Happy Tuesday....what's new with you??

Connie D.
on 2/25/14 2:50 am

Good afternoon everyone....

Guess everyone is busy ....I will start the thread.

I went out for my morning walk. A friend of mine and past client lives here. Jeff is coming over to put some bathroom shelving together for me. He is so helpful to everyone around here. He once was a carpenter and is a great handy man. He is always repairing something for someone. He is also the guy that goes out and clears snow off every ones cars. The only time he missed was this last storm. That was only because he was ill. He won't ever take anything for doing this kind of thing. He told me I kept him in a job and he was thanking me by helping me out. I will think of something to give him. I will bake him some cookies or something. 

Vickie....you are a sweetheart....if you do move you know I will come to visit and I may never leave. I would love to live in a place like that!! Housing is cheap...it may work for me...LOL!!!

Judy....are you shoveled out yet?? The storm never did hit us...YAY!! I feel sorry for you with that new tenant. Just what you need.... another crazy around there!!   Love you!!!

Trish...I know how busy you always are. I hope your day is going well.

Carla....our traveling gal!! What is up with you today? Such adventures you have!!

Jennifer...I am keeping those prayers coming.

Jeannie...I always love when you pop in and post a reply. You are missed!! 

Debbie...up to your ears in fabric??? Hope all is well with your daughter and son too. I know they were both hurting.

Eileen...You need to get back on and keep in touch more. I miss your posts!! Hope you are managing your pain! HUGS!!

Cindi and Cindy and many others ....where are you??? 

 Wishing you all a beautiful day!! 

Prayers for many of our wonderful OFF family!

Lots of love and many hugs to all....connie d



on 2/25/14 4:00 am - Bradenton, FL

Ill start over I lost what I wrote! Im home chillin! I had a sort of a stressful day yesterday! I took my older cousin to see her grandchildren in a neighboring town about 70 miles from here! This women drives me crazy! She was married to a Dr and she thinks she can run our lives and boss everyone around and tell us what to do!!!!!

She critized her grandchildren about their weight the first thing! I was so embarrased! She didnt ask me politely to go to the car to get the little girls presant she out right told me to do it! When i didnt go she said it a little louder! I said when u say it nicely I might go and get it! I just sat there and talked till she said it nicely! 

Im glad she isnt staying with me cause Id be sending her home fast!!!!!! She is staying with my sister at the condo she is renting. My cousin is supposed to be helping with exspenses and isnt. Wants to be waited on 24/7. Wont buy groceries. Wont buy gas when they go somewhere .  When we go somewhere either my sister or I end up paying the bill. I quit going with them. 

Get this she asked me to take her back to Michigan! I told her no! That we planned atrip p to Denver and I cant do a double back trip! Her response to me was you can go to Michigan first then Denver! I said hell no! Cause I know she wouldnt give me the money to go. She has stiffed me before! 

So u see I have a defunked family too! Oh and u would of thought she would of filled our car with gas! Nope that didnt happen! I would of done that and more!

 So that was my crazy day!



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Connie D.
on 2/25/14 8:59 am

Carla.....WOW what a witch!! 

You are nicer then me. Considering how she said she would share expenses and she didn't, I would never take her again. When you drop her off, tell her you hoped she enjoyed her free ride because this is the last one. Also "don't call me I will call you"! If you do take her tell her "money up front for food and gas" or no way!!

Why is she being allowed to talk to her grandchildren like that? No way would that happen!! Grandmother or not! I would kick her out. That is childish and child abuse! I would never have her back!! I am sure the kids dread her visits and all the rest of you to!!

Sorry but this is just wrong....she is just wrong. Just my opinion.

Yes...I have relatives like that. I never see them and never speak with them. I won't tolerate that kind of behavior.

Good Luck!!

Love and hugs you brave woman....connie d

Cindy P.
on 2/25/14 4:51 am

Hi, Connie & Carla and all to follow.   Hubby BBQ'd some ground beef and some steaks for later on and the week to come.  Haven't had home BBQ for many years.  We got a Weber which is hubby's favorite grill.  This was his first time using one in a long while.  I just had a hamburger and it was tasty even though I couldn't fini**** all.  The dog was begging big time.  He wanted some in the worst way. The weather was decent for BBQ'ing and so he went for it.

It was great to see Maui Karen here the other day although I'm sorry for the reason.  Hope she is restored to good heath soon.

 Some of the reason I don't like to post is that I can never remember what I thought of to say while I was reading other's posts.  CRS for sure.

Connie, Jeff sounds like a wonderful person -- helping others all the time.  Seeing someone like that sure is uplifting.

Oh, and I wanted to wish Vickie good luck with the decision as to where to live in the future.  I've never been to Belize but it sounds like paradise to me. 

Hope everyone has a good day.


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 2/25/14 9:03 am

Cindy....you don't have to reply to everyone. Just pop in so we know you are okay. You are missed!!

Glad you liked the BBQ!!!

Love and more hugs....connie d 

Eileen Briesch
on 2/25/14 8:41 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

I had a busy day. My former boss had taken his ex-girlfriend to the airport yesterday so she could go back to Florida, and he had to take the rental car back. So I had a few errands to run, then I picked him up from the rental car place. Then we had lunch and went shopping. It was good hanging with him again. I've missed having someone to talk to. He and his ex are really exes now, he said. They'll be friends. They were fighting too much, he said. 

I had gone to buy a recliner and I think I found one. Just waiting on the delivery, etc. I couldn't find the right color until now. I wanted a dark color because I live in my recliner and don't want a light color ... too easy to stain. I wanted a dark brown or something similar. I have to go back on Friday when my pension money comes in. 

