Sunday Blessings

Patricia R.
on 3/1/14 9:16 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF Family,

We got about 4 inches of the white stuff, again.  We have about 2-3 feet accumulated where it hasn't been shoveled, or plowed.  More where it's piled to clear the driveway.

I have to get showered and off to church.  Then, I have to shovel, do laundry, and make some sense of my bedroom.  

I'm feeling better with the sinuses, but the new spot of arthritis is killing me.  Not looking forward to shoveling.

I read the posts, and then go flaky and forget what everyone said.  I'm praying for everyone.  



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 3/1/14 9:45 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Trish and OFF family yet to come in!

Well I went to BINGO last night to have some fun in my life for awhile and I won 2 games!! Total of $71.00!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One game I had are you ready for this? NINE different numbers for chances to win and they did NOT call any of those numbers!!! Someone else won!!! LOL Unreal!!!! But I had fun!!! Had ONE drink that is all!!! I know when to say stop when I am out in public!!! LOL

Got home and Rick and Michael were playing golf on the Wii and all I could smell was chicken cooking in the oven...yummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!! Michael went home and then we ate our supper. OMG was it ever good!!! Rick can cook a mean bird!!!! WOW!!!

Anyhow Rick made one more call to Jerry and told him had til Sunday to get those keys back to us because come Monday morning he would call corporate and let them handle it if he didn't return them to us. He also told him on his voice mail that he would be charged for new locks for the door and also the mailbox and also extra keys for this apartment!!! So far no call or keys from him. And to think I was going to talk to my boss about this couple becoming MANAGERS at another complex???????????? OMG!!!!!!!!! So glad I never mentioned it to her!!!!!!!!!!!! One good thing is he has another paycheck coming and that we can hold over him to get the keys back.

Weather here is NASTY!!!!!!!!!! Snowing like crazy and we are under a level one snow emergency so far. Rick said we have about 6 inches out there already. It has a LONG way to go yet!! Great!!! NOT!!!!!!!

So that is about all from me today...I hope!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


on 3/1/14 10:40 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Trish and Judy and all my sweet sistas!

I just love our daily chats, don't y'all?

My day started early since both Chris and Mike had to be to work at 8 a.m. this morning.  That means they had to leave around 7 a.m.  That means I had to be UP!  LOL!

I hope this is the last Sunday they have to work for awhile.  Hobby Lobby is supposed to be closed on Sundays. 

Yesterday afternoon was so lovely and warm and sunny.  I worked on my front deck all afternoon.  I got all my pots out there planted again.  I planted snaps and pansies and flowering cabbages and begonias.  I'm not going to be able to do too much with my flower pots this year, since we'll be gone all of May, which is the prime planting month for our summer flowers.  By the time we get back in June, it will almost be too hot to set little bedding plants out, but I'll try.  My spring flowers will be pretty for March and April, and I'm sure they all will die while we're gone in May, but that can't be helped.

(OMG.  Butch just brought the baby to me (who is fussing right now) and said, "he acts hungry".  I said, "So, give him a bottle"!!!  Why do men have to be told every little thing???)

Anyway, it's supposed to turn cold again by this evening.  We're already at our high for the day of 69 degrees, but it will be in the 30s again by tonight.  Damn winter.  Go away!  I'll have to move my ferns in again tonight, but at least my little flowers should be okay.  Pansies and snaps don't freeze easily.

This morning I absolutely must sit down with Quicken and pay my bills.  It's already the 2nd.  I needed to do it yesterday, but it was just too pretty to stay cooped up inside all day.

Hope everyone is doing well today and has a blessed Sunday.  Love you all!




on 3/2/14 4:03 am

I swear, Vickie, we married clones.   My husband came into the kitchen and said, the kids are getting loud.  I said, can you tell them to quiet down?  Then a while later, he came into the kitchen and said, the kids are really coughing.  I said, here, give them their cough medicine.   He said, how much? I said, right there, see, it says.   Now he is watching a movie and looks over and says, do you think the kids should take a nap?   Geeze.   He likes consulting but will not make an executive decision.   Men!

Connie D.
on 3/2/14 1:36 am, edited 3/2/14 1:37 am

Good morning Trish and everyone....

