Spring Cleaning
As you all know, I do the "systems'Cleanse" every few months. I do it because I believe it keeps my pouch on tract. I have tried several different types of cleanses from an all liquid to an all raw and everything in between but the one that works for me is the one that I sort of designed using a little from all and taking a few weeks to move from my normal diet down to an all liquid diet through a series of steps and as I move back from the all liquid diet, I do so in the same series of backward steps. Well, we have been having really nice weather here with the sun out and the temps getting up to the 50s, so I started doing a little spring house cleaning and added some spring systems' cleaning. I always snack on raw vegetables because it is way too easy for me to get addicted to chips, so I take celery, cucumbers, bell peppers, and carrots for snacks and I also take a few berries--not many in a container and I eat those between meals or if I start feeling weak. I also eat pretty healthy meat wise since my husband has to watch his food because of his high cholesterol so I eat a lot of fish...tons of fish. So moving backwards, I finally went from eating meat and moved toward cooked plant protein and that was going well and the cleansing had commenced. Then, I upped the roughage by throwing in some baked cabbage, steamed turnips and soybeans, and then today, I woke up with the flattest stomach that I have had in years but that flat tummy was rolling and still is rolling and let me just say without divulging too much information, I am not staying on the plant protein and steamed roughage vegetables too much longer but am now moving to clear soups. It usually takes me at least a week of transitioning but not so much this time. Today, I am doing soups and will probably stay on clear vegetable broth and chicken broth for a while. If all goes well, I can begin moving back to my regular food in a few days and may be eating fish in two weeks. When I do this cleanse, I always lose about eight pounds and I also always feel like a million dollars. We live near a really cool walking trail and today I am making DH walk a mile with me and then I will drop him off at home and I am going to run a couple of miles. By the end of May, my goal is to be back down to 120. I know...I shouldn't do this because I can so easy get out of control, but my daughter and I have this wonderful opportunity to have a local artist paint us and we have to sit for the painting and we have decided on these really southern style dresses and they are a little fitting at the waist and I just want to be skinny when we have this painting done. My granddaughter will be brought in for the last day of sketching. We wanted to add the boys but they said heck no. Just take a picture. So, I am letting my good sense cloud my vanity. I thought I would either blog the journey as I lose these 24 pounds or I may just post here once a week. Either way, if you want to cheer me on, please do or if you want to join me and report once a week where you are at, we could keep on posting here as our spring cleaning event.
Sounds like something I should try. Good luck. I'm going to write this down, and buy the groceries needed this week. That includes the fixings for the chicken broth. I hate anything but my own.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello Jeannie...as always great to hear from you!!
You do so wonderful with your eating and doing your cleanse. I am so proud of you!! I am sure the picture will be beautiful!!
I really do need to do this. Maybe I will try it after I get back from Oregon. I need to do something. I am so bloated and have gained more weight then I ever wanted too. I feel just yuck!!! I just l know I don't want to get as low as the 118 I was. I want to keep it between 125-130. That is a good weight for me!
Have a great evening....I am going to sleep soon.
Much love and many hugs....connie d