Good evening Judy and all. You sure are in the middle of a Patton Place.
Vickie no matter how warm it is there, it isn't spring yet. That isn't until March 20th, which also happens to be my B-day. Almost every year we have a major storm within a week either of my B-day. It sure would be great if that didn't happen this year but not holding my breath.
Connie I too will take 40 degrees. I would probably put on my suit and lay out to tan. Thinking about coming for the cookies.
Jennifer, March sure did some in like a lion. Hopefully you are right and will go out like a lamb. I hope you are on track with the radiation.
Trish I hate when I lose track of where I am and get that oh no feeling where am I.
Hope all have a great night.
I'm grateful I had my Garmin, since I had no clue where I was.
I don't think I could have moved here without it. The maps need updating, and that means either paying online to update it, or buying a new Garmin. The cost is about the same for both.
Albert Schweitzer