Wacky Wednesday

Eileen Briesch
on 3/5/14 7:28 am - Evansville, IN

When I get headaches around my eye or in my sinuses, sometimes I put Vicks on my checks (where the sinuses are) or on my forehead. It works even better if you do it right after getting out of the shower. Most of the time, just an icepack on the back of my neck will help my headaches. Good luck with searching for treatment.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 3/5/14 12:28 pm

Eileen....so sorry for all your pain. What pain meds are you on?? I hope your meds are giving you the relief you need.

I was on Vicodin and asked to be taken off. I wasn't abusing it but just didn't want to be on a narcotic anymore. I am now on Gabapentin. I take 600 mg three times a day. It is amazing. I have very little pain. I am not groggy. So far no side effects. I have been on it about 3 months now. I hated the Vicodin because it knocked me out. I was so tired all the time and couldn't function like I wanted too. 

I couldn't hardly use my hands because of the pain. The pain clinic was the answer to so many prayers. The injections and procedures I went through were painful but so worth it. I hardly have any back, neck, knee, shoulder or hand pain. I know it will only last 9 months to a year but that is better then the pain I was in daily! I know you have tried lots of this too. I wi**** would have helped you like it has helped me. I know your knees are bone on bone...I am so sorry!

So glad you like your new chair....and that Juliette likes hers too!! Sorry about your vacuum. That was God's way of slowing you down!

Hope you get a better night's sleep tonight. I am praying for you!

Love you...more hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 3/6/14 6:13 am - Evansville, IN

I am on a whole host of things: Vicodin, flexeril, gabapentin, topamax. My pain guy tries a lot of stuff. I have had two knee replacements; the left one has worked better than the right (I am my father's daughter; he didn't have good luck with his hip replacements, either. I really think he had fibro, too). I cut back on the gabapentin because I was becoming forgetful, especially on words. I was taking 900 ... 300 in the morning, 600 at night. Then I went to 900 at night. It helped me sleep, but I couldn't remember things. My pain doc suggested upping my topamax to 150, 50 in the morning, 100 at night. The cymbalta helped, but it's still $592 for 3 months (it went generic, but it's still $535 ... not much of a difference). So until I meet my deductible and it's free, I have to use something else. And it doesn't work as well. And I'm just so tired all the time. 

Knees are no longer bone on bone ... they're all metal. Still hurt, though, especially the right. Back causes the most problems. Now I have foot problems, neck problems, shoulder problems, hands, etc. If I knew a way to fund myself until I got disability, I would do it. 

Did sleep better last night. Bought some stuff for dry mouth (it's a spray ... it did seem to help). Still am sleepy today at work. But I'm here.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 3/6/14 10:36 am

Eileen...I hate that you are working in such pain. I can't even imagine working like that.  I give you a lot of credit for hanging in there like you do!! You are one determined lady!! I wish you could find a way to make it until you could get disability. I worry about you!

I am so glad I have been on disability since 1992. I did a little work from home but can't even do that anymore. I have a very limited income. I don't spend much on anything but needed items. I have no debt so that is why I can do this. I knew I was headed for disability so I paid off anything I did have. It wasn't all that much. I have always paid mostly cash anyway. I hate living on a fixed income. I do love no longer working those long hours. I no longer had a choice I had to do it!

I also take Flexeril but not as frequently as I once was. I too have some trouble with some forgetfulness from the gabapentin. I have also gained weight and am more bloated then I was. I know these are side effects of that medication.I will be talking to my doctor about this after I get back from Oregon.

So glad you had a better night sleep last night. I hope your night goes smoothly and you have a good night sleep tonight! I am happy to hear the spray is helping you too. My sister uses something like that.

Love you dear friend...HUGS....connie d

on 3/5/14 9:56 am


I am a newbie to OFF. I has already been a blessing to me. I have no children so i get to be a terrific great auntie to three very unique and energetic boys ages 10, 8, and 4 (just turned 4 and is very proud of it.) They had been living at n upstairs apartment in my mother's home before she passef and i moved away. I just visited them about a month ago after being away for about 8 months. It was so fun seeing them. I am also expecting an other great nephew (from another niece) late this month. Her first. I will be great to have a new baby is coo and cuddle. 

I know how hard it is to find volunteers. My sister, grandmother to the three boys, is responsible for all the Christian Ed program (except high school ) for her church. She does all the training for the volunteers.  So i do understand. 

Well, i am going to get going. I had my own wacky Wednesday. 



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