Good Morning!
Hi to everyone. Hope you all slept well. What are you doing today? We have some errands to run this morning. Hubby has to ship a box to a friend so we'll take care of that and then pick up the mail and get coffee. I'm thinking of going to the valley to Costco tomorrow -- but, we'll see. That's a 125 mile roundtrip so we don't make it often.
Eileen, I hope you got your recliner and are able to rest comfortably in it and relax with your little Juliette. Vickie, did you get your car situation resolved for your trip to Belize? Hope your plans to update the new house have all gelled.
Well, my dog is being a pest so I'm going to settle him down now before he wakes hubby with his crying. Post away.
Cindy P.
Good Morning Cindy and OFF,
I like my weekends with the zoo training. I'm just hoping we don't go outside tomorrow. It's -3 degrees right now, with a wind chill way lower than that. For some bizarre reason, Izzy still has school today. Oy. Lincoln doesn't have preschool on Friday, so that's not an issue.
I saw my doctor yesterday. Back on antibiotics, steroids, a patch for my back, and a x-ray. I had the x-ray done, they got the results, but I have to wait for the nurse to call with them.
I still feel like crap, so I'm resting this morning. I'll try to make some sense of the mess in my room later.
Prayers and hugs,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Cindi we must be thinking along the same lines! Costco is calling my american express card! But it is a thirty mile druve round trip for me!! Im trying not to buy to much as we r going on a trip mid Msrch to Denver and Chicago.
It got down to below 40 last night. I had to put my heat on. 70 today and the rain went away!
I was supposed to go to Orloado today with my sister but I just didnt want to be couped up in her small car for two hours there and two hours back! Plus im going out tonight with my cousins so i had to be back by 430.
Well that is it for me!
Good morning Cindy and sistas!
It is warming back up here today. Going to be in the 80's all weekend! Hurray! My kind of winter weather. I have some pansies and things to get planted this morning. Then my usual trip to the wound care center this afternoon. Sigh. Will that damn hole ever heal???
For those of you following my Belize story, I did finally decide on a car rental company and have reserved a small SUV for our trip. My goodness, those things are expensive!!! But the whole point of us going is to explore the country. We can't do that without a car. And I am NOT riding the local buses. I read that they are used US school buses. Hell, I didn't ride well on a school bus when I was 13!!! I told Butch that renting a car was just part of the cost of doing business down there this trip. If we do move there, we'll either buy a vehicle there or move ours. (Big debate on which is the most cost effective among ex-pats.)
Oh, and here is our third cabin--not exactly in the jungle, but very close to that area: This is the only accomodation I have rented that does not have air conditioning, but we will only be there for 2 nights, so hopefully it won't be too bad with the fans.
I woke up this morning to the usual hullabaloo of Chris and company trying to get off to work and school, and all I could think of was waking up in Belize to the sound of parrots squawking and the ocean!
We still don't know what exactly is wrong with our car! The mechanic told us yesterday evening they had ordered a bunch of new parts (I can't remember the names and they don't mean anything to me anyway). It all has to do with making the back tires spin. Not sure when we will get our car back.
We are set to do a walk-thru of the new house on Sunday, and then if all is well, close on Monday. Hurray!!! I still expect it will be at least a couple of weeks before Chris and family can actually move out of here and into there, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
I have just completely let my house go at this point. There is just no point in trying to clean this place up with the chaos of moving Chris and all her stuff out of here on the horizon. I'm just "treading water" with the laundry and the dishes, so to spea****il they are gone. Then I can reorganize and deep clean like I want to--and keep it that way!
Trish, I sure hope you are feeling better soon. Connie, I hope your visit with the kiddos and the lasagna both turn out fine this weekend. I'm trying to remember what all else is going on, and I'm drawing a blank. Sorry sweet sistas!
Love you all!
Good morning Cindy and everyone.... is so nice to see you start the thread today. You have a busy morning planned. I have never been to a Costco. They are too far away.
Vickie....the little cabin is so cute. They sure keep it clean that is for sure. So glad you got the car rented too. So when are you leaving for this trip???
Trish...I am glad the doctor is taking such good care of you!! always have so many adventures to look forward too!!
As for me....I am going to take my shower and go for my walk. Then I am coming home to bake some chocolate chip cookies. Kyleigh and Dan just wanted ice cream for dessert tonight. I decided they might like some cookies too!
Wishing you all a great day!!
Prayers for many of our OFF family.
Much love and many hugs to all......connie d
Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite! Send some down here, okay?
We are flying out on May 2nd and returning on May 31st. We are supposed to have wifi in our little apartment, so hopefully I'll be able to post pictures and tales of our adventures there.
Now, I have to set aside my plans for Belize for awhile and concentrate on getting that new rent house ready for Chris and family to move. So much to be done there! I have too many projects going on at once right now. It will be better when I can start doing things the way I want to, and when I want to!
So glad you are going for your walk! Wish we could walk together here today. Highs in the 80s! Wouldn't we have fun???
I am soooooooooo MAD right now I could spit nails!!!!!!! Our new guy got his pay check and QUIT!!!!!! YES QUIT!!!!!!!! We have a MAJOR storm on the way and he QUITS!!!!!!!!!! WTH???? And he has a set of apartment keys yet!!!!!!!! We tried calling him and he will not answer his phone!!! I tried calling his wife but she is at work so can't call me...told her he quit and has those keys which we NEED NOW so we can paint that apartment!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! We called one guy in for interview but he only wanted 3 days a week...WTH?????? Nobody wants to work anymore???? My head is hurting big time!!!!!!!!
OK need to go post HELP WANTED SIGNS around town!!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Good evening Cindy and all! I got my stitches out today. The head and face sure are itchy so I must be healing.
Cindy 125 miles round trip to Costco sure is a long haul. I don’t know of any here but, we do have 2 Sam’s Clubs, both about 15 miles away so 30 round trip.
Patricia I hope your zoo training doesn’t take you outside either. Wind chills were -25 here today. This is getting old fast.
So Carla I’m not feeling too sorry about your 40 and turning on the heat. My DH has used more wood this year than the last 2.5 put together.
Vickie my daughter is getting back from Belize tomorrow. She does a two week thing. Last two years the built satellites and out houses. This year it is out houses and Women’s health. Last year I know they had to canoe into where they worked.
I spent a day there while I was on my two week cruise. I went zip lining and cave tubing and had a great time. The roads sure are poor and the garbage situation while getting better sure is horrible. I’m not sure I could live there with all the M16 armed soldiers running around. It sure is a lovely country outside of the city.
Connie, I want to come to your house for fresh baked CC cookies.
Judy you sure have had more than you fair share of crappy help.
Good night all.