Evening Maryann and OFF family...
What did I see out my window today? Sun and snow melting!! YES!!!!!!!!!! Saw HOPE finally that we might be getting somewhere with the new kid we hired!!! He is showing us he wants to learn and also asked about how he can also become a manager!!! So YES there is HOPE!!!!!!
Sat and talked to a few tenants today. One guy here has some birds. He asked if I wanted a couple ****atiels. I told him I would TRADE him my two parakeets for them. He said fine. He would rather have them instead. OK. Soon as it gets a tad warmer we will make the trade. :-) These parakeets shed so many feathers it is unreal!!! And Bandit eats them and then he gets the "runs" and that is not fun!!! I find the ****atiels are not as messy!!!
Making some macaroni and tuna fish for tomorrow's lunch at Bingo. Seeing as how it is Lent seems appropriate. Plus it is EASY to make!!!! LOL
Not much else happening just tired. Maryann...not finding any cowboys...LOL only one and I told Connie to tell you to leave him alone...he is tired out and he is hiding from you!!! LOL
Well it is time for me to go lock up for the night. Then finish making the macaroni and tuna fish then off to bed to RELAX!!!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Sorry I'm late. I had an exhaustingly long day.
I watched Frankie from 7:30 till after lunch. Then, while I was about to post, Colleen called me, hysterical, saying she needed me, because Frankie fell off the basement steps, and wasn't acting normal. I never moved so fast. I threw my boots on, no socks, and left with just my coat on, no gloves. Thank God, Colleen lives only a minute from me. When I got to her house, she was talking to the doctor's office. They told her to take him to the ER for a CT scan. I took Lincoln to pick up Izzy, and brought them here. Colleen left at 2:30 and didn't get home till 7:30.
He's okay, but has a bruise on his left cheek.
I'm going to bed.
Albert Schweitzer