Trish...the snow hasn't gotten to us yet. Maybe tomorrow. I don't care if it ever gets here!! The snow banks are so high I can't even see the cars on the road anymore. Just the roofs of the cars. I am so sorry you need to do your own shoveling. Isn't there a group of some kind there in town that shovels people out that can't do it on there own. We have groups like that here. How about putting up a notice at church and asking for some volunteers. I worry about you doing that on your own. I am sure as much as you do to help with Sunday school and all that someone would help you. Just a thought! So glad your sinuses are feeling better. 

Judy...I am so happy you won at Bingo and had such a fun time. You deserve that after the week you have had!! If you owe that guy a check you will for sure get your keys back. You have leverage over him! Good Luck!!

Vickie....I am glad you got to spend the day on the porch. That sounds so wonderful!! I am sure your flowers and ferns are beautiful!! I pray all goes well with the boys today. Some days can be rougher then others. They really are sweet little boys!!

As for me...not very motivated today. My Nook and old movies may be all I do. I need to walk of course.

I am about out of toothpaste. I will need to pick some up today or tomorrow. When Kyleigh moved into her new apartment she couldn't find her toothpaste so I gave her an extra tube. I keep forgetting to buy some more. I always have at least a couple extra tubes on hand. Always extra toothbrushes too!!

I sure have been missing my mom extra much this week. I have tears all the time. I think it is because the anniversary of her death is coming up and also her birthday. My heart is just so heavy. She was such a wonderful, loving and caring mother. I can't think of one bad thing to say about her ever. 

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!

Prayers for many of our amazing OFF family. I have been thinking a lot about Annette and Nan. I sure do miss them.

Much love and many hugs to all.....connie d


Eileen Briesch
on 3/2/14 1:43 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish, Judy and Vickie, and the rest of my OFF family:

We are having freezing rain, rain and then followed by snow today, so we have early deadlines ... 10:30 last night, 9:30 tonight. I need to get in the shower and get outside to scrape off my car. I'm so tired it's not funny. Although we have had a easy enough winter compared to what's happened up north, it's still not fun when we have these early deadline nights. It throws my body's schedule off. Last night I got in at 1:30 p.m. and worked til 10:30 ... got up this morning at 8:30 a.m. and I'm ready for a nap already. Hope the shower will revive me. Coffee hasn't helped me at all.

Honest, I read just about every day, but just haven't had time to post. I'm glad to see Jennifer posting ... hang in there, my friend. Wish I could do something to help you. Mom had problems with radiation burning too. 

Judy, you sure have your hands full with the crazies there. I sure couldn't handle that ... I have enough problems with the one jerk I work with. 

Vickie, your trip sounds like so much fun. I don't know if I could move out of the country, but it sounds like quite an adventure. If I was going with someone, maybe I could. I've done enough roaming ... I'd like to settle somewhere that I have some friends now. 

My body isn't happy at all with me with this weather. I'm in severe pain and looking forward to my two days off. All I want to do is crawl back under the covers and go to sleep. I hurt so much and I'm so tired. But I got to get to work so I guess I'll get in the shower soon so I can go scrape off my car. Hope the streets aren't too bad. 

Take care, friends.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 3/2/14 4:00 am sorry for your pain. I can relate. This weather has to stop. I am tired of being in pain. 

That freezing rain is scary to drive in. Please be careful.  Sorry you need to scrape the ice off your car. In the condition you are in that will cause even more pain. I feel so bad for you! I think we should go live somewhere really warm!!

Sorry about the early deadline nights. That isn't helping you feel any better either! 

Love and hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 3/2/14 4:04 am - Evansville, IN

Actually, Connie, the ice wasn't as bad as predicted. It was an easily scraped off coating. Didn't take so long. And the streets were clear. The only icy part I saw came when I got to the parking lot at work ... there were a few slick spots on the sidewalk and in the parking lot when I got out of my car. Hopefully, we can get done early and be home before any more hits. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 3/2/14 6:44 am, edited 3/2/14 6:46 am - Davison, MI

Sounds like all of us Northerners are tiered of this cold and snow.  I'm lucky though as my DH is out there with his tractor pushing the most of it.

Love all the talk about how dense normally intelligent men can be at home dealing with children.

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