We went to this Mexican restaurant that's supposed to be really good and it was ... very good. I was stuffed ... glad I went there before shopping or I would have bought out Walmart ...lol. So I didn't get a whole lot but there are just some things I can only get at Walmart lately ... like my molefoam padding for my toes.

Otherwise, not much else going on. Juliette was so happy to see me when I got home and she's sitting next to me now as I type. She's such a sweetie. 

Sorry I don't get on here much any more ... I read every day, just can't post as much as I would like. 

Have a good day.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 2/25/14 9:17 am

Eileen....so glad you posted today.

I am glad you can spend some time with your friend. I am sure it gets lonely at times. I am glad he is over his ex...I am surprised he even tried it again. She ditched and left him with nothing. 

 I hope you get the recliner you want and in the color you want. 

I love Mexican food!! I can't eat the rice or the flour tortillas or anything deep fried anymore. I still find good things on the menu!!!

You are right about WalMart. There are certain things I can only get there. I miss the good produce they used to have. Now it is nasty most of the time. Somethings are just much better deals there too.

 Juliette sure has come around. I remember when you first got her and she wouldn't let you cuddle her or anything. Now she seems to enjoy living with you....she loves you that is for sure!!

Have a good evening!!

Love and lots of hugs....connie d


Mary Gee
on 2/25/14 9:14 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Hi Everyone.

Went into the city to pick up my sleep apnea test kit.-- Have to do the test tonight and return the machine tomorrow early morning, so it can be used by someone else.  The hospital has a "class" every day - up to 10 people come in to get instructions on using the machine; you have to return it the next morning so it can be cleaned and prepared to be given out to the next day's class.  Sleep Apnea testing must be good business!  I'll have to set my alarm clock to be sure I get up early.  Can't remember the last time I used it.

Keeping my fingers crossed hoping I don't have it.  But, I'm pretty sure I do based on my symptoms.  They told us to follow up with our doctors in two weeks.  Why does everything take so long?

I jus****ched a few episodes of My 600 Pound Life.  Very interesting - some people are so committed; others either make excuses and let their loved ones enable them.  One woman's husband was totally against the surgery and gave her a hard time every chance he could - he met her and married her when she was very overweight and he didn't want her to lose weight.  She was not happy with him!  I guess arguments could be made for both sides as to whether or not it's easier to lose weight when you live alone and have total control.

Hope everyone is doing well.  I'll be turning in early tonight!


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 2/25/14 9:40 am

Mary....good luck with the sleep Apnea test. I was lucky... I have never had it....thank goodness! I can't stand anything on my face or head. When it is -40 below I still can't wear a hat!! I will be sending up special prayers for you that all goes well and you don't have it either!

That show is so sad. I just can'****ch it. It just breaks my heart.

I live alone and have for a  few years. I lived with a boyfriend or two since I was divorced but would never get married again!! Tony still leaves me love messages and songs on my phone. He stopped by last night. I do love him but I will not break my rule. I will live alone from now on!! 

Love and more hugs....connie d

on 2/25/14 10:23 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sistas!

Bringing up the rear again.  Another busy day for us.  I spent most of the morning making travel arrangements.  I have called Belize 4 times now on my cell phone.  I dread to see my phone bill this month! 

Thought I would share another couple of links with y'all.  This first one is the hotel we will be staying in when we go to the "island" of Ambergris Caye.  It's very pretty there and very expensive!  We will only stay 2 nights on the island, but we want to go and see what all the fuss is about.  I was lucky enough to find us a hotel room for less than $100 a night there!  Here's the link: http://www.cayecasa.com.  It just looks so lovely there!

Then we are going to spend 4 nights in Placencia in the southern part of Belize.  Again, it is SO pretty there.  This little hotel is nothing fancy, but it is right on the beach.  Again, I found us a room for less than $100 a night.  I just hope I can believe all the reviews on-line about these places!  Here's the link to the Seaspray Hotel:  http://www.seasprayhotel.com/ 

I still have to book our jungle hut!  LOL!  Actually, one of the cabins we are considering is on a little farm and the owner built three of these cabins, which was pretty smart, if you ask me.  But I still need to look at some of the other accomodations in San Ignacio.  Haven't quite made up my mind yet about where to stay for the 3-4 days we are there.

On the home front, we went today and picked out the floor tile for the new rent house.  We are meeting the roofer, the floor tile man, and the carpet man tomorrow.  I think we are still on track for closing next Monday, or possibly Tuesday.  But I hope it is Monday.  I have a lot of work to be scheduled for next week.  I already have Chem-Dry scheduled to come and clean the carpeting on Friday, Mar 7th.  I hope I can get the floor people in there in the early part of next week, too.  We are replacing the bathroom floors with new tile.  And the carpeting in the master bedroom needs to be re-stretched.  It has a big wrinkle in the middle of it.  Everything else can be done after the kids move in.  I plan to hang all new blinds throughout the house and then replace a few of the outdated light fixtures, too.  Baby steps, right?

Chris is all excited about painting, but I have to say, I'm not crazy about the colors she wants to use.  However, I'm staying out of it.  She's the one going to live there, and if the colors suit her, I'm going to keep my mouth shut.  After all, I expect they will live there a long, long time.  It will basically be her home and so it should be done in her colors. 

Today I wore shorts and sandals all day.  Tomorrow it will be cold and rainy again.  Bleh!  I'm ready for spring!

It's getting close to my bedtime, so I'll say goodnight!  Love you all!


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