Monday Morning
Good Morning OFF Family,
Well, I am thrilled it is Monday. I have one appointment, to get blood drawn, and then I'm going to get a few groceries. I have to get the bedroom finished, as well as my laundry.
Vickie, I've only been out of the country three times, well four. Forgot about Canada. My longest trip was two weeks in Spain, on the Mediterranean. I was doing missionary work one summer.
Connie, hope you are feeling well. Glad you had a good visit with Kyleigh and her boyfriend last week.
Eileen, I hope you are able to get some rest, and leisure time. There were a couple of years where I worked three jobs. Teaching, psychotherapy at night, and then group therapy every other weekend. I had no social life then.
Jennifer, I'm praying you get some relief from those burns.
Judy, glad you had a good time at Bingo. Hope that guy returns his keys.
I know I'm forgetting people. Please forgive me. I do read and pray.
God bless.
Hugs and Love,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and my beautiful sistas!
So, it's cold here again. Sigh. Sunny, but in the 20s this morning. WTHeck? Don't like having winter in spring.
Today we are going to do a walk-through of the new house with the realtor, and if all is well, we are closing tomorrow. I have got to get some work scheduled there before the kids can move in. (Not that there's a big rush on that; they are both working extra hours this week and have no time to do any packing or painting or anything like that.)
Yesterday it was a cold, wet dreary day, and I got adventurous in the kitchen. I looked up some recipes for traditional foods from Belize and tried a couple. Fry Jacks are a traditional bread they serve for breakfast. Well, those were easy. Just a basic biscuit dough, rolled thin, and fried in hot oil until they puff up. Sort of a cross between a beignet and a sopapilla. Really delicious drizzled with honey!
Then I tried Dukunu. The Belizeans actually use it like corn masa to make tamelitas (little tamales), but I didn't do all that. I just made the base and cooked it through in a skillet and served fried coconut shrimp on top of it. Oh, it was delicious! Sort of like shrimp and grits with a big kick! Connie asked for the recipe, and I will post it later on FB.
Budder is getting so big! He's eating fruits and veggies now. Last night he ate an entire jar of baby squash and half a jar of baby bananas. That child is one bottomless pit! He finishes an 8 oz bottle and cries when there's no more. He's enormous for a 5 1/2 month old, but he's not fat. He's just BIG.
We are trying to "prep" Benny for the move, but I don't know how well he's going to make the adjustment. He loves his Papaw. They are inseparable. Butch has been trying to back off a little and let Benny bond with Mike, but there's no doubt that Papaw is Benny's first choice over everyone, even Mommy sometimes!
Still no word on our car, but of course, they didn't work on it over the weekend. Hope we get it back this week.
Like Trish, I read all the posts everyday, but just don't seem to have the memory I used to. About the only way I can remember what to post about everyone is if I open two windows with OFF and go back and forth between the two! Oh, it's hell to get old, isn't it, sistas?
Anyway, you know I love you all! Hoping everyone has a good day!
Good morning Trish and everyone....
Trish....I hope you get your bedroom done...I know it has been bugging you!
Vickie....sorry for the drastic weather change. This years weather is just crazy!! Poor little Benny. He will be okay once he gets moved. He will get a chance to bond more with Mike then. Plus, he will still see his memaw and papaw and those time will be special! You haven't said anything about Carrie in a while. How is she doing?
As for me...still feeling blah with this sinus crap. I spent most of yesterday in bed resting. I think today may be the same. I need to get over this before I leave on my trip on the 12th. I am still thanking Secret Santa for the NOOK. I enjoy it so much! I love FBI Thrillers and things like that. I am catching up on many I missed!!
Wishing you all a great day!!
Prayers for many of our sweet OFF family.
Love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Connie, I love my Nook, too! I didn't think I would be able to give up "real" books, but it wasn't hard to do at all. I love being able to take it with me wherever I go, and I love being able to increase the font size! Have you put the B&N app on your phone? It's free and then you can pick up reading your latest Nook book on your phone if you need to. I love this modern technology!
Hope you feel better tomorrow, sweetie!
Vickie...yes I have the B&N app on my phone. I did it right away. I think Carla and you both suggested it. Thank you both so much!! I just love my NOOK. I will really enjoy it on the plane and while at my granddaughter's. I will have plenty of free time while they are at work and such. I am blessed!!
Love you....HUGS....connie d
Morning all,
Wet and cold for us here in the 60's, suppose to be in the 70's by mid week. Trying to get the baby quilt quilted, when I'm done i'll put up a picture. Went to a Family birthday party yesterday the baby turned 50, boy were getting old! Need to go get in the shower have a great day. Big hugs and prayers for all,
Evening OFF family...all I can say is GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR what a day today has been!!!!!! Another tenant died!!!!! WTH??????? Seems like we will be empty here if this keeps up!!! Plus another tenant fell...why can't these old ladies stay INSIDE when there is ice on the ground?????????? I saw her and her sister walking all over today and then later on she just happened to fall outside her apartment...said she had been out there SEVERAL times her knee really hurts so bad she could cry...did you go to ER and get it checked out? No. Call the squad and go!!!!! OK. Call me in the morning let me know what happened. OK. I swear.......I out it out in the NOT go out when the weather is nasty!!!!!!! Do they listen??????? NO. I give up!!!! Now I know why GOD invented alcohol!!!
New kid is working out very well!! Rick really likes him. He said this kid actually listens to what he tells him and when he tells him to do something he actually does it and does it good!!! WOW!!! Jerry and his wife came in today WITH the KEYS!!! Jerry said those keys and his cell phone were "lost" way down in his car seat...yeah whatever!!! Now get this...his new job he got...another maintenance job at an apartment complex!!! Now why would he take a job like he just left that he hated working outside and all the rest of it??????? hmmmmm just doesn't add up to me!!! But then his wife said she would call me when she could "talk" to me when he couldn't hear...she is furious with him for quitting this job!!!!!! You could see the smoke in her ears!!! LOL Oh well...he had a great job and screwed it up big time!!! I told him when he screw me over...that is it!!!!! Sorry kiddo...end of the line for you here!!!! New kid hired and doing good so far!!!! Actually liked cleaning snow yesterday...wore him out but it was a good feeling he said!!!
Well I am worn out tonight so off to bed I go!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!