Monday Morning
Good Morning OFF Family,
I have no appointments today. I am going to spend the day with the heating pad, working on my Bible study, and crocheting.
I also need to get my laptop hooked up to my wireless printer. I have some bookkeeping to do. Please pray I'm able to get this done. I'm having a hard time getting my laptop to cooperate. I keep asking Sean to help me do it remotely. He has that capability to do it, but he keeps telling me I can do it.
Must scoot.
Hugs and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish....two posts this morning. You two must have been posting at the same time.
I hope you do have a day off with no appointments. I pray you can stay home all day. It sounds like you have a relaxing day ahead! I hope the heating pad helps with your pain.
Good luck with getting your laptop hooked up and running well. I think your son could help you with it just because you asked him too.
Have a great day!!
Love and many hugs....connie d
Debbie glad you finished the quilt.....sad that you forgot to take a picture. Maybe someone there can post a pic of it for you on you Facebook.
I have had a busy morning. I had a couple errands to run. I went to the bank and realized I left my check at home. I was doing to deposit some and keep some for cash. I will have to go again later. Now I know why I got lots done beforehand!!! I just finished a couple loads of laundry too.
My pain is better today then yesterday. The last three days have been awful!! Thanks for wishing me a better day.
Love and many hugs...connie d
Connie - Lucky you, packing for a trip! Wish I could pack up and go somewhere else for a while. No computer at home? Very smart in some ways. I often think of added expenses we have "now-a-days" -- internet fees (basic connection and monthly fees for netflix, etc.), cable tv fees, cell phones, etc., etc., etc. My "bundle" fee is $200/month and I only have a basic tracfone for emergencies. Right now I can afford it, but when I reach 65 my long-term disability check stops and I'll just have Social Security, so I will definitely need to do some cutting back then!
Trish, enjoy your time with the heating pad and relax. I don't have a printer for my computer, and I wish I did. But I'm very frustrated with the computer anyway. I bought this notebook a few months ago and it has Google Chrome, which I thought would be a good thing. However, I keep getting "Resolving Host" messages and half the time I can't get access. I've tried googling for the solution - but the computer jargon is beyond my comprehension - and Google has no "live chat" or customer service numbers. Very.Frustrating.
Debbie - too bad you didn't take a picture of the quilt. My grandmother learned to crochet when she was in a nursing home recovering from an injury - she new one pattern, and she taught me. She always had her crochet hook and yarn wherever she went. And everyone getting married, or having a baby would get a quilt. They were beautiful and made wonderful presents.
Maryann - Hopefully you'll have a beautiful garden soon. After this miserable winter, I'm sure you'll enjoy the flowers.
Hope you all have a great day Ladies!!
Mary....sorry you have such a high cost for bundling. I pay half that and I have internet, phone, and cable TV. I have extended basic and not all prime time shows, like HBO and Showtime.
My the granddaughter and her boyfriend both have laptops. Tyler has wireless internet on his so when he comes home from work Amanda can use it. They work and are always so busy they decided to same money and cut the internet. Once Amanda starts school she will get internet again. They are very thrifty with handling their money. They have a good savings account going for them.
I can't wait to be on the plane and quit worrying about all I have left to do!!! All the little things take so much time! At least I finished my laundry.
Love and hugs to you....connie d
Hello sistas!
Bringing up the rear tonight. Had a very long frustrating day trying to deal with my health insurance. I already posted a rant on FB about it, so I won't repeat it here out of respect for our "rules of the board". Suffice it to say, I STILL don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm fast running out of time to do it.
I made a good dinner tonight. We had fajitas with all the fixin's and spanish rice. Butch said he would do the clean up since I cooked it. Gotta love that man!
I am much depressed over the state of the hole in my belly today. It is so big again! Damn that wound care doctor. He undid about a month's worth of healing last week. It was so small it was almost closed and now it's wide open again. I sure hope the plastic surgeon can do something with it. I go to see her tomorrow.
Listen, I hear what you all are saying about Christie and painting the rent house, but honestly, it's just not worth the battle (to me anyway) to oppose her on it. I suspect she will be living there for years and years. (I don't see how she and Mike will ever be in a position to save up a 20% down payment on a place of their own; and if she and Mike break up, Chris and the boys will have to live there forever.) As far as I'm concerned, as long as she pays her rent, she can paint it however she wants. She's the one who has to live there, not me.
(But gag-a-maggot! An orange living room??? Bleh!)
I am feeling a bit sad and blue and definitely frustrated this evening. Retirement has its ups and downs. We had such excellent health insurance for years. It's hard to accept that I am now caught in the swirling vortex of Obamacare. I think moving to Belize is looking better and better for me.
Well, it's getting close to my bedtime. I'm ready for jammies and some Candy Crush. Boy, am I getting addicted to that silly little game!
Love you all!
I totally understand why you wouldn't want to get into an argument with Christie about the paint colors. I do hope and pray that she'll someday be willing to see a doctor, and get help with therapy and meds.
Love ya,
Albert Schweitzer

Hello Vickie...I am so sorry you are having such a struggle finding insurance. I talk to so many others that are having such a hard time too. I will keep praying that you get that settled soon.
You are so right about Christie's house colors. She will be living there not you. It all will look different when she hangs thing on the walls and gets the furniture in place. I didn't see your Facebook post as I haven't had time to be on there much lately.
I am sad that you are feeling sad, blue and frustrated. I hope you feel better today!! You know how much I care!!
Lots of love and oodles of hugs....connie d