Monday, Monday

on 2/23/14 10:13 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

You know, when I was working, I hated Mondays.  But now they're just another day of the week to me. 

So, last night Butch cooked our supper outside on the back porch.  He fried fish and french fries and jalapeno poppers.  All I had to do was set the table and make the cole slaw.  I love suppers like that!  Benny was eating the fish on the back porch as soon as it came up out of the fryer almost.   I can't eat very much fried food.  I have to be careful since it doesn't really agree with me, but I sure love fried catfish! 

It was in the 80s here yesterday.  I got seduced by the warm weather and bought some more plants at the store.  I lost most of my pansies I set out earlier, so I bought some more of those, plus some caladium bulbs, and some asparagus roots.  We've never tried asparagus before, but we'll see if we can raise an early crop before it gets too hot.

Last night Butch decided that if we're going on vacation to Belize, he wants to stay on the water.  Suits me!  It will cost a little more than the original house we planned to rent, but I'm all for it.  Cool ocean breezes and beautiful blue water right out the front door sounds wonderful to me!  The biggest problem I'm having so far is finding a reasonably priced vehicle to rent.  OMG.  The rental car prices in Belize are outrageous.  We really want to have our own vehicle there because the purpose of this trip is to explore the country and figure out if we want to live there or not, you know?  But the damn 4x4 costs more than the house does! 

I also bought a couple of Nook books on Belize and I will tell you all right now: I do NOT want to live in the jungle!  LOL!  I don't like spiders and snakes.  Butch keeps talking about a mini-plantation with all these tropical fruit trees, etc.  Fine.  But I'm not living in the jungle like Tarzan and Jane, no matter what.  That's what the local markets are for.  I would love to have a large lot (maybe an acre) and plant lots of our own fruit trees there, but I want to live in an ex-pat community.  Going to be interesting, huh?

I think we are going to fly down with only our carry-on luggage and minimal clothing.  The house we are renting has a W/D, which will help.  And I want to buy some local native clothing to wear while we are there. 

Well, enough day dreaming for one morning.  Never any shortage of chores to do around here.  (Oh for a month in Belize with no responsibilities at all!)  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 2/23/14 11:29 pm

Good morning Vickie and everyone.....

Vickie....I love to hear the excitement in your voice these days!! I am so glad you are FINALLY feeling more like yourself again! A month in Belize.....what a dream come true!! Make sure Butch stays out of the trees...No Tarzan and Jane...LOL! Seriously it sounds like a beautiful place to be. I know you will love it there. 

Your dinner last night sounded wonderful...yummy!! I can't handle any kind of fried food either. I would have to take the coating off for sure....but then that is not good. I am glad you enjoyed your least what you could eat. 

As for me....I am finally feeling more like myself too!! I actually have a little more energy and the pain is in control. I have been walking every day. That feels so good to be able to do that again.

I am waiting to hear from my granddaughter, Amanda as to when my flight will be. I can't wait to see her and Tyler!! I have been missing them so much. Especially my sweet little Amanda!

The temps are dropping again and more snow is coming later. It is -4 degrees with a wind chill of -22. I am staying in today! 

Wishing you all a great day!! 

Prayers for many of our OFF family. Special prayers as well.

Love and many hugs to all....connie d


on 2/24/14 12:26 am - Cibolo, TX

Connie, I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better and the pain is dropping off finally.  Now when are you going to see Amanda and Tyler?  You're going to fly?  Is that easier on you than driving, especially in the snow and ice?  If we move to the tropics, you will HAVE to come and visit!!!

Just a side note, when we fry catfish, we cut it up into small chunks and roll it in seasoned cornmeal.  So there's really not a "batter" to pick off, like with fish n chips.  I can eat about 2 small pieces.  Wish I could eat the whole thing!  Tee hee!


Patricia R.
on 2/24/14 12:09 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Vickie, and OFF Family,

Vickie, Belize sounds interesting, but I was never interested in living in another country for a long time.  When my ex was in the Army, I could have done Germany for a couple of years, but not on a permanent basis.  Good luck with your research.

I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with the kids yesterday.  On the way home, they had a conflict about the roses I bought them, but I ended that quickly.  

This morning, I was originally supposed to watch Frankie, so Colleen could meet with her superintendent and principal, to discuss the possibility of going back to her teaching job.  Trent decided to stay with him this morning.  Right after she had Izzy, she was able to teach half-time, as the Title I Reading Specialist, and when she was pregnant with Frankie, she only worked in the mornings.  After taking the first year off, they wanted her to go back to teaching full time, sixth grade.  She was able to get another year off, but she really does not want to go back to teaching in the public schools here.  Michigan is a Right to Work state, which means she has no seniority, even though she's been with her school probably the longest, also there is no more tenure, or job security.  If a principal decides they want to fire a teacher, they just have to do a bad write-up.  Plus, teacher evaluations are too heavily based on student achievement on the state assessments.  There are so many factors that go into student learning and achievement, and teacher effectiveness is just one of many of those factors.  Colleen much prefers teaching the college classes she's had the privilege of teaching.  With her Masters in Reading, she's enjoyed preparing future teachers to teach Reading effectively.

She loves volunteering in the kids' classes, doing a Reading group in Izzy's, and chaperoning their class trips, and helping with the holiday parties.  Plus, she helps with Izzy's Daisy Girl Scout troop.  And that doesn't even include teaching Sunday School, or serving on the Missions Committee at church.  

