Ok It Is Saturday
Good morning Carla and Maryann and all my sistas!
Carla, $85 is a really good deal! I had lasiks several years ago, but only got to 20/40 vision, so I still wear glasses when I need/want to (like driving). Fortunately, a pair lasts me for years and years now. I only change them when they start to look dated.
Maryann, congratulations on the new grandbaby! How wonderful!
We've had some busy days lately. Yesterday Chem Dry came and cleaned the carpets at the new house. May I just say how GREAT they are! SOOOO much better than Stanley Steamer! Carpeting looks brand new.
Butch and I found a little diner in Schertz that is wonderful. I just don't handle fast foods well at all, you know? But sometimes you need to eat lunch out and fast food is so easy to find. But at this little diner I had the small fruit plate with cottage cheese and a cup of the soup and it was just the perfect size meal for me!
Butch and I were supposed to have the evening to ourselves, so we drove up to the Outlet Mall in San Marcos to look for a deal on a weding band. Ha! What deal? $600 for a 10K gold band??? No, no, no. I'm going to look on Ebay.
Anyway, while we were there, the kids called and Mike had a flat tire. Now, girls, I am trying to be accepting of Mike. He's going to be part of our family and it's important that we all get along and hopefully love each other. But geez! The man is 32 years old and he's never changed a flat tire? Butch and I had to drive all the way back to New Braunfels and Butch had to teach him how to change a flat. I can change a damn flat tire and have done so several times over the years. Sigh. Trying . . .
Very happy because Carrie is coming for a visit today! We'll spend this afternoon/evening working at the new house. Chris wants to start painting and the furniture delivery is this evening, too. Butch is bringing the lawn mower and I guess we'll have to teach Mike how to mow the grass. LOL--sort of!
Well, breakfast is ready so I'd better go eat it while it's hot. Love you all!
Vickie....you are one up on me...I never changed a flat. That is what the men in my life are for...or my road service....which ever can get there first...LOL!! I am such a girly girl! I refuse to get my hands dirty!! I know...LOL...I can see you rolling your eyes now!! I hope Mike learns a few things from Butch!!
I am so happy Carrie will be there. She always brightens your day!!
The carpets must look as good as new. I know they are a good service as we used them when we had our homes.
Have a wonderful family day together!!
Love and lots of hugs....connie d
I made my husband teach me how to change a tire. Then, when my daughter got her license, I taught her. I think hubby taught the boys. Right after I taught Colleen, I had a flat at church. I had her change it, and the men at church kept coming to rescue her. I stopped them, and said, she needed to do this, because they wouldn't be there when she's out at night.
Now that I have AAA, I let them do it. But, I can, if push came to shove.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Carla and everyone.....
Carla.....so glad you got a new pair of glasses and have good insurance to pay for them as well. You will have to post a pic!! Enjoy your coffee!!!
As for me...Kyleigh ended up spending the night. I had a really horrible Fibro flare up all day yesterday. My muscles were having spasms all over my body. I ached like I had the flu. The fatigue was so bad that as soon as we had dinner, I had to go to bed. I was planning on taking Kyleigh grocery shopping after dinner. She took my car and did her shopping and took her groceries home. She then came back an decided she wanted to stay here and be with me in case I needed her. She is so good to me. I will miss her when I am gone. But, I need to spend time with her sister, Amanda too. I have been missing Amanda so much!! I have the best grandchildren, they all care so much about me!! I am blessed!!
I am not planning much for today. I need to take it easy today.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!! God Bless!
Prayers for many of our OFF family.
Love and hugs to all...connie d
Good afternoon ladies!
Carla - good for you on your new glasses. I've been planning on getting an exam and know I'll need glasses. Have to call on Monday because I just lost the left lense of my glasses the other day!
Got a call from the Sleep Apnea doctor. Something wrong with my results--apparently the machine only recorded 2-1/2 hours, instead of the whole night. I know I didn't do anything wrong - I sleep in a recliner and don't toss about, so none of the tubes disconnected. Maybe the bateries died. She's going to follow up with the test center, but looks like I might have to repeat the test. GGGGRRRRRRR. This is the only thing that's holding things up.
Congratulations on the new grandson Maryann! Love those grandkids!!!
Vickie - you are one busy lady!! What will you do with yourself when/if you move?? Mike sounds like my SO in some respects - used to tell me he could fix anything -- haven't seen evidence of that though.
Connie - so sorry you're in so much pain - hope things get better for you soon. Pain is so debilitating! {{Hugs}}
Hope everyone else is doing well. Prayers and hugs to all.
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
I got new glasses recently too with my health insurance. Can't remember what I paid but it was much cheaper than in the past. Paid for anti-reflexive coating and progressive bifocals and everything. It was a good deal ... we didn't have vision insurance last year. Just a $200 reimbursement. This was better.
It's 56 degrees today ... so nice. Supposed to get up to 60 by next week. All of our snow (all 4 inches) from earlier this week will be melted.
Vickie, I know how to change a tire, but I doubt if I could do it. Besides, on my car, there's not a spare, just a can of reinflate to get to the nearest dealer to get the tire fixed (with a small car, there's no place to put the spare). I was shown how to use it when I bought the car.
One of my mom's neighborhood friends died Thursday, and mom is saying she's not going to the wake. She doesn't want to leave the house ... she says she would be uncomfortable sitting there for a long time and is afraid of falling. It's not like my brother would make her walk by herself ... he would take the caretaker with and hold onto her. She just won't leave the house ... she's made herself a prisoner in the house since she fell two years ago. Gary is so upset with her. I told my brother Ed about that, and he's going to have a talk with her. He didn't know about it.
Well, got to get ready for work. Back is kinda touchy, but need to get moving. Maybe the shower will loosen it up. Have a good day.
I am sorry to hear how much pain and exhaustion you are having.
I was wondering how old is your mother ? Has she fallen before? My mother was homebound for years. Shecused ac. walker and moved around the house but rarely went out.
I have an absolute terror of falling. I have always been awkward and fell a lot as a kid and broke a lot of bones. I also had four falls before my knee replacement surgery in April last year. The one just prior to my knee surgery resulted an ankle fracture on the same leg that delayed surgery for 8 months while it healed. I ws already using a wheel chair to het round after i had dislocated and fractured my right ankle. I had gotten up to walking one mile a day, but after that fall i was in a wheelchair 90% of the time for a year. I was so afraid of falling i could barely go out. I am still using a walker and using the exercises i learned in physical therapy. I am working toward using a cane then walking on my own. Iam just 60 years old. So i guess my point is, be patient with your mother for she probably feels so demoralized. And be patient with your brother. It might be helpful for him to work with your mother and a physical therapist so he can learn how to help her build her strength and stability.
I always worry when i share my thoughts like this, not knowing all the facts, that i may offend people. I hope what i have shared will be of help to you and your family.