Up early Thursday
Well, good morning OFF! I've been awake for a couple of hours now. Can't sleep. Too much on my mind. Plus Benny has been up a couple of times with bad dreams and even though I'm not the one going to get him, I wake up and listen until he's quiet again.
I don't know if I'm grinding my teeth or if it is sinus pressure, but my upper teeth and palate ache like crazy this morning. Wish I could take a couple of Advil.
I have a dental appointment this afternoon to have my teeth cleaned. This will probably be the last time I will get to have a free cleaning using our good dental insurance. I swear, I don't know what I'm going to do about my health insurance after March. And don't tell me to go check out Obamacare. That only works for low incomes. When you have a higher income, you have to pay through the nose for it.
Still trying to figure out what to do about a rental car for May in Belize. Did book our "jungle hut", although it's really not in the jungle at all. Ended up booking that little cabin on the 25 acre farm. We can explore the Cayo area from there. (Although it is probably a mistake on my part to let Butch see a real Belizean farm. He wants to garden and have chickens and raise a hog for our own bacon, etc. LOL!)
I think maybe I'll go take a hot shower. Maybe that will ease the pressure in my head. Check back with you all later.
Good Morning Vickie and OFF Family,
I woke up earlier, then Colleen called to tell me she wasn't going to Izzy's class to volunteer this morning, so I didn't have to go watch Frankie. I do have an appointment with my doctor at 11:30 because of my cough and pain in my back with I cough.
When it comes to dental programs, I do know how much they're supposed to change with the Affordable Care Act, because they've always been separate from regular medical care. Also, the law is supposed to make the insurance marketplace more competitive, meaning the prices of insurance are supposed to be more within reach for those who have to pay full price. Of course, this is based on the states permitting the law to take effect.
Well, I better scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Vickie and everyone.....
Vickie...nice to see you post earlier in the day! I know you have been crazy busy lately. I am glad you finally got the cabin booked. Things are falling into place.Now for the car rental UGH!!
Sorry Benny was having bad dreams. Poor little one. I pray tonight is a better night for him.
Don't you just love the feeling of clean teeth. I wait hours before I eat after the I see the dentist.
I hope the shower helped with the pressure in your head!!
As for me....I am staying in and keeping warm. Temp is -16 and feels like -29. The winds have died down now so that makes it somewhat better.
Tomorrow evening Kyleigh and her boyfriend, Dan are coming over for dinner. Their request is lasagna. I swear my grandchildren are addicted to that lasagna!! They also want cheesy garlic bread. I will keep some of the lasagna meat mix out in a small casserole for me. I cover it with cheese and bake it that way. Pasta still doesn't set well with me.
I am finishing up here and then going out for my walk. I am up to doing it twice a day now. I just feel so much better!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!! Vickie soak up some of that warm sunny weather for me!!
Prayers for our wonderful OFF family!
Much love and hugs always....connie d
Hi im here! Im inside doing laundry thinking about going to Barnes and Noble for a bit and then getting my hair cut! I cant wait till I get to Chicago! It looks shaggy now! But i did color it!
Carl and my coysin are outside yrimming the bushes and olaying with the boy toys! It is loud out there!
Bentley is hovering in my bed!
That is it for me!
Afternoon OFF family...been busy here but reading every chance I get!!!
Connie I am NOT snowed in YET!!! Big storm coning this weekend though!!! OMG we could see 10+ inches depending on who you listen to!!!! So NOT looking forward to that storm!!!! Today the winds are blowing and the snow is making whiteouts!!!!!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR it IS COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trying to refinance my car and waiting to hear back from the bank...should be any time now.
Vic heard today that Obama care is CODE RED not sure what that is all about didn't catch it all but its screwed up AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! Glad I am still waiting to try it!!!!!!!!! Haven't had time to get to see about Medicaid yet. Still no glasses in...should be any time now also.
Connie enjoy your grandkids!!!! Miss mine a lot!!
Trish I am looking for those papers I want to send to you...since I cleaned off my pc desk I can't find anything!!!! LOL
OK back to work...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi all! Checking in to see how all are doing. I got my neck lift done on the 11th than was back in ER on the 13th. I had a bleed and before I could get it thru the staff's head how bad it was, my DH had called 3 times as I couldn't talk well. Both eyes were closed and I couldn't see at all. He sent me straight to the ER were I was having trouble breathing as my throat was swelling shut. They whisked me right to the OR were they had a great ER doc to get the tube down while I was awake than the lights went out. They left the tube in 24 hours after the repair surgery until they were sure the swelling was done enough to allow me to breath on my own.
The swelling is starting to go down in my face and I can now see the incisions. I get the stitches out tomorrow as he left them in and extra week on me. GREAT news, no more turkey waddle under my chin.
So cold here but, at least the sun has been shinning the last couple, very cold days.
Good afternoon everyone!
Pineview - sounds like you've been through the wringer...hope you're feeling better soon.
Re healthcare - glad I'm here in MA. I've got Medicare and a supplemental policy which costs me $69 a month, and it's great coverage, including dental. My only complaint is the deductible for hospital admissions - $500 each, with a ceiling of $3,000 a year. But all my many doctor appts. and testing just have small co-pays. But when I do go for surgery, I will be able to talk to the hospital's financial office. They waived my $300 program fee for the Weight Center, so I'm thinking they may waive my $500 co-pay too. Because even though my income doesn't qualify me for Medicaid, it's still low enough for the hospital's guidelines.
Carla - I just recently got a haircut too - always feels good afterward, especially because it's usually a long time between haircuts for me.
Hope everyone has a great day. I've got myself bundled up. It's freezing outside, and my oil tank is low. Spring, please come!
See, the health care act is based on Massachusetts' law, but so many of the states refuse to cooperate so it's had trouble in those states. Kentucky, for instance, has its own website and it's doing fine there. So is Illinois. But in Indiana, where we have a Republican governor who didn't want a Medicaid expansion, everybody has to go through the healthcare.gov, and although it's working better now, there are still issues (although I have a friend in Michigan who got her insurance and is very happy with it ... she was unemployed at the time and I believe is underemployed now).
My former boss who soon will be without health insurance can qualify for the Medicaid because he is low income, unemployed and on unemployment. My brother, who is having issues at work and may be without a job, may be hitting Illinois' website if he gets laid off again. He says if he does, he's going to use unemployment until he hits 62, then apply for Social Security. He lives with my mom and takes care of her anyway. He's had so many problems finding a decent job; the last time out was 3 years.
Hi Vickie and my OFF family:
Waiting for stories and my pages to be designed. Knees are hurting a lot and I have the makings of a headache. I feel something is happening in the weather. Forecast says a storm on Sunday; that could mean rain, freezing rain, snow, or nothing. But I just feel crappy today. Took a painkiller and just feel sleepy. Has helped a little but not enough.
I hope my pension comes through in my bank account tomorrow so I can go pay on my recliner and get it delivered soon. It looks a lot like my old recliner except that it actually reclines.