But, like when my kids were little, she doesn't want to have the kids babysat to work full time, or even half time.  When she worked half-time before Frankie was born, Tren****ched the kids in the morning, then, he went to work after she got home at lunch time.  Since, he's a self-employed contractor, he can pick his hours.  The main reason she works is to pay for their medical insurance.  When she worked full time, it was included in her job benefits, but she really doesn't want to go back full time.  

My concern for her is that she gets extremely stressed out when it comes time to make these decisions.  Ideally, she'd like to teach at the college level more, but the community college doesn't have more openings for her.  

Well, I've fretted enough about my daughter.  She is my worrier.  Chris and Sean don't share these stresses with me.  I think, Chris has an entirely different way of coping with the stress of his job.  His training in acting, and getting into the different characters, helps him work through stress.  Sean basically avoids stress, from his past drug history.  I asked him to get some information for me, back in the beginning of January.  It's caused him some anxiety, but he has avoided doing it.  Plus, he avoids my phone calls to see if he's done anything to get the information.  

Well, I've babbled on long enough.  Sorry ladies.  Nothing else going on here.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/24/14 12:22 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi Trish!

I never thought I would want to live in a foreign country either.  Butch has worked overseas almost all of our married life, and people have always asked me why I didn't go with him.  Never wanted to take my children there, you know?

But I have to admit, at this stage in our lives, the idea is more intriguing and I'm willing to go down there on VACATION and have a look around.  Not saying I'm going to agree to move there permanently.  However, I might like to spend 6 months there and 6 months here.  Lots of possibilities.  It's fun to dream . . . ! 


on 2/24/14 12:36 am - Bradenton, FL

HI IM on my crazy Galaxy! I hate it! I'm in the back seatnof my car. We r meeting upbwith our cousin for lunch. They live 70 miles away from our area. 

So I'm a riding in the country!

I was going to go picture taking today but it is overcast and hot.

hope wlll is well


image hosting site

on 2/24/14 6:16 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi again!  I've been making travel arrangements all day.  My mind is fuzzy at this point.  We changed our mind AGAIN about what we want to do in Belize.  But I like our latest plan the best.  We are back to renting the very inexpensive place ($400/month + utilities) for the entire month of May, and then we are going to make short trips to 3 other places in Belize to explore other areas of the country and spend 2-3 nights in each area.  So I've been calling and emailing and working out reservations and schedules all day long.  Still waiting on a couple of folks to get back with me. 

So far I have us booked into a boutique hotel in San Pedro (Ambergris Caye Island) for 2 nights.  Very Expensive Touristy place!  Doubt we would ever want to live there (too much of a party scene), but I want to go and see what it is about. 

Then I have an inquiry into a beachfront hotel in Placencia which is small, but has good reviews for cleanliness, etc.  It is NOT a resort.  Just a clean modest hotel, but we can walk right out onto the beach from our room.  They have exactly one room with A/C, so if I can't have that one, I'll have to look again.  But nice and cheap, so we can spend 4 nights there. 

And then I have rented us a little one room cabin in the interior (yes, where the JUNGLE is!) for 3 nights, so we can look that section of Belize over, too.  Butch is still interested in those damn banana/papaya/avocado trees!  LOL!  (Plus while we are there, we can go see the Mayan ruins.)

But mostly we will be at our 2 bd apartment in Consejo in the ex-pat community.  Here is the link if you want to see it:  I think it will be very nice for just the two of us and will make a good headquarters for us.  And my God, for $13/day, it is quite the bargain, don't cha think?

Oh, and I booked our airline tickets today too.  Thank God for all the Travel Miles my husband has accumulated over the years.  We can fly for free.

SO excited about this vacation!  I haven't been anywhere is so long.  I've been stuck in this house taking care of Benny (and Budder and Christie) for 2 long years now.  I'm ready for some adventure!

I'll post more links as I get things confirmed so y'all can see where we're going.



Judy G.
on 2/24/14 8:31 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family...well I got my new tenant signed in and all set for her to move in soon as her furniture gets here. Starting to arrive off and on today...yippeeee. Her phone gets hooked up tomorrow and her cable I guess later this week?? Found out her next door neighbor knows her and saw her today said hello to her and the war was on!!!! Guess she doesn't like the new womans what...HE doesn't live here and better NOT start ****!!!!!! She said she hopes this neighbor doesn't visit because she IS NOT GOING TO!!!!!! FINE!!!!!!!!! Then she says oh I wish I had an apartment facing EAST so I could sit in the morning SUN....first she wanted carpet she could move her wheelchair/walker easier I said this woman is going to be a pain in my neck!!!!!!!!!!

Vic this trip sounds like a lot of fun and BEAUTIFUL to boot!!!!!!!!!! Can I go with you?????? I REALLY need a vacation BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL   

Well its about time to bundle up again to talk a walk and lock up for the night...sure wi**** would warm up and STAY warm!!!!!!!!! So sick of this cold weather!!! Talking of that crappy white stuff again!!!  Hope March is ALOT better!!! Maybe I should say the rest of the YEAR is ALOT better!!! Gosh seems every time we turned around it was nasty weather!!!

OK got to go Gosh I am glad the icons work again for me!!!! Missed those little buggers!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!



on 2/24/14 8:39 am


I love Beliz.   I go about every other year to work in the public schools teaching the teachers how to increase literacies.   I also work with small business owners, helping them to write business plans, etc.    I am always in the south of Beliz in Dangriga.   It is beautiful but hot and humid.   Maybe you and I will be there at the same time and go get a cup of coffee.     Since I am going to Turkey in September, I am not going to go to Beliz this summer but I will certainly continue the Beliz work even after I move to the Middle East.   The people there are so nice.   You will love it.


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