final stage congestive heart failure and he thinks Hospice will employ that approach.  All I care about is that she doesn't suffer like she is.  Hubby is on a hunting trip.  I decided to tell him the dr. agreed to Hospice and wait until he returns to tell him the rest.  I figure there is nothing he can do about it being away from home and there is no sense in ruining his trip with this news.  Well, it's not unexpected at this point but having the dr. state her prognosis the way he did brings it home that she will be gone soon. 

I had a hard time falling asleep last night for thinking about her. 

What are you doing today?  I have a repairman coming this morning and this afternoon I'll run some errands.  Nothing too stressful. 


Cindy P.

on 3/13/14 11:06 pm - Cibolo, TX

Oh, Cindy, hugs and love and prayers coming to you. I remember those last few days before Daddy died. We wanted to keep him with us, but we also wanted his pain and suffering to be over. It was so difficult. We prayed and prayed for God to just take him home.  It is truly an act of courage to help a loved one make the transition from life to death (and then to everlasting life beyond).  God bless you and comfort you and your husband during this time. 


Cindy P.
on 3/13/14 11:46 pm

Thanks, Vickie for the support.  This will be a sad period for our family.  MIL is the last of our parents to be alive.  I know hubby is in for a bumpy road.  He has lots of unresolved issues from his childhood and there is such finality in death.  He will never get the "I'm sorry for your childhood" from his last remaining parent.  I think we all hope for those words and once someone is gone then the hope is gone as well.  I've been through the same thing so I can support him through it.


Cindy P.


on 3/13/14 11:34 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

Feel like I've been up half a day already.  Woke up at 4:45 with a slight headache--the kind I used to just take an Advil for, but can't take the damn Advil anymore.  So I lay there and dozed and tossed and turned until 6:30, when I said the hell with it and just got up.

Good thing I did because Chris needed lots of help with the boys this morning.  Mike left for work at 6 a.m., so she was on her own with the boys.  I fed Budder his cereal and pears and got him changed (pee-you!) and dressed for the day.  Then I got Benny dressed and pottied and teeth brushed and hair combed.  I swear, I don't know how that girl is going to make it in a house of her own without me or her daddy to help out.  She's in for a rude awakening.

We had a change of plans yesterday and we didn't make it to the rent house at all.  Instead we got an early appointment to take Butch's truck to the shop (been waiting all week), and so we had to hang around here until it was finished.  Stopped at the little nursery and you know what happened then!   I have a flower addiction!

So I made up three new hanging baskets of impatiens and potted up some petunias in a couple of my big pots on the front deck.  I have some more plants for the pots in the back yard to do today.  Bought some verbena and shasta daisys--I've never tried those before.  I want some more of that angelonia I tried last year, too.  It did real well.  And there was a really pretty plant I had called Cassandra-something or other.  I want another one of those.

Okay, so I made a decision about my health care.  I called Butch's company in Houston and talked to HR and got the details on continuing our coverage with COBRA.  It's expensive, but not as expensive as changing to Obamacare would be for me at this point.  I can continue my health coverage at my current status (deductible all paid) and level of coverage with no changes, which is exactly what I need at this point.  This way, I can have this next surgery (hopefully soon, please, Lord!) and the insurance will pay 90%.  My monthly retirement benefit will pay about 2/3's of the monthly premium, so it will cost us a little bit, but it's a temporary solution at best.  Still have to decide on a permanent course of action a little later down the road, but for now the issue is settled.

Did I tell y'all about the new little wedding band I ordered from EBAY?  I'm not going to wear my good diamond wedding bands to Belize.  So I've been looking for an inexpensive gold band to wear down there instead.  Found a really nice looking little gold band with three tiny diamond chips for $62 on EBAY.  Sold.  Can't beat the price and if something happens to it, oh well . . .  There are no words to describe the heartache I would feel if something happened to my real wedding band!  I've worn that ring for 33 years and I still love it.  Plus my anniversary band which I've had for 10 years now.  I just couldn't stand it if I lost them in some way.  I always take them off right now anyway, if I go tubing or boating.  The cold water makes my fingers shrink up and the rings are already loose since I lost weight. 

One of my friends said she could never wear a used wedding band, but it doesn't bother me.  I have no problem with recycled jewelry.  It's just a temporary ring anyway. 

Don't know what's on the agenda for sure today, but we'll probably go to do some work at the rent house.  It's not going to be one of those pretty sunny days again today.  Warm, but cloudy.  I like the sunshine! 

Hope our sweet Connie is having a good time on her trip.  She posted last night on FB that the temps were in the 60s.  She was happy with that!  Praying for our sistas and/or their family members who are facing health challenges right now.  Jennifer, we haven't heard from you in awhile!  Please check in; we love and care about you!  Maui Karen, what is happening with you?  Judy, hang on to your sanity, hon!  Mary, your surgery will be here before you know it!  Twinkles, so glad you have joined us!  Debbie A, what are you quilting today?  Jo, it's been awhile since you checked in, too.  Trish, how goes the docent training?

I know there are others, but that's as much as my poor brain can remember right now.

Love you all!


on 3/14/14 8:43 am

Vicki, so sorry to hear about your headache.  Have you ever tried acupressure. The is a decent web site that shows where to press for various conditions.  Yingyanghouse.com.

The area i use is L1 between thumb and index finger. It works really well for me and a lot of people i have used it on and taught to do it, really like it. Thought ot might help, if not this time, next. 


Been a long day so i am taking an hour just to veg out...more later. 

on 3/14/14 12:19 am - Bradenton, FL

Good Morning!

Well I did it again!I got another new tablet for traveling! This time a Nexis from Verizon. They were running a special for 49.00 if u signed up for a plan. So we added another device to our menagerie!!!!! Now I do t have to use my phone as a hot spot on my iPad!

It seems this keyboard is better!

Not much going in here! I need to go take my car for an oil change! 


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Debbie A.
on 3/14/14 12:57 am - Discovery Bay, CA
RNY on 08/15/12

Morning all!

Cindy, prayers for you and your family at this time. Death is such a struggle, it's not easy is it. 

Vickie, I'm quilting a block of the month called quaint and charming it's really pretty, I'm doing 2 blocks a month for 6 months. Will post pics when done. I think the ring on Amazon is a great idea. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my my wedding set either.

I'm going to Carmel on Tuesday for 5 days to see my girlfriend. Just want to get away from it all and have a mini vacation. Her husband is gone all week on business so will have a girls weeks. Yay!!! Plus I have her car and need to get it back to her. She still has drop foot but it starting to get some feeling and movement out of it. 

Well have a lot of laundry and errands to do today, Connie I hope your having a great time.

Big Hugs, Debbie


      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!!"

"No one said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it"

Cindy P.
on 3/14/14 8:20 am

Thank you, Debbie, for your prayers for all of us.  I really appreciate them (and you).


Cindy P.

Judy G.
on 3/14/14 2:07 am - Galion, OH

Cindy you and your hubby are in my thoughts and prayers at this time...it is hard I am sure.

Not much going on here jus****ching this ice and snow melt once again. Suppose to hit about 50 today I guess and then over the weekend back down into the mid 20's again. Sighs.....so tired of this cold weather!!!

Well that is about it for me Bandit needs to go potty walking right now because he would not poop this morning when I had him out...grrrrr.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Cindy P.
on 3/14/14 8:21 am

Judy, thank you for the good thoughts and prayers.  We could use them for sure.


Cindy P.

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